chapter four

The Only

Oh Boy


If there was anything I'd like to learn more about, it'd be the concept of dreaming. 

I've always wondered what specific things meant. I find myself having the weirdest dreams lately. Sometimes, I wonder if they're real or not. I see myself having endless conversations with faceless people, unable to control my own actions, or being followed by some unknown stranger that I could never escape from no matter how hard I tried. 

Within the realm of sleep is the moment when I feel free of my own persistent thinking. In dreams and in nightmares is when the subjects of my thoughts evolve into unintelligible scenarios. Interesting ones, at that.

My own acquired knowledge of dreaming is that there's a load of symbolism at play. For example, main aspects of my dreams symbolize for something that correspond to my emotions, worries, and current tribulations. It could be about something that I miss, that I love, that I despise, that I'm afraid of, or maybe a mix of all of them in one. It's intriguing how dreams formulate sequential, or sometimes random situations that correlate to what's within your mind realistically. 

I'd have dreams—correction: nightmares—of the accident, which isn't much to ponder about in terms of psychology, since it's self-explanatory. It was a traumatic occurrence; something I can't totally run away from. I wish I could abandon it somehow, so I could be better, not only for myself but for others. Especially Aunt Kim. It's kind of enveloped my entire mind, and it may be destroying me; mentally and physically. It's pushing me away from those that want to help, but even then, I can't help this change of character that I've gone through. It's either you can be better, or you can't, but hey, I'm trying. Not as hard as I should be, but can you blame me?

I used to have actual dreams; ambitions, more so. I had plenty that consisted of being a pianist, a writer, or even, an artist, since drawing is a giant hobby of mine. As much as I'd like to think I can become either of those things, dreams didn't seem like a reality. See, they were just that—something to constantly strive for to keep you alive inside—to keep that fire burning, you know? 

It may come off as a surprise, but I wasn't always a desolate that was enclosed to talking about personal matters or filled their time being isolated. I cared about the same things that any other teenager would. Well, any goal-oriented, levelheaded teenager, I mean. I laid down my goals, whether it was personal or in terms of academics, and I made sure I achieved it. 

In that case, it's not a bad idea to mention that it wasn't a breeze to get into Yuna High. To attend, it required an excellent GPA, a great standpoint in behavior, and most of all, your personal mindset for why the school stands out to you and why it outshines the rest. Their collegiate attitude is what attracted so many students in the first place, making it one of the greatest in the region. They strive to conjoin the best students that work hard in the achievement of their goals and what they're searching for after high school. If you attend Yuna High, you sure as hell are going to get accepted to a university of your choice, whether it'd be your dream to attend to or not.

After all, that's the ultimate objective for anyone with endless aspirations.

I was one of those determined students—the type that put effort into the future that they saw for themselves—whatever that may be. It was my main focal point. I did leave room for my old friends—Taemin and Sunmi—and extended time for other things besides education, of course. I wasn't a school-obsessed nerd, but I took my studies seriously and my future into great consideration.

After the accident, that deteriorated altogether. And, with that, your soul and persona begins to do the same. School went from the first thing to the last thing on my mind, and when I changed, the dreams that I had hoped for my future got carried away with it. 

My mother was always proud of my achievements whether it was academically, musically, or artistically. She showed her gratitude, but I couldn't say the same for my father. Earning a simple 'congratulations' or 'nice job' from him was enough to make me feel proud of myself. It did aid in giving me that extra push to try harder, though.

I can't say I feel that same exertion anymore. 

It was difficult to think for myself and my attainable successes when the life I used to know had faded away with a simple snap of God's fingers. Instead, I acquired a sense of numbness; a reoccurring feeling that I couldn't shake away, no matter how hard I tried to stray from the thought of the accident. I was glad that my second year of high school was over by the time it happened, because I was unable to do anything. It was impossible. It was constricting—the feeling overwhelmed me and flicked off not only who I was, but who I wanted to become.

I wasn't in touch with my surroundings for a while. Maybe that's why I couldn't leave Aunt Kim's house all summer and chose an overbearing dosage of sleep instead. The process of healing and coping is different for everyone, and I think my behavior is understandable. I can't be the only teenager who changed into a life- jerk that has a plastered scowl as their default expression, right?

Maybe once my negative outlook is set aside, things'll change.

It was morning: the third day of interactions, inevitable agitations, and praying that school would end in a blink of an eye. 

One can only wish.

I let out a loud, much-needed yawn and squinted my eyelids open with caution. Beams of sunlight peaked through the crevices of my blinds, and the sudden intensity was causing my eyesight to increasingly diminish. I rubbed at my eyes until they adjusted to the harsh gleam.

