
🔄 restart! — give your rejected characters another chance — thank you (closed).
author's notes
hello yall i am burnt the out and this is my official excuse note ;;
short hiatus
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hello yall! i am maggie, maggie is me, and i am the owner/writer/ceo of this lil shop here. i have continuously written two batches now whooooo!!!! congratulations let's pull the confetti!!!

warning: long-ish rant ahead (skip to bottom for tl;dr)

okay, but for real, i'm not used to writing other ppl's characters (part of the reason why i abandoned all my own applyfics) and yall will notice that i often take a very long time with each request. writing each character and portraying them as the creator wants is relatively hard for me since i at character creation (all my characters end up resembling me in some way).

so long story short i am burnt out. i've obviously been trying to write my own things at the same time, but i've been burnt out since last semester ended. i took a creative writing class and was forced to write even when i didn't want to, and i know that's how you actually write, but it's not how i work :(

plus, school is starting up again soon and my ~mentality~ is not very good. i've not been sleeping well since last summer and i just can't learn anything. it feels like my brain is an oversaturated sponge, if you know what i mean? i've learned too much in too short a time and i can't soak in anything more. and i'm just questioning myself every day, should i be going into physics or not, would i be better off just giving up, and it's taking a very large toll on me.

i also got new glasses and i'm still adjusting to them (plus the frames are crooked :/) so my eyes are hurty in addition to hurting from not sleeping. i can't fall asleep these days honestly it's torturous LOL because during the school year all i wanted to do was sleep but i felt like i procrastinated too much and i couldn't sleep without doing something but i never did anything anyway. and that's still going on so....

that was a very long and convoluted way of saying that i will be gone for a while. not totally gone, but this shop will be dusty for a bit. i will come back, ofc! just, after i get more adjusted to school and maybe feel better about myself. it's a hard thing, having ppl's expectations on you ahaha or maybe that's just me because i can't deal with pressure oop.

tl;dr - this shop will be going on hiatus for a while as i adjust to life.

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🔄 sirius-'s request is up, and this marks the end of this shop!


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Chapter 12: Thank you for doing this despite your desires to leave AFF and this whole thing being short-lived. I'm grateful I got closure for some of my characters who never saw the light for various reasons. I wish you all the best in your endeavors!
Chapter 12: Thank you for doing this even though this was short and I’m grateful that I was able to “send off” some characters thanks to you and get the closure I wanted since they were not chosen / the story never happened / I stopped using them for various reasons.
Chapter 11: I would like to cancel my request for Jinhee, sorry! I just feel that it would be better if you didn't feel obligated to write for me when you don't feel like doing so.
Submitted, sad that this is the last batch but all the best to your future!
Chapter 9: submitted, i hope you enjoy your new adventures outside of aff!
guguvixx #6
Chapter 7: Ahhh the relationship between Lucas and suwon is everything this is so cute The whole one shot was so cute and fluffy uwu
Chapter 7: I accidentally read this and I don’t know Lucas well but this is so cute and sweet! I think I’ll submit a lighter character when you’re finally back since Leslie and Miyeon kinda had a heavy backstory.
Chapter 8: I understand things like this happen, and I know it can be hard to stay motivated. All the best and take all the time you need off!
Chapter 6: Thanks for writing this! I didn’t think this would be how I wanted to send Leslie off but at least I have some “closure” for her now.