chapter fifteen

The Only

Simple and Clean

Joohyun's Perspective:

Taehyung remembers us.

It's been two weeks, and I still think about that day often.

I didn't think it could be possible—Taehyung acknowledging segments of the past no matter how brief it was. Nope, not ever. Keeping my hopes up was hard. But just like that day at the clean-up, I continued to stay optimistic about his memories returning, or at least barely coming to the surface.

I wasn't one-hundred percent positive that it could ever occur. I'm not a psychologist or a doctor. I'm just someone that's extremely hopeful—someone who searches for possibilities and holds onto them.

In truth, the past is what connects me, Bogum, and Taehyung. There're many afternoons, either on the walk home after work or while lounging around at home, that I marvel over the connection that the three of us manage to keep intact after all these years. It's even crazier once I'm reminded of how long Taehyung's been away. That single thought urges me to wonder why he doesn't know us, or why he forgot about us and his childhood, but there's no use. It's not like I can change things, much less what he remembers.

Whenever I'm with Taehyung, my heart breaks a little. There'd be so many times that I want to reminisce a certain experience with him, but I stop myself. It's upsetting to believe that he's forgotten what brought us together or the small memories we've shared. That disappointment led me to endlessly plead for those tiny fragments of our childhood to return to him. It doesn't matter if it's all at once, or little-by-little, but I would've liked it to be possible. That's why I do everything I can to help—to urge the process. Because, if it happened once, then it can happen, again.

And, if it continues to, then...

Then, our relationship has the chance to evolve into something much greater. And, maybe one day, he can finally tell me about him; about the part of his life that I was absent for all these years.

It's wonderful to think about.

But most of all, every day is a step closer to the truth.

I may not be sure about much, but I do know one thing: Bogum and I's bond with Taehyung had strengthened that day at the lake. It was always our spot, but I can officially say it now that the trio is complete. It's been our designated meeting place for a while, but it feels more wholesome nowadays.

Either after school or on the weekends, we'd all meet up there and hangout. Then, inevitably, the competitive pair—Bogum and Taehyung—would challenge each other to a "casual" rock-skipping contest. It'd commence, and sometimes, it'd never end. Taehyung wasn't a professional like Bogum, but with as much as they'd practice together, his skills are continuously enhancing.

Lately, they started to make stupid bets with each other, like, "if I win, you owe me five bucks," or "if I win, you got to buy us ice cream for the rest of the week."

Bogum always turned out as the winner.

The two of them would continuously try and drag me into their games, but it was clear that they were better than me. Yeah, even Taehyung. The only way I'd play is if no bets were involved. If not, I'd simply lay back, relax, and watch their competitions. During the short journeys back to our homes, Bogum would joke around and tease Taehyung about the little diary that he has such a firm grip on all the time. Seriously, he never lets it out of his sight.

That only stirs my intrigue about it and him.

Like, that large scar that runs down his side. It's practically engraved in my mind—a sight that I'll never forget. He must've received it while he was away because I don't remember that. The only possible conclusion that I could think of for a scar that large is that he's been in some horrible accident. One hell of an accident, indeed.

If not that, what else could've caused it? Has he had surgery for something?

All I can do is wonder endlessly, but I'll never know the truth.

And, until I find out, that's exactly what I'm going to do; wonder.

It's difficult not to since he's sitting right beside me.

"This assignment is due on the twenty-sixth. That's next Monday, for any of you that need a reminder. I highly recommend that you and your partner meet after school and on the weekend to finish it." Mrs. Asuna's voice shattered any inward thoughts that I was paying attention to. Don't worry, I was listening, even if I was only half-invested. In my defense, this research project has been the focal point for a few days now; I think, I got the gist of everything. "If any of you have forgotten the topics of your paper, then please—" the bell ceremoniously rang, "—see me now, because I can't after school. I'll write you passes to your next class."

Half the class lined up at Mrs. Asuna's desk.

"Hey, do you want to start brainstorming today?" As Taehyung was piling his books, I flicked his forehead, simply to bug the out of him. It worked, seeing as he was characteristically glaring up at me while rubbing his forehead.

"Didn't you hear Mrs. Asuna? It's not due for another week."

