The Big Act

Ace of Hearts

Running into the nearest bathroom, he dropped Namjoo and moved as fast as lighting pulling the door shut, locking it.

“You -!” Namjoo started raising her voice.

Covering , he pushed her back into the sink. The moment she yelled it would become obvious she was not having morning sickness. If they were thought to be arguing, Hyena would make a scene of it. The plan would be destroyed.

His heart thumped. Then his eyes flittered down, locking with hers. Namjoo’s huge eyes stared up at him, the heat of her breath trapped behind his palm.

Realizing maybe she couldn’t breathe he slowly withdrew his hand apologetically. Namjoo didn’t waste a second and shoved him away, screaming at the top of her lungs, “Move! You’re crushing me!”

She flailed upset and dusted her dress before shooting him an intense glare. Next, eyeing the door behind him. Shoulders stiff and straight she charged forward.

Sehun readily rammed her back into the sink. This time Namjoo swatted at his face. “Get off! Get off! Get off!”

Putting his hand over he silenced her again. Namjoo’s furious screaming came out muffled.

“Stop yelling!” He whispered.

Namjoo wriggled with all her might. Sehun held her still, pressing into her.

“If they hear you, we’re going to get in trouble!” He warned. He waited until Namjoo stopped struggling.

Their eyes locked again.

“I’ll let go, but you have to listen to me. Ok?” He kept his voice low.

Holding her gaze steady, he patiently waited for Namjoo to nod. Cautiously lowering his hand, he breathed relieved when Namjoo didn’t start shouting. Instead Namjoo spat and wiped her lips with the back of her arm.

“Don’t put your nasty hand on my mouth again!” she hissed.

He made a face at her.

“Can I go out now?” she asked.


Agitatedly dropping her arms to her sides, Namjoo complained, “What does this have to do with me?” Then it clicked and her eyes widened. “Oh! It’s the pretty girl, huh?” Mischief climbed onto her face. “You’re scared of pretty girls, aren’t you?”

Giggling amused, she slicked a finger across his chest. “How cute.”

He swatted her hand away. “Am not.”


Sehun wanted to argue, but now was not the time. There were more important things to be dealt.

“Look, you are pregnant. Remember that.” Sehun reminded.

“Mmmhmhmm…” Namjoo nodded her head uninterested.

“Will you take this seriously?” he asked annoyed. “I’m not joking.”

Crossing her arms, she angled her head to peer up at him, “Are you running away from your girlfriend?”

“She’s not my girlfriend!”

A sudden knock on the door made him jump in alarm. “Sehun?” It was his mother. “Are you two all right in there?”

Urgently turning to Namjoo he directed, “Act like you’re vomiting.”

“What?!” she frowned at the absurd command.

“Do it!” Putting a hand at her back he pushed her toward the toilet.

Staring back Namjoo continued frowning. Waving a hand, he urged her to put on the act. Rolling her eyes back, quarter of her tongue out, Namjoo pretentiously gagged. Sehun snarled at her for teasing him in the process. Then she lifted her foot and flushed the toilet.

“We’re all right!” Sehun shouted back.

“Come to the kitchen when Namjoo is ready. I’ll prepare a drink for her.” His mother informed.

“Will do!” he replied.

He listened for silence. When he turned to Namjoo her arms were haughtily crossed. Demandingly she asked, “You have some explaining to do?”

“Later.” Stepping toward her he grabbed her arm.

Namjoo pulled back frowning more deeply at him.

“We have to act lovey dovey,” he told.

Narrowing her eyes suspiciously, she asked, “You’re doing this because you can’t get a girl, right?”

Holding back his frustration, he grabbed her arm lugging her forward. “Don’t say anything. I’ll handle it. You just have to sit there.”

“Uh-huh.” She wasn’t convinced.

Reaching the door, he put his arm around her waist, but Namjoo quickly slid away.


“You have to go that far?” Namjoo looked offended shaking his touch off.

“Being a couple that doesn’t touch isn’t very convincing,” Sehun pointed out. “If my parents find you out, you can get ready to say goodbye to your two-hundred-thousand dollars.”

This made Namjoo bite her lip, thinking twice about retaliating again.

“You just have to sit,” he repeated wrapping his arm around her. Stiff as a stick Namjoo at least remained unmoving. Taking a breath, he pushed the door open and led her toward the kitchen from the first night.

His mother, donning a clean white apron, was milling about. Hyena was seated at one of the stools by the island, some kind of green concoction in front of her. She noticed him right away. The sparkle in her pupils dimmed when she caught his arm wrapped around Namjoo’s waist.

“Hi again.” Namjoo greeted with a tiny wave.

Sehun wished she wouldn’t have talked, but it was too late. Hyena’s stare turned piercing.

“Sit here, Sehun.” Hyena offered the stool next to her when they reached the island, Namjoo standing between him and the pretty one.

“Hyena was worried about you, so she came to visit.” His mother smiled happily currently drying a freshly washed glass. Glancing at Hyena with much affection and curvy pink lips, “She’s always so sweet.”

