Oh, Love

The First Attraction

They weaved their way down the aisle and Sehun randomly chose a window seat, pulling Namjoo along. Consciously realizing at last he’d been clutching her hand. Highly embarrassed he let go and squeezed closer to the wall unable to even muffle his awkward laugh.

God, what had he just done? Burning up he shifted toward the window and pushed it open. The breeze blast right into his face sharply, but at least the fresh air was cooling. Sehun took a moment to gather himself before settling into his chair.

His heart was stampeding. Namjoo was sitting right next to him. Something he had never mentally prepared himself for. He tried to peek at her but couldn’t.

“Uh…so, what are you going to the store for?” Sehun started clasping his sweaty hands together.

Her big eyes brushed past him then ahead. “Just I needed a vase.”

“A vase?” he repeated at the unexpected. He had assumed she was grocery shopping or going for necessities. On the way back he could help carry her bags. “What’d you need it for?”

Slightly turning she looked at him again. “The flowers.”

Sehun blinked abashed. What a moron he was! “Right. Yea…the flowers…” he lowly laughed feeling like an immense loser, “of course. The flowers need water and something to be in.”

She didn’t smile to ascertain he wasn’t making a fool of himself. Just stared at him like she didn’t get him. Biting his lip Sehun straightened and shifted from her. Today he was doing everything wrong again.

“Why were you at the bus stop earlier?” Namjoo prodded.

Sehun glanced at her surprised she would want to know.

“You weren’t just standing there?”

He blushed and quickly refuted. “No. Of course not.” She waited, so he had to confess, “I was on my way home.”

“Oh…” understanding dawned on her. “Then you don’t have to come with me.”

“It’s fine, honestly.” Sehun made a show of pulling out his phone. “There’s a lot of time left. I was just headed out early in order to come back early.”

“I see.” She said. “Are you from around here?”

“Yes, I live in the city. It’s just there’s so much traffic and it’s a hassle going home and coming back to the university, I decided to live on campus.” Well, that was the partial truth. In all honestly, he no longer wanted to be at home. Watching his mom wait for a man to visit her every other week.

It just made him rot inside. Witnessing her powder her face up, slip into a newly bought dress in attempts to look younger and prettier. All for a man who had cheated on her and started a family of his own elsewhere. If he could not be loyal to her, why the hell did she care to do the same?

“My folks are constantly out for work. I guess I’m kind of in the same boat. Life is more convenient on campus.”

Sehun grinned.

“By the way,” Namjoo said, “how did your paper go?”

“I’m,” he started, “almost done.” Kind of.

“My offer’s still up.” Namjoo said. “My friend is in literature. He’s planning to go into script writing, I’m sure he can review your work.”

Friend…Sehun had to absorb the word and do some math before discovering who. That guy who was always with her.


Sehun nearly hurled. He did not want anything to do with that guy. The vibe he received from him was not very inviting. It was best to stay away. For now.

“Your friend, you said.” Sehun repeated.

Namjoo nodded. “I can introduce you.”

He made sure to smile grateful for her help. “It’s all right. I’m sure I’ll be fine. Thanks though.”

The bus groaned as it stopped. They jolted forward as it pulled over to the curb. A whoosh of air snuck inside as the doors gasped open.

“I think this is our stop.” Namjoo got up. Sehun followed her out of the bus and listened to the doors shut then roll away.

He heard the clattering of footsteps behind them in addition to restless chatter. The line of buildings were in operation his morning. Cafés, window shops, fashion outlets. Along the road numerous vehicles were parked beside meters. Women and men and scurried hereto carrying bags branded with store names.

“Do you come here often?” Sehun wondered coming to step with her.

“Once in a while. I thought everyone comes here.” Namjoo pulled a green painted door with a long brass knob open. Grabbing the door he held it open for her as she entered.

The smell of old wooden floors hit him dead on. The further they walked inside the store began smelling more different. A mix of all the products on display. Succulents, plants, candles, copper plates, collectibles on display. Namjoo seemed to know what exactly she was headed for. She went right over to a display of fake potted plants. On a shelf below an assortment of various sized vases were organized in a disorderly manner.

Namjoo went through moving this and that out of the way before settling on a vase with a round oval base.

“I think this will do.” She said, but he was looking more at her than a vase he cared nothing about. The fact that she cared for his flowers and wanted to put them in something pretty to care for perhaps was most important to him.

