chapter six!

Dude, You Gotta Get It From Johnny

Johnny prided himself on being the kind of guy with a lot of friends and not too many enemies. 

Some enemies though, in this business, were inevitable. He was hated by all of his competitors on campus: almost nobody went to them before trying to go to Johnny. But they weren't too mad, since Johnny didn't take everyone. They all got less business, but none were quite put out of business. 

But Johnny had one enemy, an unexpected enemy, an enemy of a different sort: student body president Qian Kun. 

Their rivalry began in freshman year of college: they'd started school at the same time. Luckily they didn't live in the same dorm building, but they had freshman inquiry together. Freshman inquiry was the kind of class that was kind of just some bull thing the school made all freshman take, where the teacher could kind of make them do whatever they wanted. And their teacher had made them debate on current events and issues. 

So, inevitably, came up. And Johnny, not usually the type to speak up in class (unless some was spouting racist, homophobic, ist, etc kind of bull), just had to say something when Kun began spouting bull that ' was a danger to society' and 'the people in jail on charges deserved it'. 

This had sparked a debate between the two of them that lasted the entire two hour class period. 

It was an easy win for Johnny: not only was he preaching to the choir (what college freshman would argue against the legality of on the grounds Kun was?), but Kun also mispronounced the entire time. He kept saying the word with the j sound like a white old republican dude. 

So, the whole thing didn't win Kun any popularity points. 

But that day, at least Johnny thought, spurred years worth of hatred. 

During the rest of freshman year, it was like Kun made a real effort to catch him in the act: selling, smoking, or simply owning. And then when he got on student government the next year, making his focus 'safe and clean campuses', everything doubled. 

Kun was always sending campus police after him, trying (and failing) to get his apartment checked, and Johnny swore sometimes Kun had people follow him around. 

Normally Johnny wouldn't give a single about this weird guy but Kun was trying to get his business and his livelihood shut down. Not only was this what kept both him and Taeil afloat, but Johnny liked to think his business helped a lot of people. 

Johnny always thanked god he lived off campus. If he was still in the dorms this business would've been shut down so quick, and he probably would've been kicked out of the school too. It was a safe space, away from interrogation and Kun's prying eyes. 

Or so, he thought. 

Mark had messaged saying he had a cold and was going to miss his appointment for the week but five minutes into what would've been his appointment, the doorbell rang. Johnny just figured Mark had just shown up, feeling better, and went to the door, joint still between his fingers. 

But when he opened up, Kun was standing before him. 

Johnny just deflated as Kun's expression bloomed into a grin. "Hah!" he cried, staring at the fat joint between Johnny's fingers, taking a picture with his phone. 

"Oh god..." 

"I gotcha! I gotcha! Finally!" 

"How the do you know where I live?" 

Kun smirked. "I have my ways." 

"Did you figure out my apartment building, install hidden cameras in the elevator, and listen in for when Wong Yukhei and his frat boy crew inevitably discussed which apartment I live in?" 

Kun sighed. "Yes...." 

Suddenly, Taeil poked his head around the corner, his eyebrows furrowing at the sight of Kun at their doorway. "What's going on..." 

"Is he involved too?" 

"No!" Johnny growled. If he was getting shut down, he was getting shut down. There was no way Taeil was going with him. He turned around to look at Taeil's concerned expression. "Babe, stay out of this." 

Taeil gave Johnny one last concerned look before darting back into the bedroom. Johnny gave Kun a droll look. 

"Don't you know that you're harming people?" Kun spoke up once Taeil was gone.

Johnny loudly sighed. "Look. I'm not trying to say that weed is some cure all medicine with no bad aspects. It's not perfect, and I never said anything to make people think otherwise. It's still a ing drug, that can be misused like any other. Not everyone reacts the same way to it; it makes some people anxious the way it makes others not anxious. The entire industry is ed up; it's been legalized in places where people are still serving crazy sentences for selling. But it helps a lot of people. And if you're smart about it, its fun! I wouldn't say its too different from drinking alcohol, or smoking cigarettes, or even, in some ways, drinking coffee. Do you think those things should be totally illegal?"

Kun swallowed and looked at the ground. 

"If you're gonna go after the campus dealers, I'm not the one. I'm responsible. I don't sell to just anyone. I cut people off when I think they're using too much."