Hyena grinned so hard her eyes disappeared. “It’s always my pleasure. I like Sehun so much.”

Namjoo leaned forward to peek at Hyena. “Oh really?” Forgetting her role, she looked at Sehun. A sheen of mischief passed through her face. “Then he should sit by you.”

Patting the chair in front of her Namjoo waited. Sehun fought with all he had not to grab her by the neck.

He had told her not to talk!

All he managed in reply was a very firm smile, but his eyes relayed he would get her later. Not like much could be accomplished in front of his mother and Hyena. Namjoo didn’t even look at him as she took the seat on his left.

“What is this?” she asked when his mother pushed a purple colored drink toward her.

“Drink it up, all of it. It’s good for the baby. Helps with the infant’s formation.” His mother gladly explained.

“Baby?!” Hyena screeched. “You’re having a baby?!” She wheeled on him, eyes penetrating his face.

He cleared his throat. “Yes.”

“That’s impossible! You can’t! No!” Hyena shook her head aggressively.

“Hyena dear,” his mother swooped right in to comfort the crumpled girl. “I spoke with your mother this morning. Did she not say?”

Sobbing a tearful, Hyena continued to shake her tiny head. “No. Mother said nothing. Just lunch is cancelled. I thought Sehun was sick. I was so worried about him. I only care about him, auntie.”

Oh geez, there she goes. A woeful tale that made him villain.

Sehun tried not to sigh. Turning to block Hyena out of view, he glanced at Namjoo who was currently lifting the glass of purple liquid curiously. Observing the glass like it was some kind of specimen needing thorough checking.

Cautiously lifting it to she took a big gulp. He watched the movement of as she swallowed. Choking immediately Namjoo spit out the drink, recklessly spraying it all over in a thousand droplets, splattering dew all over the countertop.

Sehun’s eyes widened. Attention shifting from crying Hyena his mother rushed over.

“Oh no! What happened?!” she cried out staring down at the mess Namjoo had created.

“Ugh…ew! What is this?! Poison?!” Namjoo stuck her tongue out spitting. Noticing his shocked mother, Namjoo froze and released a half-laugh. “I mean, I just drank it too fast.”

She hesitated a few times before courageously picking up the glass and chugged down the liquid. Once depleted, Namjoo slammed the cup down with a gasp then a tiny burp.

Clenching his eyes shut, Sehun palmed his face.

This was so bad.


“Aww…she’s still crying. You’re not going to stay?” Namjoo asked when they left out the back door.


“But I think you should stay behind and comfort her.” Namjoo suggested.

Sehun shot her a glare then pushed ahead leaving her to catch up.

Gosh, he was so mean. Especially to a girl that seemed to have a big fat crush on him.

Power walking, she sped past him. Glowering at her Sehun raced ahead. Namjoo went faster racing him until she burst through the front door of his house.

Spinning around she her arm out, pointing a finger at him, “Ha! I beat you!”

Panting as he reached the threshold, Sehun said, “I let you.”

Namjoo made a face at him disbelieving. Stepping back, she halted at the sound of crumping paper. Glancing down she spotted the eight shopping bags on the floor.

“Oh, they’re here.” She noted.

“Good. Now clean up after yourself.” Sehun told climbing up the stairs.

“You’re not even going to help me carry them?!” Namjoo called after him, but he’d already disappeared.

Picking the bags up she groaned carrying them up the stairs to the room she’d slept in last night. Since nothing had been said, she was determined to use that room in the meantime. She was going to take every advantage of living here possible. This big place, the luxury available, and not spend a cent!

Throwing the bags onto the floor with a heave, she stared at the hot pink purse on the bed. She’d forgotten about it.

Now, how was she supposed to call home? She didn’t have her cellphone. Was there a home phone here? She had to tell Moonbi where she was before they called the cops and started looking for her. That would cause so much trouble.

What if Sehun got convicted of a kidnapping? Considering her abrupt disappearance, it was a possibility.

The other issue, the pregnancy test. It had to be Moonbi’s. If she was pregnant…what was she going to do?! Mom would go nuts! The club was finally profiting and they were so close to paying their debts off! There was no room to spare raising a child! As her mother always said, “Sleep around only if you can afford it or else keep your pants zipped!”

And who’s baby was it? The baby of babies, Jo Sungho’s?

Tomorrow she’d certainly look for a phone. Now, to clean up.

Running her eyes over the bags on the floor and Namjoo just wanted to drop onto the bed and take a long nap. Thinking about it, she was in fact very tired from the strenuous shopping. It had felt more like a chore than she enjoyed it. Plus, her feet were so sore from walking in heels.

She could bear one-inch heels, but stupid Sehun had bought her heels that were too high. Her ankles couldn’t stand the pressure it put on her soles and her feet wasn’t used to the strong arch.

Looking on the bright side, she finally possessed high end brands she’d only dreamt about. This was the biggest achievement she’d made in her life. Supposedly. She wouldn’t despair over it.

