Looking for friends? and or play games with?


Name: KoKo
TIMEzone: +8 GMT
Discord: DM or comment
language(s): english , tagalog { i can understand but cant speak }
To be honest, I don't know what to write down here.

Just looking for people to play because I'm lonely and bored.

I just sleep most of the day, yes, no lie i just lay down most of the day.

Just saying, not really an aggressive player as you can see lmao.

Not the best person if you wanna play party games like Fall Guys or Among Us

Oh damn my anxiety can't handle Among Us. 

games i play
- Stardew Valley
- VRChat The Forest (with and without VR)
- L4D2
- Minecraft (but not like PVP type. Usually I'd just join a server and be a like I don't know, Miner, Farmer, etc. The only like public server I play is Skyblock)


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