He always teases me for my eye-rolling habits, but it's hard not to when he says things like that.

I made sure to correct him: "We only have five days, Taehyung."

"Five days is more than enough time."

That's just like him.

"That's an excuse a procrastinator would use."

"I'm not a procrastinator," he countered, which was not a convincing argument. "Starting now is unnecessary."

"Okay," I said, attempting to control my growing aggravation that this conversation is inducing. He knows I hate finishing assignments last minute. "But unlike you, I work. I have a tight schedule to worry about."

"Unlike me?"

"Does that offend you?"

"No, I just..." He looked distracted, like there's something on his mind. I'd say he's been acting weird all class period. Well, his mood is a little off. It's probably because he's forcing himself to stay awake. His eyes are droopy, and his movements are unusually slow. Although it worries me that he doesn't sleep well, I'm just glad that he's taking Mrs. Asuna's warning seriously. "Never mind."

I threw my bag over my shoulder, as did he, but we didn't leave just yet. I was expecting that he'd say something else, but nothing came. Just silence. I should've known better, considering that whenever Taehyung says, "never mind", that signals the end to the conversation.

"You look like you have something planned for today," I guessed. For some reason, I paid more attention to that journal or diary of his—whatever it was. Nowadays, he writes in it more often—must be a new hobby he's got himself doing. It's always bundled in his arms or in his hands, like right now. He clutched onto it tighter lately, like he was protecting it from being snatched. My guess? Secrets. And, a ton of them. Or, stories, since he likes to write. "Do you?"

"Kind of."

"Oh?" That's a first. His schedule is always open. "Are you hanging out with Jimin or something?"

He scoffed. "No."

"Then, what is it?"

"You remember Rose? From the Karaoke House?" I physically froze at her name, and so did my ability to think or respond. I, then, forced myself to stiffly nod my head because words weren't easy to find. "The other day, after you went to your meeting, we ran into each other and talked for a little while. She insisted that I'd go to the music room after school to check out one of her piano practices. So, I was thinking of going today."

"Oh." I surely hope that I didn't sound too displeased.


I wanted to ask why. No, not why she randomly wanted him to meet her there. The reason lies in his explanation. It was more so about why he was going to begin with.

I didn't do that for multiple reasons. 1) I didn't want to look needy or controlling, 2) frustrating him is the last thing I want, and 3) there's no point; he'd just call me nosy—joke or not—like all the other times I ask a question.

"Did you know that she plays piano?" The absence of a response on my part caused him to ask.

Yes, I know.

You should, too.

"Who doesn't know that?" I managed to say, acting unbothered. "She's very well-known."

"Is she?" Is he blind to how popular she is?

"Yes, very," I nodded. "How did you not know that?"

"I don't pay attention to that stuff." That's understandable. "Nonetheless, she's really good at it—playing the piano, I mean."

"I know," I forcibly admitted, although it was excruciatingly painful.

He doesn't remember—just like he didn't remember me or Bogum.

I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

Taehyung just hummed and nodded, not saying another word. I didn't give him too much to work with; that was my goal, after all.

We squished through the line at Mrs. Asuna's desk, then left the classroom, only to be met with another cluster of racing students.

"So, anyways," I uttered loud enough to be heard over the random chatter, then swallowed nervously. "Does that mean you're going to meet her today instead?"

"Uh..." , he's scratching his head. He's thinking. How is he possibly contemplating on going? "I guess?"

My worst fear is mending into reality, again.

I stupidly just said, "okay."

God, should I have come up with something to change his mind?

What more can I say?

Taehyung, then, sighed as we reached a quieter area of the hallway. There was a decent amount of distance made between the rowdier areas, so I was thankful. Plus, it was miraculously in front of my last period of the day.

He stopped and leaned against the wall, rubbing the back of his neck. He was weirdly staring off into space, eyebrows meeting at the middle. Anyone would know that that's his thinking face. So, I simply watched him because anytime now, he'll speak his thoughts.

I was right.

"But now that you brought up your hectic schedule and all, I'm thinking of telling her that I'm busy doing the project with you." Should I be relieved? Isn't that what I wanted to hear? "Stressing you out is the last thing I want."

