I: No End, Just Rebirth

Shin High School of Gods

“There is no end.

It is simply the end of the old times,

And the beginning of new times.

Rebirth always follows death.”

Neil Gaiman, Norse Mythology



Shin High School of Gods. Since the people of the Midgard became aware that the concept of rebirth turned out to be true and not just merely a product of fiction, the academy was built by the existing civilization ages ago.


The academy’s sole purpose is to house and train the children born with the royal badges. Those children who naturally came from Asgard or The Home of the Gods. In short, the academy is responsible to train the descendants or future progenies following the bloodline of the respected and worshipped Norse Gods and Goddesses.


It is already the 54th batch of descendants and since the academy system still follows the traditional way of things, the school council turned out to be unprepared for a wave of probably the most chaotic and truly problematic progenies they have ever handled.



The academy cafeteria was buzzing and bustling with noises here and there. Every student slash Gods and Goddesses (which the number was actually not a lot, to be honest) had their own places and seats inside and thus, amidst the quite deafening noises, everything was in proper order.


One particular circle of Gods, however, proved to be the most laidback among all. Oh, who were we kidding here? This specific circle may appeared laidback and nonchalant now but they were the most challenging and most deceptive among all descendants and progenies currently enrolled in the academy.


The Special Gods.


One important thing that the other students should take note of: these students all came from the most powerful, most respected, and most feared Norse bloodlines.


And one last thing to be noted: these students were not friends nor they were enemies. They were of no importance to one another due to their varying powers and conflicting traits.


“Have you guys heard of the new students that are apparently enrolled here but are yet to arrive?” One God sporting a blonde hair asked the others who were all busy eating their food and minding their own businesses.


The blonde immediately garnered the attentions of the rest of the Gods on their table. He was met with diverse reactions, some with excitement on their faces, while most with their own versions of hostility.


“They are still not here? But it’s already two months since the school year had started. What were the administrators thinking?” The one with a shorter physique and raven hair scoffed. “Teuk hyung, do you know how many students in total?”


Park Jungsu or most commonly known as Teuk or Leeteuk was born under the bloodline of Freyr, the Norse God of Fertility and Kindness. He was blonde-haired and had already made a name in the academy by being the perfect definition of “affection” and “sympathy”. He was loved by the other students and they were considering of electing him to be the Supreme God of the Student Council. So far, he had the highest chance of winning the position.


“If I am not mistaken, there are three new students, Wook.”


Kim Ryeowook, the current descendant of Kvasir, the Norse God of Knowledge and Wisdom. Despite his friendly aura, students tended to avoid talking and conversing with him because of the family he was born in to. He never ran out of information to share and things to say and not to mention that he was highly inquisitive in nature. Thus, some of the reasons why people hated talking to him. 


“Do you think they will be in our class? I’m wondering who their ancestors might be,” another blonde-haired student quipped in. The others nodded their heads in agreement to what he just said.


Lee Sungmin came from the royal family of Njoror, the Norse God of Sea, Wind, and Nature. Students believed he was the most normal-looking among the bunch of the Special Gods. He did not exude an intimidating aura nor an approachable one. He was one with the nature and would not hesitate to come to its defense no matter what time and no matter who his opponent will be.


“Don’t worry, guys. If ever the descendant of Vali finally arrives, I will instantly show him where he belongs.” The youngest among all of the Special Gods smirked as he playfully stretched his arms above his head.


“I am with Kyuhyun on this one,” a well-built brown-haired God agreed and initiated a high-five in which the youngest instantly accepted. The rest of them shook their heads because as much as the two insisted they will take on and defeat Vali’s progeny, they were sure it will not be an easy one.


Cho Kyuhyun, the youngest amongst all the Special Gods came from the family of Tyr, the Norse God of War. He was tremendously hot-tempered making almost everyone around him fear him. Aside from that, he was not the God of War for nothing. He can take on a bunch of enemies with just his bare hands, and he was even deadlier when handed with weapons. Tridents, daggers, and knives were his favorites so far.


The muscular God on the other hand is Kim Youngwoon or Kangin. He was the present descendant of Magni, the Norse God of Strength. He usually tag teamed with Kyuhyun and whenever they put their minds into something, most of the time it did not end well. Students avoided him in corridors but they did not have the courage and heart to talk behind his back either.


As the two Gods continued to laugh and plot ridiculous schemes, a brunette-haired God scoffed soundlessly to himself. Kyuhyun and Kangin may be a formidable duo but they were surely lacking in the intelligence department. The two were all brutes but no brains.


“Yah! Stop your absurd plans already. Look! You even made Yesung hyung reacted because of your silliness.” Ryeowook pointed at the brunette and the latter just scoffed once again, rolling his eyes at the nosy shorter God.


Kim Jongwoon or Yesung was born under the bloodline of Hoenir, the Norse God of Silence. Just like the name of the God itself, he was discreet but that did not mean he was unmindful of his surroundings. In fact, he was known for being so keen and prevailing that he was one of the most feared God in their batch.


Lunch was going smoothly and eventless when the group heard a loud booming sound coming from the men’s comfort room inside the cafeteria. All heads turned to the direction of the comfort room and short after, gasps and screams of shock reverberated throughout the whole place. Five unfamiliar Gods came out of the door with various colors of paints on their clothes and they were also coughing what appeared like white powdery stuff probably flour or body powder.


Leeteuk groaned followed by the rest of the Special Gods as they clearly knew who was behind that accident. In fact, it was no accident. Kangin and Kyuhyun simultaneously stood up from their seats, laughing their asses off as they made their way towards the place of the chaos.