I supposed rising earlier than Jimin was a good call. I wanted a head-start on the walk to school and be extra early to Mr. Heechul's class. Although it'd be unlikely to be late due to the mental map I have constructed of my classes, I will not be a bad example—in any circumstances—for tardiness a second time. Someone else can take up on that job. 

Another reason I woke up earlier was so that Jimin wouldn't have the audacity to be tetchy and knock on my door until it unattached at the hinges whilst profusely shouting to get ready. That'd result in a heart attack, especially if I'm sleeping well. He was a punchable human-alarm, only worse than an actual one. 

In quick preparation, I slabbed on my typical uniform attire, but instead of the school's buttoned-up jacket, I threw on one of their hoodies. 

I prepped myself in the bathroom: relieving myself, scrubbing my teeth, and splashing some water on my face. 

Not much of a self-care routine.

I stuffed any academic necessities in my bag before heaving it over my shoulder and exiting into the narrow hallway. I cruised down the flight of stairs and landed gracefully on the bottom step. 

I was unable to find Aunt Kim downstairs. Perhaps, she had already gone off too work. I dove for the last remaining apple that was perched in a decorative glass bowl, glowing like a prize. Only mere inches away, I spotted a sticky-note with some scribbles of writing on it. It was signed by Aunt Kim herself, and after I skimmed it through, I concluded that my suspicions about her whereabouts were correct.

Without bothering to wait for Jimin, and mentally voicing a prayer that he wouldn't leave the house in the next five minutes, I began my journey down the route towards school-grounds. I was left with my thoughts and nothing else. 

I couldn't help but notice that I wasn't in an awful mood this morning, and that's when I was overjoyed to realize a particular detail. 

I wasn't awakened once by those horrid nightmares that are so unpredictable in terms of ruining my slumber. I recall myself having a semi-normal dream—still managing to be a little weird, though.

Nothing new. 

Either way, I slept damn near perfect last night, and with that, had to have initiated a brighter Taehyung. I was all for it. Oddly enough, my mood hadn't vanished the moment I thought about attending school or seeing a sheer glimpse of Jimin this morning. Not that I have yet, but let's not jinx it, now. I will, although, take advantage of this slight decrease in temperament. If nothing will ruin it. 

At least, now that I somehow slept well, I don't have to worry about falling asleep after school or in class. The probability of pissing off any teachers today is low. Good sign. Then again, there's the thought that the world is one-hundred percent against me, so I wager I'd anger them one way or another.

"Yah, Taehyung, wait up!" Jimin cried. Great, he was leaving the house, and I couldn't even achieve more than an average head-start. 

I glanced over my shoulder to the image of him racing over to my side with a—wait, was that a shoe? Yup, it's his shoe, dangling in his hand. The amount of distance now shortened by his bunny-hopping sprints made that mystery solved. I had no clue how he hadn't tripped over his own feet by now. He was busy wrestling with his horrible balance, bouncing around on one leg like an utter fool. It was an amusing, yet concerning sight. Most of all, it was humiliating. For the sake of his social status, I hoped no one was watching on the sidelines. 

Popping up by my side in no time, he emitted a verbal 'phew', before shoving on his shoe with slight difficulty.

God, he's a disaster on two legs.

Appearing as pathetic as ever, he acknowledged, "you got up early this morning."

I suspect not as early as I was anticipating on being, seeing as Jimin was up and moving. It wasn't a shock that he managed to ruin every sliver of my chances at having a lonesome walk to school.

"Evidently so," I mumbled, digging a hand into the depths of my pockets whilst taking a decent bite out of my morning snack. 


As I mentioned before: Jimin is a dolt, and nothing less. It was useless to even explain.

"Nothing," I sighed, growing regretful that I didn't wake up any earlier to avoid his idiotic remarks.

Minutes passed, and I couldn't help but sense a few glances thrown in my direction from Jimin. I knew he was contemplating on whether I'd be willing to converse, searching his mind for another worthless topic to bring up or ask about, but instead of using his voice, he makes his stares noticeable until I mention it. I attempted to suppress myself from speaking, but it was impossible. He was thirsty for verbal communication, ready to pounce on something to talk about. 

Another reason why Jimin irks me. With or without any sleep, he was a social butterfly, and even worse: he was a ing early bird. I detest early birds. 

I huffed, "What is it this time?"

He hesitated momentarily but coughed it up anyhow. He began to gesture at my very comfortable attire. 