My heart would've melted, but it didn't. I was too distracted by her.

"No, it's okay, Tae." What the hell am I saying? "We can work on the project another day. Like you said, it's due next week."

You're ruining it, again, Joohyun.


"There's no rush, right?" I smiled, but it didn't reach my eyes.

"There isn't, but..."

"Go if it's important." Idiot. Idiot. Idiot. "We have time."

Taehyung's gaze narrowed skeptically at me. He's trying to figure me out. It's more than obvious that he's confused by my words of contradiction, and maybe, so was I. Apart of me wishes I could shrink into nothing. It's difficult to look into his eyes and feel like he doesn't know every single thought that's screaming in my mind.

"What?" I arched a brow. His scrutiny is making me nervous. Then again, it can make any girl shiver.

"Well, that's the thing," he mumbled, shifting his weight off one foot and onto the other. "I think meeting with you is more important."

"Realistically, it is," I said, biting back the urge to smile.


"So, what?"

"So, what should I do?"

"I already told you what I thought," It was impossible not to laugh at his indecisiveness. He was never good at figuring out what he wants. Perhaps we're alike in that department. "Why are you asking me?"

"Because, you're the class president—one that makes decisions on the daily."


"And, you're my best friend," he smiled; mirroring it was a natural reaction. "You always know what to say."

God, heart, slow down.

"That may be so, but I'm not the one that has to meet with someone in the music room after school," I joked, no longer feeling that overwhelming sense of disappointment. No, not after the sweet words he just spoke.

"I know, but..." He checked his wristwatch and frowned. The bell's about to ring.

"Look, just figure out what you want to do, then let me know after school, okay?" He labels me as an overthinker, but he's just the same. "I'll wait by the courtyard, if you want."

"Okay," he said, sighing. "If I decide otherwise, I'll send you a text."

"Perfect." I try to smile, but it's hard. "Now, go to class."

"Going." It stresses me out that he's never worried about arriving late to his classes. "See you later, Joohyun."

I murmured a goodbye, before watching him depart. He hurried down the hallway. He was going to be late, anyways.

Even as I settled into Mrs. Rinoa's class, my train of thoughts were consumed by Taehyung and his undetermined plans. Just like that, a familiar weight of disappointment returned, causing any shed of positivity to disintegrate.

This isn't about the project anymore.

It's become much more than that, but for the wrong, selfish reasons.

That afternoon, I stupidly waited by the courtyard for Taehyung, just like I said I would. I was either anticipating on seeing his face emerge from the building, or for a text message saying that he was meeting with Rose.

His face never appeared, nor did I receive a message from him.

So, yes, I stupidly waited for him.

I didn't count the minutes that I stayed there. The more that I overthought, the more that it felt like I stood there for hours. It was like that on the way back home. Without Bogum or Taehyung by my side, the journey felt longer than usual, despite the fact that I really just wanted to get home.

I started the research project without Taehyung because time was limited, and a free day shouldn't be totally unproductive.

Before I knew it, it was six o'clock.

That's when I received a message from Taehyung:

Hey, hope you didn't wait too long. I'm sorry for not giving you a head's up earlier. Got side-tracked by Rose when I was about to text you.

Because of the mood I was in, I considered not replying. Though, that's not like me. I may be sulky, frustrated, and incredibly anxious, but it's not the end of the world. Besides, what I'm feeling now has nothing to do with him. He hasn't done anything wrong. Ghosting Taehyung because of my own selfishness would be immature.

Thinking up a reply minutes after, I thumbed out:

Not at all. It's fine.

At least, that's what I'm trying to convince myself.


Want to meet up tomorrow?

"Idiot, I have work tomorrow." I said to myself, then typed it out and pressed send.

Friday, it is then.

"You're the best, you know that?"

It's the next day. Bogum's walking me to work. He's absolutely thrilled because I was a huge help in getting the baseball team running again. It took a lot of convincing and persuading, but I managed. Sooyoung and Seungwan helped, too. For this to result in a success, it'd take some much-needed fundraising from the entire team. Everyone must do their part to make it happen. So far, everything's been negotiated and planned out well.