Her long fingers were so dainty he almost wanted to take the vase from her in case she hurt herself. Stupid, but the thought still hammered him anyway.

Sehun averted his focus and randomly touched the cactus nearby when Namjoo glanced at him. He ended up pricking his finger like the he was.

“Ow.” He whined shaking his hand.

“You ok?” she asked.

“Yea, I’m fine.” When she turned away he scowled and gripped his hand from the sting.

Definitely Namjoo thought he was some weirdo. Sehun wanted to slap his forehead. If he could just get his game on straight maybe he would come off cool headed for once.

He waited for Namjoo to pay and the cashier to wrap up the vase securely before putting it in a bag for her. They were back down the sidewalk headed for the bus stop. A dozen of things ran through his mind. When he would see her next? Would she think it strange if he suddenly asked when and if she would go to the library to study? And could he share a table with her? Or maybe they could have lunch together at the cafeteria.

“Do you want some coffee?” Namjoo asked pointing to a café just ahead of them.

Sehun immediately perked up. His heart tripped. “Yes, I’d love to. I mean,” he shook his head, “that would be nice.”

Not even a curious glance from her and she turned walking right through the open doors. A fan was spinning overhead. The window tables were all occupied. Roasted coffee beans permeated the air waking his appetite. Sehun saw on a tiny glass display on the counter cookies, bagel, and cupcakes. A mini-freezer area below housed orange juice, yogurt, and milk. At the dark counter a line extended midway to the next room.

“Looks like it’s busy,” Namjoo murmured. Looking up at him she asked, “What time are you supposed to go home?”

“They aren’t expecting me for a while. Honestly.” Sehun lied. Walking in front of her he urged, “Come on.”

To be honest, he didn’t really drink coffee. But if Namjoo liked it he would also try to like it for her. Sehun could at least do that. Anything to be close with her.

Joining the line Sehun panicked what to order. Since he wasn’t a coffee drinker he didn’t what know what varieties there were. He couldn’t even see the menu from where he was standing. His luck was just going down the drain today.

“What do you like to drink?” Namjoo asked.

Sweating, Sehun internally panicked. His mind raced. Every sound in the café increased in volume. From here he could hear the coffee machine grinding coffee beans. An order was called out. Sehun caught something americano add before the voice became drowned out by giggling.

“Americano,” Sehun lied.

“Oh? Me, too.”

Brightening, Sehun discreetly breathed. “Yes, I like sweet things.”

He saw her brow deepen above her eye. Namjoo shot him a strange look. “Then you like it with milk.”

Discovering his mistake Sehun in a breath. Mentally slapping himself, he nodded erratically. “Yes, right, right. Yes, I like milk with it.”

“You must’ve had a long night.” Namjoo commented.

Sehun mustered a tiny smile. He was burning up so bad. After getting their coffee they returned outside and continued down the street. Several people were already at the bus stop post. Sehun took a tiny sip of the coffee and immediately wanted to stick his tongue out because it tasted so nasty. He withheld the urge to spit it out of his mouth.

One peek and Namjoo appeared so content with her coffee. She made it look like it was the tastiest drink she ever had. Sehun gulped at the sight of her moist lips and darted his eyes elsewhere.

Suddenly he was engulfed by waves of roaring anticipation. Someday he might be able to kiss her. One day if he had enough courage to actually ask her out.

“The bus is here.” Namjoo said and started jogging ahead. Calling out with a glance over her shoulder, “Hurry up!”

Waking up from his isolated thoughts, Sehun leapt after her. They reached the bus just before the driver closed the doors. Panting from the run they dropped into the nearest empty double seats. Beside him Namjoo fully leaned into her chair. He listened to her release a deep sigh.

The run didn’t bother him. Neither did the cup of coffee that tasted like . Instead he was so happy that he’d spent the morning with Namjoo. Nothing would and could ever top this.

“It’s almost lunch,” Namjoo’s voice picked up, “are you sure you’re not late?”

It dawned on him again. He was due back home. He’d already made the resolution to go for his mother’s sake. He couldn’t just back out, because he’d feel horrible once he arrived at the dorms that he had ditched his mother. Sehun despised these kinds of obligations that kept him hooked to home.

“I suppose I should go.” He stared out the window.

