Designed to Kill


Why would a Robot need to fight to carry out orders? From living an actual life to becoming a mechanical walking machine, Floyd Filly has lived her life as a Robotic creature with an ongoing existential crisis. 

Her older brother, Ultra-Pony, refuses to tell her who she really was, so Floyd does her best to find out about her future, and also past. 

Join Floyd Filly as she explores within DawnStone, while learning about her origin on the way.


It was my job. It was my responsibility, and I ruined it all for the sake of fearing death. Seeing my own blood sacrifice herself in order to save my petty, mundane life was unfair to me and my mother. 

Maki was a loving sister and a great student, but I had thrown it away for my own sake, because I fear death. Weeper was already holding his devillish sights onto me, locking those hungry glares into my brain. 

i was the one he wanted, not her! I was too scared to fight back, but even thinking about how one single fang from Weeper could infect me with his disgusting virus had hindered it difficult to do so, and now she's gone...

My sweet, loving sister is gone, and it's all because of my scared, selfish ways. She would've had a better life, and I could've just thrown myself into Weeper's jaws personally. I never wanted to live anyway to see every horror unfold in front of me. 

But, unlike most people, I never want to give up on seeing her again. I don't want to forget about her, and I wanted for her to come back. So, for this reason and this reason alone, I have decided to attend the DawnStone academy for Robotics, a place for Pantherans who are interested in the field of robotics. 

I knew this was an opportunity to resurrect my sibling from the dead, so we could make up for lost time. So my mother could hold her in her arms again. 

​​​​​​I have been on this long journey to find her soul, as well as take up black magic for her, in an effort to revive the lost soul. As I had begun, so did Maki once again. 

Don't expect this story to get updated anytime soon. I am very lazy.


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