Crouching down, Namjoo dug through the bags. Pulling one outfit after another out. Searching for the mirror she compared the outfits to her body. Happily smiling and feeling like a little girl who’d received trendy dresses for her birthday.

Now she was going to be so so so pretty!

She was going to flaunt her body, her image would sky rocket, and ooze charms guys couldn’t resist.

Giggling Namjoo twirled around with a pretty dress. Halting midway when she spotted Sehun standing in the narrow of the doorway staring inside. Tripping over her own feet, Namjoo stumbled backwards catching her balance in due time.

Clutching the dress, she shouted, “What?!” Flushing embarrassed for being caught acting so girlish, Namjoo continued to yell, “ert!”

His expression constricted and his jaw tightened. Shoving the door open he took a further step into the doorway. “I am not!”

Angling her chin out in defiance, Namjoo stared him down despite his towering height, but with the distance separating them they looked about the same.

Deftly sighing he dropped the irritable act. “I just thought you might want to talk.”

“In fact,” Namjoo pushed, “I don’t.”

Sehun’s brow twitched.

“First, I want a phone.” Namjoo bargained.

“Use the one downstairs.” He dictated.

“There’s one?” Namjoo asked. Hurriedly picking herself up, she demanded, “I want a cellphone.”

He bit his lower lip. “I’m already letting you have everything.”

“Two-hundred-thousand for the entire duration I’m here isn’t enough.” Namjoo twisted her head away and crossed her arms. “Including acting pregnant.” Looking at him, “That’s more a loss for me than you. With this act and the whole time I’m confined here, I should…”

“All right, fine.” He cut her off. “I’ll get you your phone. And don’t worry, you won’t be here longer than two months.”

“Really?!” she asked excitedly.

“Yes, so you’d better take your act seriously.”

Namjoo smirked victoriously. Fully shifting, she raised her right hand up, promising, “I will do my best. So, you were saying?”

His chest rose as he prepared to finally talk, but the doorbell chimed. Sehun let out a groan. “Stay here.”

He disappeared. As his footsteps faded Namjoo debated actually listening. In the end, she curiously hurried out after him and skipped down the stairs to see him at the front door.

“Auntie said these are really important, so I offered to bring them over.” A female voice.

Taking a step down Namjoo eyed the doorway. Over Sehun’s shoulder she recognized the pretty girl he’d been talking to when they arrived home. Sensing her presence Hyena’s eyes flickered her way.

“Oh, hi,” she called out.

Sehun turned around. His brows angled together disapproving. Namjoo ignored him.

Holding up a tiny box, Hyena explained, “Auntie wanted me to give you these.”

Namjoo nearly grimaced at the sight of the pictured beverage on the box. A proud glass of purple juice.

“How kind of her,” Namjoo said through gritted teeth feigning her best smile.

“Is it all right if I come in and give this to her?” Hyena innocently asked Sehun. “It would very much settle auntie’s heart that I’ve properly gotten the tonic to her, and I would very much like to get to know her.” Sehun didn’t get the chance to answer as Hyena looked at her, pressing, “Would that be all right?”

Turning back around Sehun sent her a hardened gaze instructing her to reject the guest. Then on the other hand, if Hyena had such a crush on Sehun shouldn’t she do something about it?

Smiling widely, Namjoo welcomed, “Yes, come in.”

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AiiSoo #1
Chapter 38: This story is just so cute. I was grinning like an idiot at the beginning of this story.
Thank you for this beautiful and heart-warming writing. I love reading Namjoo and Sehun bantering with each other
Chapter 21: Im reading this and im loving it❤️❤️ why didnt i find this sooner??!
iamsiti #3
Chapter 2: I'm new to this story and so far, it's getting more interesting because of Namjoo funny personalities :D
Chapter 38: After all the interruptions I finally finished this!
Anihyun16chisan #5
Chapter 38: Wow I'm glad I finished this...its good there finally together and are done with the lies
_apink #6
Chapter 38: Another great story !
I love the happy ending too! Maybe a little just a little rushed hahaha, but I'm happy that everything worked out for them in the end.

See you soon. Take care!
Chapter 23: the kiss?????? yieeee I hope Namjoo felt that ahahahah.
Chapter 38: I'm surely will miss this story and yes this one is the lightest of all...
but i love all your story you know
thank you for finishing this story and making a beautiful story, but I kinda agree (not in a bad way) that the ending is a bit too rush in a chapter. lol i wanna a glimpse of namjoo's pregnancy and the baby born, but that's okay, leave it to our imagination

see you in the next story <3
Chapter 38: I'll surely miss this story. Out of all the stories you you have written I can definitely agree that this is the lightest. This is also now included in my favorites stories of yours.

It's really good to see that Sehun parents are also acecepting and understanding towards Namjoo. T-T . And where can I find a man like Sehun? 😭

I'm so happy that the will have a real baby girl now. I'm also quite sad cause this already ends.

Thank you so much for writing again and for writing this. See you again! I hope you're doing well and healthy. Love ya!
Chapter 38: aww the ending thank u for writing :((((((((((( <33333333333