

Aron hasn’t come to me nor called me for a few days. Until one weekend, he called me to go to meet him at home if I want to get his signature. I went as his wish.


As I entered the house, I saw the house is totally in mess. There were many cans of beer, full of dusts and dishes haven’t been done. I went to find him. I saw he was sleeping soundly due to alcohol on bed so I decided to wait until he woke up. I went to do cleaning. After a few hours, I finished all cleaning and cooked dinner for him. I prepared his meal on dining table and went to see him in the room. He was still sleeping soundly. I sat next to him and checked his condition.

“He didn’t even shave. Haven’t he gone to work?” I murmured and signed in disbelief to see this rich and handsome Korean-American has time be this ugly.


“Minsoo!” he finally woke up. He struggled to get up to sit.

“Minsoo, when have you come?” he asked while hitting his neck slightly to make himself full awake.

“Quite long enough! What happened to you?” I asked.

He laughed with his smirked face. “How could you ask innocently after handing me the divorce…”

“So have you signed already?” I tried to ignore his pain and asked.

“I tore it already. Why should I divorce with you? Listen, Hwang Minsoo! I’ll make you pregnant then you’ll never be able to leave me.” He said to me with very serious facial expression. I became worried and quickly moved away from him.

“I don’t care although you don’t sign on the letter. I already signed on it so I already finished with you. I’m gonna leave.” I finished my word then was walking to leave.

He rushed to grab my hand and slammed the door. He even locked it.


“What? What are you doing, Kwak Aron?” I angrily shouted at him and tried to release myself from him.

“It’s your home. Where do you want to go?”

“It’s not my home after you dragged a girl to sleep with you.”

“Why are you talking about this again? I told you right she was acting.”

“Whatever I don’t care. I’ve to leave here. Let go of me!”


He threw me to bed quite strong. I became so worried about the baby. “Don’t use violence on me! Please let me go!” I cried to beg him. He took off his shirt then came above me. He caught my both wrists tight that I couldn’t have power to fight anymore. “I’m sleeping with my wife. Why are you saying I’m using violence? Will you sue me or what after I sleep with you?” he stared at me with his serious, firm face.

“Please finish everything right now! I’m really tired.” I kept begging.

“No!” he shortly said then roughly forced to take off my shirt. I tried to protest but I was too weak.


He wouldn’t slow down on throwing his anger on my body so I’m more worried about the baby. “Please don’t be too hard on me! You may hurt our ba…” I almost spoke out that I’m having his baby.

“What?” he paused from kissing me and asked about my unfinished sentence.

I sobbed for a while then I felt like throwing up. “Argggg… Aron, I need to go to bathroom” I said then hurriedly rushed to go to bathroom. I vomited a lot. He was lost with my sudden throw-up. He followed me to the bathroom. He entered to pat my back. “Arggg… why is it this hard? Hik hik” I cried. Having morning-sick is harder than any disease.

“Are you okay? Why do you keep throwing up like this? Are you sure you’re not pregnant? I think this is pregnancy condition…..” he looked at me with doubtful eyes. I felt worried if he would find out. I quickly turned my face from him.

“Wear your shirt and go to hospital with me!” he grabbed me to bedroom and picked up my shirt that he has just taken off earlier to me.

“I’m not pregnant.” I collected my bravery to lie to him.

“Say it again! Look at my eyes and say it again!” he grabbed my both shoulders and forced me to look at his eyes to say it again. I kept facing down, sobbing.

“Fine! Then let’s go to hospital with me!” he gave my shirt to me then he started dressing up himself too.

I had no choice but to go with him. We remained silent on the way. I secretly texted my brother, telling that Aron is driving me to hospital to have pregnancy check up.


“Give your phone to me!” Aron finally noticed me.

“Why? I only texted my brother, I’ll be home late.” I lied.

“You’re not a good lair, Minsoo. Give your phone to me!” he insisted. I handed my phone to him. He gave a quick look at the message box then kept my phone with him.

“So does this mean you’re trying to hide something from me? Are you pregnant?” he asked about it again.

“I said I’m not. Why do you keep asking the same question?” I tried to show my hard side to him back.

“We’ll see at hospital.” He finished his words then we remained silent again.

I felt so panic. I don’t know how I can escape from him this time.


When we arrived in front of the hospital, my brother was already standing at the entrance.

“Oppa!” I ran to my brother.

“Why are you both still together? And why did you bring my sister here?” my brother put me behind him and talked to Aron.

“Come on, Minsoo! Let’s get inside!” Aron didn’t reply to my brother. He tried to approach me but my brother pushed him before he reached me.

“You both have got divorced. Why are you still coming to my sister? She’s not sick. I’ll take her back home.”

“No, I’ve to check something with her. I doubt if she’s pregnant. She keeps throwing up.” Aron impatiently explained to my brother.

“Minsoo has a weak stomach that’s why she’s throwing up a lot lately. She’s not pregnant. It’s late night now. I gotta go.” My brother said then held my hand to leave.

Aron couldn’t against my brother. He gave up.

I left on car with my brother.


“So why the hell you’re with him?” my brother showed his madness while driving.

“He said he will sign on the divorce document if I go home to meet him. But he lied. He tore that document and didn’t sign on it. I kept throwing up a lot in front of him so he doubted if I’m being pregnant.”

“Aigoo! He’s old enough. You can’t fool him.”

“I think I should leave here as soon as possible. I’ll go to Busan tomorrow.”

My brother looked at me with his stressful face then gave me a deep sigh. “Ok, ok! Move there for temporary! But remember, you’ve not successfully divorced with him yet”


I didn’t plan to leave this fast but since Aron is doubting on me, I should go away from him now.

As soon as I arrived at my room, I packed my suitcase, prepared to leave tomorrow.



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Chapter 7: You know why I keep reading your storiesm Because I get to learn something from it. Your stories are different from others. The way you see things, the way you see love, your whole perspective on life is something I admire the most. I never regret reading your stories as I always always learn something new for my life from it.
Thanks will never be enough, but I don't have other words other than that.. So take THANKS for now. I'm gonna discover new word soon. How about helping me in that? Like our own words which only we both know what that actually means.. Hehe. Sounds fun!!!!!! <3

Chapter 7: Glad she learned from the lesson! Trust is important <3
Chapter 3: Why did she rather tell her problems to jonghyun instead of her husband? If only she talks it out with aron *sigh*
Chapter 2: I think minsoo is really unreasonable! She should talk it out with Aron ><