“You don’t sound excited.” Namjoo noticed.

Sehun turned to look at her. If he could share with her the misdeeds of his father and that his mother was a hopeless case, but he couldn’t. She didn’t even know him. They weren’t even close yet.

But he wanted to be friends and also more than that.

“I have a lot on my plate. Homework, exams.” Sehun shrugged.

“Well it’s Sunday.” Namjoo reminded. “The day’s not halfway yet, so I think you’re good.”

“Yea.” He grinned trying to sound upbeat.

At the second stop back to the university, Sehun departed from the bus. Stared after it as it faded into the distance kind of hoping he could have ridden with Namjoo all the way to the university. Maybe he’d gut it up and ask her out for lunch. Who knows, she would have said yes.

On the very bright side she wasn’t putting him off. No cold shoulder. Not telling him off. Sehun was glad. That meant she didn’t mind him. He could still have a shot at bigger opportunities.

Exhaling he cut down the alley to the other side of a law building specializing in divorce. Sadly not where he was going. Crossing the green lawn Sehun stared up at a high-rise building. In the distance the lake sparkled magnificently. He was born in the hospital just fifteen minutes away. He’d heard the story of his conceiving from his father when he was eight. His stubborn nature had kept his mother in pain for three days after her due date.

Instead, Sehun felt he should have heard the story from his mother. Not the man who had looked away from his family. Most people say if your significant other cheats on you they never loved you. More than likely they will also cheat on their new lover.

But Sehun was even more pissed off his father hadn’t turned his back on his mistress yet. Choosing to have stayed with her and create two more children, because, what, he wasn’t enough for his father? Maybe Sehun knew ahead of time this was going to happen, so he had refused to come out into this world.

Punching the button for the elevator Sehun stared at the silver doors. He had nothing to say to his father when he saw him. There was less to say to the woman who kept inviting the old man back home, like he never abandoned them. Just went abroad for work and happened to return at random intervals.

Arriving at his destination, a thick steel door, Sehun stared at the keypad next to the door. Above it a tiny square screen that allowed the inhabitants to see who was outside. Despite knowing the code home, Sehun punched the doorbell anyway.

His mother’s face filled the screen. The door automatically unlocked with a click. It took three seconds for his mother to push it open.

“Sehun!” she squealed in delight. Pushing the door open wider, “You’re home!”

She was wearing a velvety dress. The makeup was dewy but so obvious on her face deeply lined in feminine pink. Wasn’t she tired of this already?

“Hi, mom.” He greeted non-enthusiastically.

“I missed you so much!” she cupped and squeezed his face. Turning to head inside, she invited, “Come in. The table is filled with your father’s favorites. He’s been waiting for you the entire week!”

Forcing himself inside Sehun slipped out of his shoes at the door. Patiently taking his time, because compared to the seven days his father made his mother wait this was nothing. His father could wait to see his face.

Try not to look pissed off he chanted to himself as he neared the end of the front corridor. In front the spacious living room spanned out. On the left the modern kitchen counters were sleek and empty. As promised on the dining table was definitely a buffet, foods of assortments. Entrees to desserts.

The old man was seated at the head of the table. His plate was already heartily filled with his mother’s delicious cooking.

Greedy son of a .

Sehun struggled not to let his mind speak itself. Walking right over to the table he took the chair on his father’s left. Though honestly he preferred to sit a seat away, but all due respect he would sit facing his mother. This was his mother and his home. Why would he lose and let his father, a nobody, take over?

“You’re here?” his father, a handsome older version of him, greeted. “How is school? Are you passing your classes?”

“He’s doing excellent, honey.” His mother slipped into her chair. “Eat up, Sehun. There’s plenty of food. Are you eating all right at the university?”

“I’m fine.” Sehun grumbled. “You don’t have to deposit so much money into my account.”

“Then you should have stayed home. Why live on campus when you have a house right here?” his father nagged. “It was bad enough you wanted to leave your mother alone. And are you still dancing. I told you it won’t feed you in the future. What are you going to do with your major? You should have gone into business.”

His insides quaked. Sehun dropped his spoon no longer hungry. Glaring at his father he asked, “How is my decision your business? This is what I want to do.”

“What is dancing going to do for you?!” his father argued. “What exactly are you going to do? Become a coach? Dance for a singer? You are kidding me. Do you know how much the industry pays? It’s a total scam! You should know this already! How are you going to feed your family? How are you going to get married when you have no money?”