Now, after a couple of days of fighting with the principal, his good-for-nothing baseball coach, and Mr. Eraqus himself, Bogum's back on track and better than ever. Because of that whole mess, I haven't seen him this overjoyed in a while.

I smiled widely at his words of appreciation: "I'm not the best, but I do what I can to make sure that my best friend isn't upset."

"You're still the best," he grinned, engulfing me into a side-hug.

His exhilarated hugs were always so constricting, but I returned it with the same energy.

"I'm glad that you're happy, now," I said as I pulled away. "Sooyoung helped, too, though. Don't forget to thank her, okay?"

"I'm already one step ahead of you," he smirked, lifting his phone and showing me the appreciative message that he sent to Sooyoung.

"That's not what I mean." I nudged his shoulder, starting to scold him. "You can't just thank her through text!"

"What, that's not enough?" He frowned.

Is he serious?

"Men," I rolled my eyes. It was instinctive, especially after hearing that.

"What?" He sounded offended. He should be. "Look, Sooyoung's the first girl I ever had feelings for. Like, on a deep level and stuff. I may have messed up once, but just give me a break."

I blinked, not caring to respond.

"Come on, Joohyun, you know I'm not good with that kind of stuff."

"You mean, relationships?"

"Yeah, and despite at them, that's what I...want with her."

"Good, because she likes you."

"I know."

"A lot."

"I get it."

"And, I still don't know what she sees in you." Don't take it seriously. Bogum and I are close enough to joke around and insult one another without getting our feelings hurt.


"Kidding." I cracked a smile. "You're supposed to ask her out, Bogum. Treat her to dinner, take her somewhere nice, or give her a nice gift, maybe?"

"Damn, you sure are romantic for not dating anyone in your lifetime," he mumbled quite sneakily, but I still heard it. Nothing gets past me. And, once that settled in, I made sure that he stopped talking. The truth is too much to bear. So, I smacked his arm because that's what I do best. "What was that for? Am I wrong?"

I glared. "You didn't have to add the last part." It was a reminder of being inexperienced, and although that was my choice, I still didn't want it brought up. "I just know what girls like, unlike you."

"Well, yeah. I mean, you are a girl."

"Okay, then take my advice."

"I will. Jesus." I'm proud.

"Thanks." Enthralled by his response, my smile morphed into a cheeky grin.

"Onto more important matters," Bogum crossed his arms. He was changing the subject, but I didn't know what direction he was taking it. "I heard Taehyung got detention from Mrs. Asuna the other day."

"Who told you that?" No one knows about that but me.

"Uh, Taehyung."

"Oh." Now, I feel dumb for asking. "Yeah, he did."

"For sleeping, right?"

"That's the reason Mrs. Asuna used, but he was being a smart towards her." At the mere reminder, I rolled my eyes. "I'm sure that egged her on."

"I figured," Bogum chuckled, most likely amused by Taehyung's idiocy. "Mrs. Asuna is pretty chill about things, so I was surprised when he showed me the slip."

"Tell me about it," I said. "I don't know if he told you, but during lunch, I tried getting Mrs. Asuna to change her mind."

Of course, what I say is never straightforward; I just have a good way of sneakily making my point.

"You're damn right I know. I heard about it in gym class." He's always amazed at the lengths that I go to assure my best friends aren't in deep . And, if they are, then I'll pull them out of it. "You put in a good word for him or something? Like, you did for me?"

"Pretty much," I smirked. "It was simple to slide something in about Taehyung. Mrs. Asuna always tends to go on an endless rant about what she goes through on a day-to-day basis."

"Thankfully, she does, then ends up telling you about it," he cheered. "Your word should work on Asuna. Knock on wood."

I'm still not sure if it was a success or not. I did try my best to get rid of Taehyung's detention, so that's all that matters.

Bright side is, Mrs. Asuna is persuadable, especially when I'm the one doing the convincing. Whenever we have the chance to talk, she usually jumps into these long- conversations about random students or classes that gives her trouble.

In a way, she doesn't even see me as a student, but as someone that knows what she goes through on the daily. Which, I don't. She just values me as a hardworking student that's one of the best in my grade level (her words, not mine). I don't mind this type of treatment from any of the teachers, because that gives me incentive to do what I please. I'm not afraid to say what I think because at least I do have authority.