"Isn't that hoodie a bit much?" Is my clothing the focal point of his observations right now? Is this actually the issue? I was baffled that I was hearing this from the guy that left his home in shambles only mere moments ago, but nope, he was concerned about the fact that I was wearing a goddamn hoodie. "If you haven't noticed, it's pretty humid today."

I have noticed, you dummy. Despite the uniform being constricting to begin with, it was my general attire; it doesn't matter the weather, I prefer wearing it anyways.

Besides, it's not like I'm a total madman. I'm wearing the school's shirt underneath to provide the choice of taking it off whenever I'd like. 

There are methods to my hoodie-wearing madness.

"What's the difference between wearing that godawful jacket and the hoodie?" 

"The jacket has thinner material, so therefore it's more comfortable." I beg to differ. "The hoodie is the opposite."

I lifted an eyebrow, "and?"

It's too early for judgments, and it's too early to hold this useless conversation with Jimin. He requires too much attention. 

"And, aren't you worried that you'll get a heat and pass out or something?"

I blinked harshly one-too-many times. 

I was comprehending whether I was actually talking to Jimin or not. I doubted actual Jimin would say something so incompetent, so maybe I'm having a nightmare. That must be it. I'm just sleeping. All of this is a misunderstanding and I'm stuck in a horrible dream where Jimin somehow got dumber. Above all levels. 

In the instance when I thought I'd wake up with a start, that moment never came, and I'm now certain: I've lost all faith in Jimin's inability to encapsulate a decent IQ. All I could do was stare at the dumb look on his face in utmost perplexity. Is this guy serious? Like, is he really like this in front of his friends? If so, how hasn't he been disowned by now? 

His overdramatic comment about possible death and supposed heatstrokes was appalling. I couldn't even tell if he was joking or not. All I could say was, "Jimin, what makes you think walking for five minutes in the sun is going to give you a heat ?"

"It could happen!" he protested, shrugging. It's highly unlikely. "But, I don't know. I read it on the internet once."

Jimin is gullible, too? That's troubling.

"Whatever you read was an exaggeration. Maybe, stay off the internet. And, since it's early, I'll give you a pass for saying something that stupid."

"Yah, it wasn't that stupid." Was that supposed to be a counter-argument? It proved nothing.

"It was pretty dumb."

"I know, I know," he agreed, giving into the justified insult. I was mighty surprised. I thought he was more stubborn than that. Emitting a sharp sigh, he ran a hand through his disheveled mane. He muttered, "I'm really tired. I've been up all-night practicing."

I believed it, but I didn't bother pointing it out in my head. 

One night of no sleep and he looks like this? 


The dark bags under his eyes were clearly visible. They weren't as noticeable as I exaggerate it to be, but it added to the fact that he looked dreadful. It's how I looked on the first day of school--like . Worse thing about it was that he must've drove himself crazy playing an instrument all night. I can relate, but I, at least, had boundaries on my playing-time. 

Problem is, overplaying isn't going to make him better–it's going to make him worse and inconsistent. Scheduled practices are the way to go. 

I looked over and witnessed him doze off. He did every now and then between sentences, but it's not like I gave that much of a about it. Though, his dozing off was quite concerning since we were currently walking to school. 

I'm feeling rather generous this morning, so I'll be kind to not bring up anything that has to do with his awful appearance.

Oops, I almost forgot it was my turn to say something. "Practicing, again? And, for what, exactly? The school talent show?"

"Ha-Ha-Ha," he let out a disingenuous laugh. Tough crowd. At the same time, it was admittedly a legitimate question that I was somewhat interested in knowing. Why else would he be playing guitar for hours and hours? Much less throwing his sleeping schedule into a spiral. "Yes, again. I'm hoping to impress... someone."

Oh, how cryptic. If only I was the least bit smart enough to figure out who Jimin was striving to impress. It's not like he makes it known or anything. If you didn't catch on yet: sarcasm's a beautiful thing, and a form of language that I use a lot.

"No need to communicate in Morse code, Jimin. It's not rocket science to unravel the fact that you have a crush on Chaeyoung."

Bottom line: Jimin isn't good at hiding his feelings. 

This is the part where he acts surprised.

"Wh—I—No, I don't!"

His nervous laughter doesn't help his case either. 

"Oh, really? Then, why were you drooling over her during lunch the other day?"

He frowned in defeat. There was no use in denying it, because I witnessed it all. 

"Shut up." 

"Wait, so let me get this straight. You're learning guitar to make a girl like you? I mean, Chaeyoung?"

For a guy of high stature, I would think he'd be able to achieve any girl he wants. 