At this point, Johnny was desperate. He was working so, so hard to try and keep his usual cool demeanor in front of Kun. But on the inside, he was terrified. Kun had the power to ruin everything. And even just the idea of Taeil being involved in this made his blood run cold. He had to do something. He had to. 

"And could you make such a judgement on something you've never tried?" 

"Wait, what?" 

Johnny was spouting this out of his but it. He didn't seem to have much to lose. Now that Kun knew his place of business he could have him shut down and on trial in days. 

"Yeah. You think weed is so bad. But I don't know if you know very much about it. Have you tried it?" 


"Why don't you then? Give it a try, and then decide." 

"Are you crazy?" 

Johnny shrugged, and Kun let out a very loud sigh. 

"You know what? Maybe you're right. Fine. I'll try a little..." 

Johnny looked at him in surprise. "Um...I guess...come in!" 

He stepped a bit away from the door and hesitantly, Kun stepped inside. Johnny took a deep breath. Maybe if he just treated this like any other first time appointment, it would all go okay. 

"Luckily enough I was supposed to have an appointment now anyways, so everything's already set up. Sit! Chill out! It's gonna be great." 

Very slowly, Kun sat himself down on the couch. Johnny notice Taeil peek his head in out of the corner of his eyes, looking extremely confused for a moment when Johnny surreptitiously dismissed him with his hand. 

He began to lightly pack a bowl, getting a nice, easy strain with far more CBD than THC, perfect for a first timer. 

"Alright, now. You're gonna put this part of the pipe in your mouth. While I put the lighter on it, you're going to inhale, hard. Okay?" 

"Okay, okay," Kun answered, taking the pipe from Johnny's hands. He gave the galaxy tone purple glass a judgemental once over. 

"I can't believe I'm doing this," Kun mumbled before sticking the mouth part of the pipe in his mouth. 

"I can't either," Johnny answered as he flicked on the lighter. "But it's gonna be good. So good." 

Johnny lit the bowl and Kun began to inhale. To Johnny's surprise Kun took a nice, solid hit, inhaling for a bit longer than the average first time smoker. Finally Kun ripped the pipe out of his mouth and began to cough, furiously. If he hadn't coughed quite so hard, though, Johnny would've thought he'd done this before. 

Gently, Johnny took the pipe out of Kun's fingers and set it down on the table. He passed him a cough drop from the bowl he kept on the coffee table and a glass of water. 

After a few moments, when Kun could finally talk again, he gave Johnny a withering look. 

"Was that supposed to happen?" He croaked out. 

Johnny chuckled. "Of course. You took a pretty hefty hit too." 

Kun groaned loudly and Johnny began to shake his head. "No! That's a good thing, that's a good thing. Most people can't take that much on their first try. In fact, a lot of people don't feel anything the first time they get high. 

"Agh," Kun groaned back. "I'm getting high?!" 

After another hit or so and exchanging numbers 'for further communication on these matters', Kun departed Johnny's apartment in a hurried mess. 

But fifteen minutes, Johnny received a text that shocked him beyond belief. 

you know what? i kinda like it, the message read. From one Qian Kun. 

And Johnny grinned. 

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78 streak #1
Chapter 7: Waah! Why does Doyoung sound oddly adorable in this chapter? Thats funny.
78 streak #2
Chapter 6: Oop. Dang, this chapter reminds me of my first time haha
78 streak #3
Chapter 5: Hehe. I knew Yukhei would be a frat boy. Ah, this story is so fun to read. I think I'm understanding the concept now.
78 streak #4
Chapter 4: Oh wow haha Ten & Only Fans how funny. I like how current this story is.
78 streak #5
Chapter 3: Ahhh, is that thing about Starbucks you put in this chapter true? Also Johnny & Taeil are great friends. I wish I had friends to set me up haha
78 streak #6
Chapter 2: Ah, Mark is so cute. This chapter was kinda adorable.
78 streak #7
Chapter 1: Waaah, the sims house haha such a nice touch. I'm digging this story so far.
melly-pop #8
Chapter 14: Cuuuuuute. I appreciate referencing everyone’s story because a lot got introduced in this fic lol
Thanks for sharing.
78 streak #9
This sounds super interesting and funny. I can't wait to start reading haha
Chapter 12: His brother' boyfriend
That kid is now your younger brother too
Officially sobbing because it hit me right in my miaw miaw
Johnny could you adopt me