I'm practically the voice for my class.

And, I'll do everything I can to make anything right.

"So, did you and Taehyung go to the plaza yesterday?" No, because Taehyung was with Rose instead. If I bring her up, this conversation's going to twist into a never-ending spiral of questions, then into an abyss about the past. "I wish I could've gone with you, but I was too busy fighting with that —Mr. Eraqus."

He's talking about the baseball season. Thankfully, that problem was solved today.

"It's okay, it's not like you missed out on anything." Don't sound too upset, Joohyun. Again, Bogum's good at identifying any shift in tone, so he would be the first to notice.

"What do you mean? Did you two not go?" This happens every time. I hate how Bogum just knows things. He catches onto bits of information and calculates the reason so quickly. If Taehyung and I did go to the plaza yesterday (which we would have if Rose and the research paper didn't exist) then I'd constantly be mentioning how much fun we had without him.

Not bothering to give a verbal response, I simply shook my head and hummed negatively.

, that obviously insinuates dejection.

So, for no suspicions to arise, I added: "We couldn't go, anyways. We were assigned to do a project, and it's due by next Monday. If anything, we'd be focused on getting that work done."

"Oh." He nodded in understanding. I inwardly sighed a breath of relief. Please, no more questions. "So, you two did the project yesterday? How was that? Must've been boring as hell, but Taehyung made it less of a drag, right?"

If only Taehyung and I had met up to do it, I'd be agreeing right now.

"It wasn't..." , what am I going to say? I'm not going to lie to Bogum. "It didn't happen."

"So, you guys didn't meet up at all yesterday?" I glanced at Bogum, and he was perplexed, to say the least. My hopes and wishes are going down the drain. His questions aren't stopping anytime soon.


"Why didn't you say that to begin with?" Bogum huffed. "Got me asking all these dumb questions for nothing."

"I don't know." That Way to go, Joohyun.

I internally grimaced, noticing Bogum halting in his tracks. Knowing the reason all too well, I kept walking, acting as if I didn't pick up on a single thing. I wasn't behaving normally, and he must've noticed that.

Seconds later, Bogum grabbed my arm, so I was obligated to stop, too.

"What's going on with you?" He asked suspiciously, remaining puzzled by what's going on. "You're acting extremely vague and unclear about this."

"No, I'm not," I lied. "You're over analyzing it."

"I'm definitely not." Lying is useless, so why am I doing it? "Did something happen between you and Taehyung?"

"No." I sighed, then resumed the short journey to the coffeeshop. It's not too far off, now. Maybe I can stall this conversation from diving deeper until then.

"Then, why are you avoiding this topic?"

"How could you tell?"

"You're acting weird," he bluntly said. "And, there's no way that I'm going to overstep like that."

"I know." But just this once, I wish he would.

"So, what happened?"

"It's so stupid that I don't want to say it."

"It might be, but who cares?"

It's so ing stupid that I do care. When it comes to telling Bogum how I feel about certain things, it's never an issue.

But with this? It is.

So, when I finally tell him what I've been holding inside, he's going to bring up the past, and that's something I don't want to hear.

I'm embarrassed by it, and all the memories that stick to it. Yes, I'm afraid out of my mind, and I want to tell Bogum because he can reassure me, but it's difficult to change my mindset.

"Joohyun," he urged after complete silence on my end. "Tell me."


"Look, I'm not letting you go to work without releasing whatever's bothering you."

"It's... He..." I started to say it, but I trailed off, again. I can tell there's no other alternative. There never is, no matter how much I beg for one. I can say that I'll keep my mouth shut or avoid it somehow, but it's not possible. "Yesterday, Taehyung decided to hang out with someone else instead."

Bogum squinted at me, unsure of what I meant. Before I could elaborate on that, he burst out into a fit of laughter: "Are you kidding? That's what you're upset about?"

"No." Partly, but that's not it. "It's rather who he was with."

I didn't laugh or smile, but I did stare at the ground as I walked. His signs of amusement soon wiped away, and replacing it was blankness. He was silent, and it was a clear indication to continue with what I was saying.