"Shh, keep it down," he shushed for dramatics. I don't know who else could be listening in on our conversation besides the slim possibility that we were being followed by an entity. I understand that the school was only another block away, but there was no one around. In paranoia, he checked his surroundings. "But, no, of course not. Guitar's always been my thing. I'm saying that it's a plus if I can impress her, you know?" 

No, I really don't. I've never had the urge to try to impress a woman with my piano-playing skills. I don't even recall ever having a crush on a girl. When I was younger, maybe.

Then again, I don't think the piano is an instrument that would attract females in the first place. Women love the generic singer and guitar player type, like Jimin, so he's on the right track to a possible road for victory. 

To an extent, I give him some credit. At least he's trying to enact on those feelings instead of caving into them with denial or the fear of being rejected. It may be a poor idea and all, but it's something. Considering that they're already friends is a giant plus, too.

Somehow, I understand the reasoning behind why he's notorious at school. He's got the swagger(somewhat), the charm (somewhat), and the overbearing amount of kindness. He's not very convincing on the intelligence scale, but nowadays, looks and a decent personality are all a guy needs, right? 

Now, hold on, before you go haywire and disagree.

That argument is supported until proven otherwise, because of one major piece of information from the first day of school. As Seulgi mentioned, I've caught the miraculous attention of the opposite gender because of—wait for it—my looks. So, that leaves one thing: is personality that important for girls at Kwang Academy?

"Aren't you popular or something?" I inquired. "Why don't you just man-up and ask her out?"

"You don't understand, Taehyung. This is Chaeyoung we're talking about. She's beautiful. She's smart. She's kind. She's out of this world. I don't know how to contain these feelings without wondering if she even likes me back." Oh, here we go with the incessant rambling. He sounds like a lovesick maniac. At least he openly admitted that he likes her. That's a good start. "Popularity has nothing to do with it."

"Sure, it does. Maybe, not for the whole picture, but part of it. In a way, it's a good thing," I countered. "Think of it like this: being known as popular automatically heightens your confidence. It's a self-awarded title given by the residents at school. It makes you known as the likeable dude, right?"

"Yeah?" he drew out quizzically, unable to grasp my point. 

"So, with that, it should make the confession process easier."

"But, it doesn't solve anything."

"No, it doesn't. Then again, you haven't done anything yet. You're relying on passing time to do things for you, in hopes that something will form between you and her," And, that's when I remembered, "Jimin, the both of you are close friends. There's nothing else to do, but let your feelings become clear."

"And, that's exactly what makes confessing difficult," he said sorrowfully. "I don't want to confess with the cost of our friendship fading into thin air. I value that way too much."

"So, you think playing a guitar will initiate those feelings that you unknowingly think she has?"


I was confused. His plan sounded undeniably stupid, but it's not like I'm surprised. 

Does Jimin believe that it would work? 

Think about it: If him and Chaeyoung are close friends, an instrument wouldn't change how she feels about him. If she already likes him, then it'd just be something to add onto her list of reasons why. He shouldn't attempt to ignite that spark with a ploy of making an impression anyways—they already know each other. There's not much of a point. Their friendship just is what it is and if nothing more derives from it, then it should be left alone.

I don't get Jimin's game here. 

Like a long-awaited dream, Kwang Academy was in view, towering before my eyes, and glistening with intent. I've never been so ecstatic about arriving to a place where education blossoms, but in this case, I was grateful. It meant that this cheesy discussion I was having with Jimin about his uncertain love interest that may or may not be endgame would come to an abrupt conclusion. I hadn't minded. I've delved into too much of Jimin's life in only ten minutes worth of chatting. I don't want to dig myself deeper by lingering around and giving his girl problems a closer listen. 

It was still decently early, and we had arrived at a safe timing of ten minutes before the warning bell would violently ring. There weren't many students that had arrived at campus yet, but there were enough to witness the usual crowding in every corner of the entrance and the courtyard. They were like a pack of rats ready to scurry back into the hole. At least the atmosphere wasn't too rowdy yet.

Unfortunately, a quick glance was all that I needed to spot Joohyun, Sooyoung, Chaeyoung, and Dahyun laughing and speaking up a storm at whatever they were consulting about. They were near the large tree that I had taken refuge under the other day. War flashbacks flickered in my mind, but it didn't stay for long. 

Judging by Joohyun's nonchalance amongst her pals, it appeared her and I's not-so-great reunion after twelve years didn't bug her as much as I thought it would. Not that I expected it to drive her crazy or anything. 

I was astonished to also realize that I hadn't given her much attention yesterday, as I believe she did the same in return. In actuality, the second day of school didn't have much going on at all, and it was a fresh breath of air to take in.

