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Kwon Jiyong stride past along the Demon Realm’s Palace hallway with some princes from the Sky Kingdom. He entered the Demon’s Court Hall and saw the  Demon Emperor, Joshua was waiting for everyone to arrive.


“We found a movement at West Region yesterday,” said RM as everyone was arrived.

“The movement was stopping after that, but we don’t know when the next move,” said Jin and Jimin nod.

“Your Majesty, I’m afraid, he might be awaken at any time soon,” said Yoonsan and Joshua just remained silent while his fingers were tapping on his arm's chair.


“How was my sister?” asked Jiyong suddenly caught everyone’s attention. Joshua sigh heavily.

“She’s doing fine for now. I don't know if my mark will last long. Now, she's staying with Hoshi and I think it's better that way for time being," said Joshua and Jiyong let out sigh of relief.


“Now, let’s continue to the main topic. We need to find a way and be ready to fight him,  Because, I’m afraid, when my Empress awake from her deep slumber then remember everything, there is high chances that animal might be awaken too,” said Joshua and fist his hands tightly until his knucles turned into white.



It had been a week,

Lina decided to go back to her place. Hoshi watched his cousin packing her stuff while sitting on the bed.

“Are you sure, are you going to be okay?” he asked for the twentieth time which made Lina groaned in annoyance.

“Oh my! Kwon Soon Young, I am so fine. Don’t worry, I will inform you guys if it happened again,” she said to him.

“You know that I love you right? You are my precious little baby cousin, I can’t lose you,” said Hoshi suddenly and Lina just smiled adoringly at him. Who knows, the man who was sitting on the bed will be this sweet when it comes to her.

“I know. Now, hush! Go prepare some food for me, I am starving,” said Lina and Hoshi nod then left her alone in the room continue packing her clothes.


Lina paused for a moment as she heard Hoshi closed the door and slowly walked to the mirror. She slowly pulled down the collar of her blouse and looked at the small mark on her collarbone.




It was too familiar to her.

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Baekie_18 #1
Chapter 67: The story has come to an end. But why am I feeling so sad? Hmm gonna miss reading this story and also waiting for the update notifications too!!! Anyways thanks you for writing such a wonderful story. As a reader I can say that it’s my pleasure to discover this story.By reading this I was able to experience different kind of emotions at the same time. Also I was able to take a guess at every single moment too. As for the sequel I feel like Yibo and Lucas are going to be there but I’m not sure tho. Anyways thanks you once again for always making my day whenever you updated this story. I’m going to miss this so much !
Baekie_18 #2
Chapter 65: Yass I can’t believe that there’s going to be a sequel of this story. Thanks you so much!!! However it’s quiet sad that’s going to end soon T..T anyways thanks for the update and stay safe authornim.
Baekie_18 #3
Chapter 64: Damn this is so sweet. I just discover this today and I binge read it till this chapter. It was so wonderful knowing your stories. I love how you portrayed each character perfectly. I also love how you describe every single little details in this story. Also I really and really love the interaction between our Lina and Joshua in this chapter too. Nevertheless, it was nice to read your stories. I hope that I will get to read the next chapter soon. Anyways thanks for the update and happy new year to you authornim!!
kris_tal #4
Chapter 33: Please don’t let her die a second time 🥺
kris_tal #5
Chapter 25: Lowkey satisfying to see him get slapped. He deserved it.
kris_tal #6
Chapter 8: Wait so she doesn’t remember anything? But why??
I’m excited to see this story progress tho!!
Also all the names got me going back to the intro to figure who they are 😂😂