Though, it seems like I didn't need to because he quickly connected the dots:

"Wait, Rose?"

In truth, my hint was more than obvious. Rose is the only person that I'd be upset over. If it wasn't for the experiences that we've dealt with, I wouldn't carry this discomfort whenever she's around or whenever she's brought up.

No, I don't have any problems with her, nor does she have issues with me (at least, I don't think so?).

She's not my friend, but I don't dislike or hate her, either.

", Joohyun." Bogum said, sighing. Yeah, it must sound stupid. Though, I expected what came next. "That was ages ago—when we were kids. Why are you worried?"

"I'm not worried."

"What's the point of lying anymore?" At least I tried to overlay how embarrassing it may sound that I'm still not over it. I mean, I was. That is, until I found out Rose started talking to him, again.

"I...I don't know."

Bogum stopped walking, and so did I. He faced me fully, grabbed onto my shoulders, and forced me to face him, too. As much as I wanted to do the opposite, I didn't have much of a choice.

"So, what if Rose is talking to Taehyung, huh?" He asked. "Why does that matter?"

"You know why that matters."

"Time has passed. Many things have changed." That much is true, but what of it?

"Do you not think it could happen, again?"

He shook his head, because he damn-well knows that it can. "It's possible, but you can't think like that. Stop fearing the past. Taehyung isn't going to disappear, again."

"And, if he does?"

"He's not," he repeated, just harsher this time. "Why are you thinking like that?"

"Because, I don't want to lose him, especially not now. Not when he's here, and I was so sure that I'd never see him, again." I've never felt an emotion or belief so strongly in my life. All of it is true; he's finally returned, and if Rose were to somehow lure him away again, then that'll break us—me, but worse than before. "The fact that he doesn't remember us makes it harder. And, if he can't recall her or what happened either, then the possibility makes me more afraid."

"But he does remember us," Bogum corrected, then that's when I recalled the spurt of a memory that Taehyung had. So small, but so important. All I could do is nod, agreeing, but it still didn't alleviate those agitating thoughts; those worries. "He remembers us, and not her."

I mumbled: "At least, not yet."

It was difficult not to be pessimistic.


"Can we stop talking about this?" I asked, almost pleading. "I have to get to work."

"Fine." He was frustrated, maybe even a little disappointed, and so was I. Talking about this just made my mood plummet farther than ever before, but it's not like I didn't expect it.

Shrugging off his relentless hold, I continued to turn into the plaza and speed-walk towards the shop.

Bogum followed closely behind, but he wouldn't say a word. I could tell that he was scouring his mind for a way to make me feel better about this situation. He wouldn't stay silent if he wasn't. He dislikes seeing me upset, especially about something like this—something so...dumb, but so unforgettable.

The brewing silence led me to think about the past.

It wasn't my choice; it was always there to dive back into, just to make myself overthink and worry about the future. I couldn't avoid it anymore, and if looking back on it ruins my entire day, then so be it.

It's already ruined, anyways.

There are a few experiences in my life that I remember quite well, whether it was horrible or wonderful. Not a single memory during my childhood compares to that one, though. I could tell you every detail, and I wouldn't miss a thing. Perhaps it was the pain that I felt when Taehyung left, and the endless tears that I wept with Bogum by my side.

Let's be clear: I'm not referring to the day Taehyung moved away. That created a different type of pain because everything was fixed too late. At least I was left with something. Even if it was a promise and a few words before his departure, I still remember it, and I'll hold onto it.

That's veering into an entirely different direction, though.

See, many months before he moved, he drifted apart from us. After so many years of being best friends, he managed to leave. The process was gradual; our playtimes lessened, he'd start making up excuses for why he can't go to the lake, then stopped talking to us altogether.

Yes, we were only kids, but that doesn't mean the feelings that me and Bogum felt aren't valid. Losing a best friend to someone else was the worst experience I've ever gone through, and maybe that's why it's become one of the most memorable moments of my childhood. It may have been a terrible one, but with life, you got to take the good with the bad.

Taehyung was always special to me, that I know. Because of one particular instance, I believe that I was very, very special to him, too. At the time, I figured that my younger self may have developed something for him—something deeper than just surface-level admiration.