But, seeing her now, as it is a new day and I've encompassed a slightly improved attitude, all the things that went wrong during our argument had been swept under the rug. What's best is to shrug it off and forget about it, as it is no longer of importance.

Not much farther away from the girls was Jungkook and Bogum, coolly sprawled over the grass in relaxation. Damn, for a moment there, I was beginning to feel proud of myself for rising so early this morning but seeing as the majority of Jimin's friends are already here, it doesn't make much of a difference. I've started to wonder if they walk together or something—they're always herded in unity, almost like their attached at the hips. It's a rare occasion that they're apart. The only few that are missing is Hoseok, Seulgi, and Yoongi, whom now that I think about it are in their own little world. They don't mind being to themselves.

At the sheer glimpse of Jimin's presence, Jin and his annoying sidekick named Namjoon began to wave their hands in a wild craze, summoning his name in a repetitive fashion. Can someone shut them up? It's the break of dawn and their hyperactive tendencies are unnecessary. 

Preparing to leave Jimin in the dust to socialize with his proper kind, I assured with ease, "we'll talk about this later." 

Mr. Heechul's scratchy, stern tone was echoing in my brain to not be late, so I didn't want to press time. Deep down, I was pleading that this topic was not to be further dealt with and Jimin would shrug off a possible continuation. Then again, I don't trust things will ever go in my favor.

My stomach began to grumble so I tore off the unbitten side of my apple and continued towards the entrance, bursting through the double-doors. With a munch and a gulp, my arrival led the eyes of talkative students to land on me. Several were immersed in their own four-or-five-person cliques, huddled together like a pack of football players. This act of circulating gossip is getting pretty old. Whether it's good or bad, it's disrespectful to those that witness it in action. 

So, doing what I do best, I ignored the whispers and mutters.

Just when I thought I was free to myself, and Jimin was out of my hair, right?

No, not exactly.  

It appears a night of no sleep made him bold.

"Taehyung! Yah, hold on a second!" I rolled my eyes. The sound of his voice made my depression meter shoot through the roof and into the atmosphere. I pretended to ignore his call and persisted to walk down the hallway. 

I crossed my fingers and mumbled incoherent prayers that some higher power would make him shut up. But, as expected, nothing happened. Jimin caught up quickly, his presence evident in my peripheral. 

Why was he out of breath? 

"Geez, you We're not...done talking... about my situation."

"I thought we were," I grumbled, dunking the half-bitten apple into a trashcan that I came across.

He swept the back of his hand over his forehead, caught his breath, and straightened his posture. 

"No way, you and I were connecting just then."

"We weren't connecting," I scoffed, his statement almost laughable to hear. "We were having a consultation about your possible love-life."

"And, that was the longest conversation we've had since you moved here!"

I'd be lying through my teeth if I said that was false. I didn't bother responding, since Mr. Heechul's class was right around the corner. Plus, it's not like I had a valid argument for his claim.  

Upon our glorious arrival, I peeked into the tiny window of the classroom and found that a couple of students were lounging around, chatting about nothingness, I presume. I waltzed inside with Jimin following closely behind, much to my dismay. Mr. Heechul paid no sort of attention to our entrance, as he was drowning in a stack of papers that were scattered on his desk. I plopped myself at my assigned seat and shoved my bag on the ground. 

I figured shooing Jimin away was a difficult task at this point. Diving into an in-depth conversation about his liking for Chaeyoung wasn't a smart move, and it only got his gears churning about it. Now, it's become clear that I'm bound with this till the end.

"So, what do you need?" I breathed.

"Isn't it clear?" Instead of utilizing Hoseok's chair as proper seating, he hopped on top of the desk and swerved around to face me. "I need your advice about..." He purposely cleared his throat in accentuation. "You know."

I slumped into my chair. "I don't have advice to offer. Good ones, at that."

"Are you kidding?" he countered. "With as many girls that you have all over you, you got to have plenty of advice to give."

Sometimes, I wonder if he's blind to the fact that he's the popular guy at school, and I'm simply the newcomer with no interest in being a chick-magnet.

"Oh, really?" In attempt to drive my point across, I craned my head to look over his shoulders and scan the area. "Where are they, then?"

He laughed in hilarity. "They don't have to come up to you for that to be the case. There're many girls that want my attention, but all they do is stare and hope for their chance."

I inwardly cringed at his finishing words. Although I grasped his point, his cockiness jumped out. That was something Jungkook would say, as douchey as that guy makes himself seem.

Important question: how does everyone else notice when girls drool over me, but I can never catch them?

