Chapter Three: Storm Coming

two of a kind

Felix felt like he was about to die. What was he supposed to tell Changbin? Was he supposed to tell him that his clone had magically appeared in his bed and now he didn't know what to do witth him? Or 'Oh hey babe, I sort of like someone else that isn't you'?

"Are you gonna answer me or what?" Changbin asked angirly. He was breathing very heavily and his fists were clenched.

"Changbin I- I- I-" Felix still didn't know what to say, and Changbin looked like he was about to punch him.

"What were you gonna say, 'I'm cheating on you'?" Changbin looked like he was about to burst. "And how the hell do you two look exactly alike?!"

Felix started sobbing and Lixie looked like he had no idea what he should do. "I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S HAPPENING, CHANGBIN!" Felix shouted through his tears. He had no idea if Changbin had understood anything of what he had just said but he hoped he did.

Changbin groaned loudly. "Well do you have any sort of guess?!"

Felix felt relieved by the fact that Changbin had actually heard him but was still crying. Changbin was scary when he was mad.

"I don't know," Felix whispered. Changbin stepped out of the doorway and closed the door.

"Changbin, that's your name right?" Lixie spoke suddenly. "Don't get all mad at Felix. He doesn't know what's going on, hasn't he already made that clear to you?" Changbin didn't reply, but Lixie could tell he was breathing a little less heavily.

"Changbin, please answer me?" Said Lixie. "I can tell you have some things to say."

Changbin sighed. "In fact, I do have some things to say. First off, how did you get here?"

"I don't know," said Lixie, "and neither does Felix." Changbin had a rather suspicious look on his face.

"I'm not lying!" Said Lixie. "I just woke up and saw him sleeping right next to me!"

Changbin sighed once again. "I'm not gonna get any of the answers I want out of you, will I?" He whispered.

"Changbin, I can hear you," Lixie blurted. Changbin gave him a nasty look.

"Um," Felix said weakly through his tears. Lixie and Changbin both turned their heads in his direction. "Changbin hyung, can I... can I speak with you?"

"Yes," Changbin replied, though his face said otherwise. "And don't call me 'hyung'."

Felix got on the side of the bed and hesitated for a moment to hop off. He wiped the tears from his eyes and stood up, walking over to Changbin. Felix took him into a corner of the room where Lixie (hopefully) wouldn't hear them, and while they walked over there, Changbin shot Lixie a look. Lixie knew it was a look of pure hatred but he just told himself that it was probably because of the weird position he was in due to his numb legs.

"Why do you have to get so mad?" Felix whispered.

"I don't get that mad," Changbin replied, "do I?" He looked slightly nervous.

"Changbin, you... you get very mad." Felix looked very concerned. "I just... don't think you notice."

Changbin sighed, breaking eye contact with Felix. "Of course I notice. But sometimes I just can't help myself."

"Please Changbin... Could you learn to control yourself?" Felix asked, still concerned. "It'd be for your own good."

"But... How am I supposed t-to do that?" Changbin asked, starting to tear up.

"Don't get mad for starters," said Felix. Then he saw how Changbin was tearing up and wrapped his arms around the older boy for a hug. Changbin hugged him back, burying his face in Felix's shirt and sobbing hardly.

"Dangit Changbin, I hate seeing you like this," Felix whispered. "Because you know when you cry, I cry."

And he did.

Changbin and Felix were both crying while Lixie was still sitting awkwardly on the bed. His legs were still numb and he was honestly starting to get worried, and when he saw the other two boys crying he felt like a terrible person. If I wouldn't have showed up, this wouldn't be happening right now, he thought. It's all my fault. Lixie quickly faced the other direction, grabbing a pillow and burying his face in it. Why can't I do anything good? I'm useless! Useless! All I've ever caused is trouble!

Lixie let himself cry so all three of them in the room were crying. He felt so awful like a smelly, useless pile of garbage. He kept crying about how useless he was that he didn't even realize that Changbin had left and Felix was sitting right next to him.

"Lixie, why are you crying all of a sudden?" Felix asked softly. Lixie didn't reply, and Felix sighed. "Lixie, please telly me why you're sad. I want to help you." Lixie still didn't respond.

The identicals sat there for awhile, and Felix finally asked, "Did I do something wrong?"

There was yet another long pause, and Lixie spoke: "It's... n-not you."

Felix sighed. "Well then who?"

"Me," Lixie replied flatly.

"Oh," said Felix. Think of something supportive, he told himself, but instead ended up asking: "Well why? What is it about yourself that's causing you problems?"

 Lixie toop a deep breath and explained to Felix how he only caused him trouble and how useless that made him. After he was done with his rant, Felix gave him a huge hug. "You're not useless!" He exclaimed. "And I love having your company!"

Lixie sighed heavily. "Let's get ready for bed."

Not much was said between the two boys for the rest of the night. Felix knew Lixie needed someone to support him but Lixie didn't want to be bothered, so he kept his mouth shut.

By the time they had both hopped in bed they had brushed their teeth and had their pajamas on, and were both considerably tired. When they hopped in bed Felix faced Lixie but Lixie turned the other direction. He didn't want anything to do with Felix at the moment. Felix sighed and scooted closer to Lixie so he could feel the warmth of his body on his own and hugged his waist. Lixie moaned at him but knew Felix wasn't letting go anytime soon. He let sleep claim him and fell asleep in a flash.

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So I was working on chapter 6. And I clicked on another tab real quick. And then I lost most of my progress. So. Um. That's great.

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Chapter 2: And I thought I could write a good story :')