Chapter 1: Introduction

Heaven and Earth

Far away in a mystical land, unknown to humans, a kingdom named “Zenus” existed. The Kim family ruled the entire kingdom, and they were widely loved by the people in the land. They had many loyal subjects and people among them, and the family consisted of King and Queen Kim, along with their two children, Kim Jihyuk and Kim Jihyun. 

As a rule passed down by many generations, the royals of Zenus required a guardian angel to protect them when they were born. This was particularly important as the royals were susceptible to harm from nearby kingdoms or enemies who were waiting to invade. King and Queen Kim’s guardians were their parents’ friends, but over time, they passed on. They then realized that they needed people who were immortal to protect their child. 

King and Queen Kim had decided that Jihyuk would be protected by his most trusted subject, Kim Suho, while they had prepared for an immortal being, Oh Sehun, to protect Jihyun. Similar to the King and Queen, Suho and Sehun were blessed with magical abilities and were one of the most powerful beings in the kingdom apart from King and Queen Kim.

“Sehun!” She screamed as she ran into the courtyard next to hers, barging in the wooden doors. He flinched a little and creased his forehead before turning back to his calligraphy again. “You’re so noisy.” He mocked and she laughed. “Do you want to have a picnic today?” She raised her woven basket filled with food and snacks while Sehun smiled before placing down his brush, “Let me change before we go.” 

Sehun was not only her childhood friend, but her partner-in-crime for everything. She was the rebel and a huge troublemaker in the kingdom while Jihyuk was known as the obedient one. For example, she would sneak out in the middle of the night to the lake with Sehun to catch fishes - and they would always get caught by the guards, much to their chagrin. 

When they were free, they would fly or teleport to the fairy mountains, where a beautiful fairy named Ahreum lived. She was one of the most beautiful fairies in Zenus, and she had also lived about a hundred years. She had healing powers and gradually became closer with the duo as they came to rejuvenate their health often. Along with her abilities to read minds, she was one of the most powerful beings in Zenus as well.

The fairy mountains were just a short distance from the kingdom, and took only 5 minutes by flight. The mountains were decorated with a rainbow that never faded, thanks to the magical powers of Ahreum. Apart from it being a decoration, the rainbow was a sign of Ahreum’s strength. If the rainbow ever faded, it meant that Ahreum’s strength would slowly fade away as well. 


Earth was extremely different from heaven, and she grimaced at the things she was seeing everyday through a light emitting pensieve in her room. Their clothes looked so different as compared to the hanbok she was wearing, and when the weather got cold, she saw snow falling down. She hated snow, it was so cold and it made her shiver all the time. They ate food of weird shapes from street stalls, and seemed to have to exchange a paper note whenever they wanted to get something. 

Her parents had warned her since she was young - Earth is filled with tons of evil people, as those who have done wrong in the kingdom will be banished to earth as a form of punishment. They warned her that she will never survive a day there without them, and the kingdom will always be a safe haven as compared to such a dangerous place. 


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