"I'll believe it when I see it," I retorted. "Why don't you bother Bogum, Jungkook, or Jin about this? Aren't they your best friends or whatever?"

"Yeah, but you're my cousin, dude. You're more trustworthy. Thing is, Bogum has his own problems to deal with, Jungkook can never have a serious conversation about relationships, and Jin is, well, too dumb."

What makes my case any better? I've never been in a relationship. At least Bogum and Jungkook have knowledge about women. On the contrary, I don't know anything about winning a girl's heart or making them happy. Instead, I do a great job at making them frown or roll their eyes. Joohyun can vouch for that.

His words, although, brought me to an understandable conclusion:

Jimin must think that I have previous experience with women. It was outrageous to assume that, but then again, he wouldn't know if I do or not. We were never close, and we've lived in two very separate places for most of our lives.

"How is impressing her going to even work? Are you going to go to her house, throw a rock at her window, strum some chords, and serenade her?"

His immediate reaction was like a deer caught in the headlights, all bug-eyed and such. Afterwards, he drew his attention elsewhere, acting as if he hadn't heard a single thing I said. 

I did catch one thing: his cheeks reddened immensely at my query. I grimaced at the speechless response. His countenance said it all. If disappointment with a mix of disgust wasn't obvious, utilizing my face as visuals, I don't know what was. 

He was drowning in his own embarrassment at this point. God, I was just joking. How could he think of something so...gag-worthy? 

"Really, Jimin? That's pathetic."

"Shut up. In my defense, when you like someone, you'd do the corniest things to make them smile. You know the gist." No, I don't, but please continue. "I thought of doing that at first, but that's too much, you know?" You're right, she'd vomit and shut her window. "So, that's when a great opportunity swung around and—"

The first bell rung. It was heavenly. It would urge Jimin to trudge off and vanquish from my presence. Its goal was to alert straggling students outside or in the halls to head on their way to class, and it sure fulfills its purpose. 

Jimin frowned at the interruption and launched himself off the desk. Countless students began to flood into the classroom whilst others were rushing in the halls. The rowdiness that was now in my hearing-range was becoming increasingly agitating. 

"You'll find out what that great opportunity is today. Joohyun and Sooyoung are going to announce it, and that's when you'll get the full-picture," I curved a brow, remaining puzzled as to what he was referring to. As he slung the sleeves of his backpack over his shoulders, he leant his fist outwardly towards me. I stared at it, confused. "So, when the time comes, will you be able to help me out with my... situation?"

I groaned inwardly, reminding myself that it isn't my problem. None of this is. It appears that no matter how hard I try to avoid it, there's no choice but to interact with my dear cousin. It's as if life is forcing me to be more involved with the people around me, knowing that I want to be alone and unbothered for as long as I live here. I get it, and I might as well cave into whatever nuisances that destiny has in store for me, but it doesn't mean I want to help Jimin with his issues.

"I still don't understand exactly what I'm helping you with, but—" I can't believe I was conceding to this. It's Jimin for Christ's sake. I clenched a fist and forced myself to bump it against his. "—Fine."

"Yes!" He cheered, showcasing a victorious grin. "You're pretty cool, Taehyung. I hope we get closer as time goes on."

And, with that, he sped off. 

Trust me, I gathered every inch of myself to not cringe, but at the same time, I couldn't help but notice how awfully genuine it sounded. This time, it didn't seem like a usual fabricated statement.

I may not enjoy whatever the hell Jimin is dragging me into, but maybe all this socializing with him will put a smile on Aunt Kim's face in the end. 

I guess, showing that I'm trying is better than nothing at all.

Hoseok was awfully quiet this morning in Mr. Heechul's class, seeming as if he was focused on something that was rolling around in his head. Besides a usual greeting, I was expecting to dive into yet another conversation, but instead, his mouth was shut the entire time. Although I like the idea of having a silent environment, or at least as often as I can, it was out of the norm for him. At the same time, I don't blame him; it was the first period of the day, so I didn't dwell on the observation too much.

Mrs. Strife is rising to the top of my list as favorite teacher (sorry, Mr. Cid). I guess, my lame human-eye drawing caught her own eye. I spotted it on the bulletin board as I entered and as I left class. It wasn't much, as it didn't take up a lot of my time to throw in finishing-touches, but she took it as award-winning with all the recognition she had given it the day prior. Maybe, 'award-winning' was an overstatement, but still, it doesn't hurt to round up some compliments here and there. I appreciated Mrs. Strife's efforts to make my day just a little bit better and she may have succeeded.