Thinking back on it, I was always unsure, and it was difficult to decipher what the truth was. Even after he moved away, and years passed, I ended up thinking about the answer, but it was never certain how I honestly felt about him. He was always in every corner of my mind to consume my thoughts, reminding me of the words that he said and the thing that he did, yet it was impossible to finalize them with an answer, solely because of how young we were, full of innocence and purity. The fact that he moved away made it harder to figure out.

But, I missed him just the same. It never lessened, only worsened.

So, maybe it was a crush.

Or, did I just like him?

Now that I was pondering about the strenuous lengths that I've gone to bring him back to me and away from Rose, I wagered that that's exactly what it was. Don't misunderstand me: numerous years have passed, and his absence have flicked away those feelings. But at one point, I can say that I did. It feels like light years away, but it can't be denied.

I didn't want him to leave so badly that I learned the piano to impress him.

No, I'm not lying.

Actually, Taehyung met Rose during his weekly piano lessons. They had the same instructor, and they got to know each other through that. I remember the day he told me about her for the first time. He was gushing about this random girl that played piano so well. When he started becoming distant, I knew it was because of her.

So, I took the initiative to bug my mother until she signed me up and let me join. I was stupid enough to think that that would impress him, or make him stay, but I was a child, and I did what I could to keep my friend close to me.

It hadn't worked.

The only bright side is, I fell in love with that instrument. So, I continued to take lessons, and grew very good at it. That is, until I stopped because I wanted to find my true passion. Even to this day, I'm still in search of it.

"Are you okay?" I heard Bogum ask, evidently concerned. He was walking alongside me, no longer trailing behind a few feet.

"I'll be fine." If I repeat that enough, it'll manifest into reality. No doubt. This fear won't gnaw at me for too long. Not when I'm distracted by work, then even more work when I get home. "I'm sorry for being..."

"Hey, listen, don't worry about it," Bogum reached out and squeezed my hand comfortingly. We finally reached his grandparent's coffeeshop, but he held me back. "I understand that it scares you, and now that you mention it, it may scare me, too. I just don't want you to let those thoughts take over, simply because you notice that they're talking, again. Nothing will change the bond that you, me, and Taehyung share. I promise you that."

"I trust you," I smiled fondly, reassuring him of his worries. His way of words never fails to amaze me. It reminds me of Taehyung. So, at that, I pulled him in for another appreciative hug. I needed it. "Thank you, Bogum."

He grinned, returning it. "Don't mention it."

"Are you coming in?"

Bogum winked: "Nope, I got to ask someone out on a date."

My smile widened. That alone had risen my mood from the depths.
Now, it was practically soaring.

Bogum, then, turned towards the door and peered inside, probably trying to catch sight of his grandparents to say hello. His lips quirked upwardly, bumping his elbow with mine. He urged me to look inside, too.

And, the sight was unexpected: Taehyung was seated at one of the booths nearby. His eyes were focused on a textbook sprawled across the table before averting his gaze towards his laptop. My eyebrows raised, and I couldn't deny that I was both confused and surprised by his presence. He knew I was working today, so—

"What is he doing here?" I wondered aloud. Unlike Bogum, Taehyung was nothing but a distraction. This is the first time he's visited while I was working, too. Bogum chuckled at my reaction, so I presumed that he must've known something. "Why are you laughing?"

"Nothing, just proves my point."

"What does?"

He rolled his eyes, like the reasoning was obvious.

"He's sitting there, waiting for you."

If that's true, he probably feels bad for leaving me hanging yesterday. Of course, it wasn't certain, so I doubted it.

I looked at Bogum, and asked: "How do you know that he's waiting for me?"

He visits the coffeeshop a lot, either to talk to Bogum's grandparents or to simply buy something, so it doesn't mean that I'm the reason he's here.

He scoffed. "He's waving at you right now."

Although I thought it was one, it wasn't a façade; he was certainly waving in my direction with that mesmerizingly box-shaped smile of his. I immediately returned both of those actions, then looked at Bogum.

He was smirking, and it annoyed me.

"You were saying?" Bogum teased.


He hummed, then said: "Go inside, will you? You're starting to look like a creep."