“You have no right to tell me that!” Sehun shoved his seat back and rose to his feet. Staring down at his father he huffed. “At least I won’t leave my family for another woman! Having no money is not as despicable as having two wives, dad. Then I’d rather be poor and homeless.”

“Sehun!” his mother screeched horrified.

He shot her a quick glance mad with her, too.

The plate clattered as his father slammed down his utensils. “How dare you try to rectify me! I have clothed and fed you and gave you an education. I come home on schedule and these are the first things you have to say to me, your dad?”

“I stopped thinking of you as my dad the moment you cheated on mom.” Sehun shared the menacing glare.

“You will respect me, son.” His father demanded.

Frantically getting to her feet, his mother rounded the table. He felt her pull onto his arm. “Sehun, hurry. Apologize to your father, huh? Please. It’s so hard for him to see you. You know how much he loves you.”

“Stop it!” Sehun shook himself free. “Stop it, mom!” Swerving back to his father he enunciated, “I will not apologize for the truth.”

“Sehun!” his mother pleaded.

Sehun side stepped from his mother. He was so annoyed with her! “Divorce him already, mom! For God’s sake! Why do you keep letting him back here?!”

Turning to his father his mother’s eyes bugged. Running to her husband she caressed his arm. “Don’t be upset. Sehun must be having a hard time at school. I’ll talk to him about his major. I’m so sorry.”

Shrugging out from his mother’s hold his father shot him a glare and stomped past. Sehun fumed as his mother chased after the old man. Probably trying to make amends desperately. Whatever. The bastard would crawl back here the next week as if it was his duty to serve two women.

“Oh Sehun!” his mother scolded on her return.

Refusing to move he waited for her circle him until she was facing him. “How could you say that to your father? He was so excited to see you!”

“I think you misunderstand, mom.” Sehun stiffly told.

“No!” his mother refused. “Will you stop being angry already? It’s been years, Sehun. Stop holding a grudge, huh? I’ve already forgiven your father. I think you should, too.”

Sehun flung his arm away. Angry she had the audacity to try to gently console him. “No. I think you need to let him go, mom. Like you said, it’s been years.”

His mother’s lower lip trembled. “You don’t understand.”

“What don’t I understand?!” He couldn’t help letting his voice rise. “That he betrayed you? Us? He cheated and he never looked back. He doesn’t love you! Why do you keep waiting around for him? It’s stupid!”

“It’s not stupid.” His mother’s eyes welled up with tears. “I love him.”

Sehun wanted to er punch himself. Suddenly the room grew bigger and his mother smaller. What a frail woman she was trying to mask it beneath a beautiful dress and artificial façade of makeup. What the hell was she doing?

Maybe it wasn’t his father who was hurting her. Maybe it was him.

Whirling around, Sehun slipped back into his shoes and left.  

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Chapter 14: Take care authornim! Take a lof of rest! Stay safe ^^
Chapter 13: sehun should have asked her number T__T.. if it's a time skip after this, then they will only meet each other again in the future? ah hopefully sehun in the future will do better on courting her lol..
Chapter 12: T__T no dinner for them then? well it must be shocking for jongin and namjoo. at the same time sehun will meet a girl? woah woah..
Chapter 11: Eyyyyyy.. cliffhanger.. and oh, here comes the angst? Haha am never ready fot the angst tbh XD
Chapter 10: Aigoo finally sehun has the guts to ask her out.. ahaha i can imagine how awkward it was for him XD. Thank you for the upd!
Chapter 9: Eizzzz... What a shock.. Aha ha.. drunk namjoo is cute..the struggles are real.. aww.. hope they can clarify it somehow XD
Chapter 8: Aww what is namjoo gonna say to sehun? Aww.. ah it’s normal indeed, the feeling of someone will snatch your bestie XD. Thank you for the update authornim!
Chapter 7: I hope things will soon get better for you, take your time to heal ^^ and don’t stress out. Stay strong!
Their relationship is progressing and namjoo is starting to feel something for sehun too.. ayy.. ^^
Chapter 5: I had a heart attack when I read the title of this chapter..I thought Namjoo and Sehun's family complications are related lol

Oh no!why not love quadruple?while you are at it XD