Jin and Namjoon were up to no good in English once again, but it wasn't anything new. I learned that if you've acquired the level of immaturity that both of them possess, anything can be hilarious. The school's population doesn't have much of a sense of humor, it appears. Foolish pranks and disrespectful remarks aren't considered a hardy-har-har in my book, but that's just me.

Now, in current time, my temper was on the verge of skyrocketing due to Mrs. Asuna conducting her class in a different room for unknown reasons. According to the note she slabbed on her door, we were having class in the lab. Mind you, it lacked a room number. Here I was, standing in the smack-middle of the hallway with no sense of direction, and most of all, looking stupid.

Since lunch had ended, there weren't many students around to ask, so while I sped-walked, I peered into every passing classroom in hopes that the lab was near or that it would somehow magically appear. 

I had zero luck.

"Lost?" I take that back, maybe I did. I faced in the direction of the feminine voice that struck unfamiliarity. I presumed it was a random passerby that caught onto my hopeless roaming like some lost puppy, but it was only Chaeyoung. A shiver ran down my spine as her gentle eyes pierced straight through mine. Now that I was in close proximity with her, I pondered how her facial features held no flaws. Yeah, that's right—zero. As mentioned before, she was stunning. I guess, Jimin and I have an agreement about something after all. "Taehyung, right?"

I nodded in confirmation, and cleared my throat, hoping that'll shake myself from the wonderment. "But, yeah, it appears that I am lost."

"My name is Chaeyoung and I'm happy to point you in the right direction," she introduced fluidly, a sweet smile touching her lips. "What class are you looking for?"

If her aura and responses weren't so kind, I would recall the fact that she's a gossiper of mine. It'd cause my countenance to divert into a scowl and I'd make it known that she's on my hate-list. However, the serene look on my face didn't budge.

"Mrs. Asuna's, but apparently she's having class in the lab today."

"Oh, yes. It's actually located on the second floor next to Mr. Hikaru's class," I looked at her with a blank expression, blinking a few times. She giggled quite heavenly at my silence. Was she an enchantress or something? I can't seem to focus on anything else but her ability to be adorable. "You don't know where that is, do you?"

Obviously not. "I can't say I do, no."

She gestured to follow. "Come on, I'll show you where it is." 

With a giddy skip in her step, she spun on her heel and proceeded to march towards the stairs. As she did so, her hair flung over her shoulders in one rapid swoop, almost smacking me in the side of the face. It was as if I was being dragged onward by an invisible rope or pully. My legs were moving after her without my consent. 

Oh, how pathetic that sounds. 

I gulped as I walked alongside her, my gawking going a little overboard whilst digesting her physical features—the small details I hadn't discerned the first time I saw her, more specifically. Her hair, like ivory, drooped around her pale cheeks. Her skin wasn't an unhealthy kind of pale, though. It was rather flawless. I was amazed; her presence was like a glimmering angel. 

I mentally flicked myself in frustration. 

Although Joohyun's effect on me is much worse in comparison to Chaeyoung, it still pissed me off.

It's ridiculous. 

In reality, it's also understandable. I mean, she's attractive, why wouldn't my stare linger? It's mere observations of her physicality. Not much else to it than that.

Jimin would catch my drift. 

Thing is, Joohyun and Chaeyoung both possess majestic features that tug the common eye. It's not out of the ordinary to think so, and as I've mentioned once before, I do admire beauty.

I obstructed my train of thoughts. 

"The bell will ring soon," I prompted, hoping that'll shoo her away. Her distractions were enough. "You should head to class before you're late. I'm sure I'll have no problem finding it."

Her smile grew, little dimples puncturing her cheeks. God, dimples, too? What kind of genes was this girl blessed with?

"It's okay, my next period is on the second floor anyways—" Liar. "—Besides, you're not only the new guy, but Jimin's cousin. I can't just pass up this moment to introduce myself and show you around a bit."

I smirked so slight that she didn't catch onto it. "So it seems that word traveled around pretty quick about who I am, huh?"

"Hard to not know who you are. Jimin is well-known here, so you're a topic of many conversations and then some. People want to know about you."

"Hm, it appears so," I hummed thoughtfully, nodding. "Although, in order to get to know me, it would require speaking to me. I don't think whispering into their friends' ears in speculation would solve anything, don't you agree?"

Instantaneously, we made eye-contact. I expected the smile she had plastered on her face to fall flat, but it didn't budge. Instead, it morphed into a coy smirk. 

What the hell? 

That was strategically done to make her uncomfortable and sputter an apology for being a gossip. 