"Shut up, so do you." Instinctively, I punched his shoulder because he did deserve it. Then, I considered entering. And, as I did open the door with that annoying- bell ringing throughout the half empty shop, Bogum ended the conversation with something that resonated with me for a long time:

"Remember what that sap said before he moved away? Or, have you forgotten already?" Hearing that made my heart rapidly beat, again. There's no way I could've forgotten. Because although Taehyung said so much more, and made a few other promises as well, those small, unforgettable words stuck to me, even until now: "No one can replace you."

A/N: Because I'm interested, I must ask; without the certain information in this chapter given to you, who do you think will fall in love first? Taehyung or Joohyun? (she lost those supposed feelings, remember?)

Originally, I wasn't supposed to reveal a lot of the information that was in this, nor was I supposed to end it here. This chapter was supposed to have another Taehyung and Joohyun conversation, but I'll leave that continuation for the next chapter.

I feel like if I brought up Rose and how significant she is to the story, then I must bring up some feelings that Joohyun had. It was just too deep to not mention. As you can see though, there are some things mentioned that are left unexplained on purpose. Stay tuned, if you caught onto what I'm talking about. That's why I pick and choose what chapters to write in Joohyun's point of view; she knows a lot of stuff, so I have to veer around a few things.

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irenii #1
Chapter 25: I hope everything is good now and the things that were going on on your life are better now. I didn't realize until today that there was a new chapter. I haven't had a lot of time as of lately. But i was delated when i saw it :D And now about the story can the get any cuter?? also Yoongi and seungwan being cute too <3 i can't wait for the next chapter for their date, i expect some more development ;)
irenii #2
Chapter 24: I know i am a bit late, but i've been so busy too, i can relate with you, but now i have finished reading the chapter :) Like always i feel so many emotions reading your story... It's true that today i am bit more emotional (some things going on in my life) so i was feeling totally the anguish that Taehyung was feeling but it was lovely how reassuring and trusting Joohyun was in this chapter. I am in love to see how she is helping him to heal. Again waiting for the next one <3
no_face #3
Chapter 23: I'll wait patiently for the next chap. 😇Fighting authornim
irenii #4
Chapter 23: I am so happy about this update and i kind of have a feeling that it was going to be today... I have an exam this week and i thought ok lets rest for a bit and came to see if there was an update (specifically of this fic) and there it was XD. It made my heart so warm that she is the main part of why he is healing and they are flirting even when they don't admit it. I see a little progress here and the mixed of plot and fluff was so perfect <3
irenii #5
Chapter 22: ... and a cliffhanger >.< I was expecting the talk. I can't believe she doesn't know what she's feeling. They are both so frustrating (sigh). But well it was good to know more about her insight. Can't wait for more!! lol
irenii #6
Chapter 20: I was so happy when i see there was an update!! i have been waiting for it!! It really made me crack up the first part of inner conversation of Taehyung with himself. And finally he's somehow accepting his own feelings :)
irenii #7
Chapter 19: man i was expecting a kiss... He wants to do it!!! I love them, I love the story i love the characters and i love the development in their relationship <3. The inner monologue it's great, somehow helps me to connect with him and even to get more into the story, like i am part of it. I love her thought too!! It's probably one of the best fanfics i have ever read, for real. Awesome work!! Can't wait for the next update
MsTaeyong 249 streak #8
Chapter 19: Authornim the inner monologue in a perfect fit for this story in particular, especially in Tae's Pov ! And yes I'd love to see Bae's POV more often tho' how she feels about Tae and his actions if she likes him and is she being in denial as well as Tae or not?
I say it's time for a kiss to confuse their feelings more 👀
The story is really awesome I can't wait for more updates !!!
Take all time you need stay healthy and comeback soon please.
MsTaeyong 249 streak #9
Chapter 19: Authornim the inner monologue in a perfect fit for this story in particular, especially in Tae's Pov ! And yes I'd love to see Bae's POV more often tho' how she feels about Tae and his actions if she likes him and is she being in denial as well as Tae or not?
I say it's time for a kiss to confuse their feelings more 👀
The story is really awesome I can't wait for more updates !!!
Take all time you need stay healthy and comeback soon please.
MsTaeyong 249 streak #10