"There's a difference between speculation, gossiping, and telling a friend that the new guy is cute." Whoa...she's a bit upfront about things. And, dare I say it, a thousand steps ahead of me. Did she calculate this? How did that roll off her tongue so easily? Was that supposed to be flirtatious? It surely sounded flirtatious, and it's causing my mind to think faster than my ability to comprehend what's going on. At this point, I'm the one sputtering over my own thoughts. I was speechless, but my subconscious had a lot to say. "It isn't something you say out loud, don't you think?"

"Seeing as you've managed to do so right now, perhaps it is." I murmured, flashing her the slightest smile.

"Hm, I did, didn't I..." she said breathlessly, more as a statement than an inquiry.

Oh, she was totally hitting on me. This could become an issue. Scratch that: it was an issue the moment she openly admitted to calling me cute.

After I drowned in the silence that accumulated in the air and climbed a flight of stairs, she paused near the third room on the left. I was eternally grateful for both the silence and her aid in redirecting me on the right path. I was also glad that we would now part ways, as this meeting has confused me in more ways than not.

"Thanks for risking a tardy to offer a little help," I appreciated. My hand gripped on the door handle, ready to pry it open at full-force.

"It's not a problem," she giggled. With a sliver of strength, the handle turned and creaked, but she called out in time, "oh, and Taehyung?"

Amidst a cloud of silence, our gazes met; her's gentle and mine as empty as I've become.

"Smile more."

Her suggestion echoed through the halls and in my mind, as time seemed to have slowed for the next moment. Her words were simple, but it managed to thud against my heart to leave a significant mark. Her departing figure tugged my eyes to roam and venture to its own free will, abandoning me in a realm of mystification.



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irenii #1
Chapter 25: I hope everything is good now and the things that were going on on your life are better now. I didn't realize until today that there was a new chapter. I haven't had a lot of time as of lately. But i was delated when i saw it :D And now about the story can the get any cuter?? also Yoongi and seungwan being cute too <3 i can't wait for the next chapter for their date, i expect some more development ;)
irenii #2
Chapter 24: I know i am a bit late, but i've been so busy too, i can relate with you, but now i have finished reading the chapter :) Like always i feel so many emotions reading your story... It's true that today i am bit more emotional (some things going on in my life) so i was feeling totally the anguish that Taehyung was feeling but it was lovely how reassuring and trusting Joohyun was in this chapter. I am in love to see how she is helping him to heal. Again waiting for the next one <3
no_face #3
Chapter 23: I'll wait patiently for the next chap. 😇Fighting authornim
irenii #4
Chapter 23: I am so happy about this update and i kind of have a feeling that it was going to be today... I have an exam this week and i thought ok lets rest for a bit and came to see if there was an update (specifically of this fic) and there it was XD. It made my heart so warm that she is the main part of why he is healing and they are flirting even when they don't admit it. I see a little progress here and the mixed of plot and fluff was so perfect <3
irenii #5
Chapter 22: ... and a cliffhanger >.< I was expecting the talk. I can't believe she doesn't know what she's feeling. They are both so frustrating (sigh). But well it was good to know more about her insight. Can't wait for more!! lol
irenii #6
Chapter 20: I was so happy when i see there was an update!! i have been waiting for it!! It really made me crack up the first part of inner conversation of Taehyung with himself. And finally he's somehow accepting his own feelings :)
irenii #7
Chapter 19: man i was expecting a kiss... He wants to do it!!! I love them, I love the story i love the characters and i love the development in their relationship <3. The inner monologue it's great, somehow helps me to connect with him and even to get more into the story, like i am part of it. I love her thought too!! It's probably one of the best fanfics i have ever read, for real. Awesome work!! Can't wait for the next update
MsTaeyong 249 streak #8
Chapter 19: Authornim the inner monologue in a perfect fit for this story in particular, especially in Tae's Pov ! And yes I'd love to see Bae's POV more often tho' how she feels about Tae and his actions if she likes him and is she being in denial as well as Tae or not?
I say it's time for a kiss to confuse their feelings more 👀
The story is really awesome I can't wait for more updates !!!
Take all time you need stay healthy and comeback soon please.
MsTaeyong 249 streak #9
Chapter 19: Authornim the inner monologue in a perfect fit for this story in particular, especially in Tae's Pov ! And yes I'd love to see Bae's POV more often tho' how she feels about Tae and his actions if she likes him and is she being in denial as well as Tae or not?
I say it's time for a kiss to confuse their feelings more 👀
The story is really awesome I can't wait for more updates !!!
Take all time you need stay healthy and comeback soon please.
MsTaeyong 249 streak #10