Sungmin and Yesung resumed eating their food while Ryeowook heaved a sigh.


“Hyukjae hyung.”



Lee Hyukjae or famously known as Eunhyuk was the most feared God in the academy. Although he was not as intelligent as Ryeowook, definitely not as kind as Leeteuk, not as placatory as Sungmin, not as quiet as Yesung, not as erratic as Kyuhyun, and not as strong as Kangin, he still remained to be the most formidable God of all.


The reason?


Well, he was not the descendant of Loki for nothing. Loki as everyone knew was the Norse God of mischief. Just like his ancestor, Hyukjae was capricious in every sense of the word. No one put their trust on him but to be fair, he put trust to no one as well. He was playfully mischievous and downright evil, and not one day had passed when Hyukjae did not play any pranks be it childlike that can be truly annoying and infuriating or serious pranks that can be really painful and agonizing.


Hyukjae loved to torment people and even the Special Gods were not exempted to his wickedness. Truth be told, he grew to love playing pranks on them the best. Hyukjae was scary alone, but every single time Kyuhyun or Kangin or both joined him on his antics, even more so. It would be a total hell inside their academy in the godforsaken name of Odin.


Hyukjae, the God of Mischief, Kyuhyun, the God of War, and Kangin, the God of Strength in one equation equaled to a system error.



“I know you are all informed that there are three new students that would be arriving tomorrow. I hope you will treat them well and give them a warm welcome just like how the academy welcomed the seven of you two months ago...”


Hyukjae inwardly groaned as he keenly observed how Leeteuk just casually removed the purple cushion originally placed on his stool and replaced it with another.


Ten minutes ago, he charmed the cushion with a farting spell that when the God of Fertility sat down, a loud farting sound would be heard and a foul smell would be emitted. The blonde-haired God gave him a side glare and he just mischievously smiled back. He really needed to up his game when pranking his classmates since they were slowly becoming immune to his antics and tricks.


“...Hyukjae? Lee Hyukjae! Were you listening to what I have just said?”


Hyukjae bit back a laugh as he suddenly found himself face-to-face with their fuming Self-Defense Instructor. Their instructor as he knew came from Midgard or the Home of the Humans. He knew he could easily overpower him but he was too tired and too sleepy to even lift his pinky finger let alone cast a spell.


He saw the remaining six Special Gods not really anticipating the interaction between the mischievous God and their trainer.


“I perfectly heard you, Sir. Three new victims will be arriving tomorrow.”


“I said students, Lee Hyukjae! Not victims! If I hear you tormenting the new students, your punishment this time will not be as lenient as the last. I assure you, Lee Hyukjae. Don’t test my patience.”


Hyukjae’s smirk deepened as his eyes twitched dangerously. “That’s what I said, Sir. Three. New. Victims.”


“You won’t want to mess with the new students, Hyukjae.” The instructor huffed violently, abandoning his headache of a student as he faced the whole class once again.


The God of Wisdom, Ryeowook, raised his right hand, “Sir, if the three new students would be joining this class, then their ancestors must be those with powerful names.”


The instructor nodded, giving his smartest student a proud smile. “And I know you already deduced on who those Gods might be, Ryeowook-ah. Can you enlighten the class please? Most especially Hyukjae over there. He will need the extra warning.”


Ryeowook stood up from his seat before clearing his throat. “As there are seven of us here, the three new students will finally complete the Ten Special Gods. Wisdom...”


“...Fertility...” the shortest God let his gaze fall on to the God of Fertility who slightly bowed upon the mention of his trait.


“...Nature...” and repeated the process of staring at the God of Nature who gleefully waved back.


“...Silence...” he gave a warm smile to the quiet God.


“...War...” Ryeowook glared intensely at Kyuhyun who was smiling playfully at him, intentionally showing him his newly-sharpened bronze dagger.


“...Strength...” the God of Wisdom rolled his eyes at the muscular guy who was giving him the middle finger. (Yep! Gods in their academy can also be very disrespectful and ill-mannered.)


“...and Mischief...” Ryeowook flashed Hyukjae a mysterious smile that the latter could not understand. “Three more to complete the equation and three more we’ll meet tomorrow...”


“...Roses are red...

Violets are blue...

Vengeance and Justice are coming...

And Hyukjae hyung, the last one’s for you.”


The rest of the class all showcased differing reactions upon hearing the news and upon comprehending the God of Wisdom’s impromptu riddle. They exchanged knowing glances. Leeteuk, Ryeowook, and Sungmin, all wore expressions of delight, Yesung as usual had a blank stare, and Kyuhyun and Kangin high fived each other as their earlier prediction will indeed come to light.


The descendants of Vali, the Norse God of Vengeance and Forseti, the Norse God of Justice and Truth will finally join them.


As the brown eyes of the God of Wisdom turned bright lime green which pierced through his own, Hyukjae silently cursed. The inevitable was finally happening and all he could do was wait.


The last one...


The one that will complete the equation...


The one bound to torment Mischief, albeit unknowingly as written in the books.


The one born under the bloodline of Baldur.


Lee Hyukjae, the God of Mischief, cursed a word under his breath as fire was set ablaze to his heart.



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Hunnyann #1
Chapter 10: I guess the one behind all those letters is heechul.. sungmin is part of it too
Chapter 10: oooh i wonder what their meeting will be about! thanks for the update!!! ❤️
Chapter 10: Things are becoming interesting, i cant waitttt... Who was that God wookie discovered??? I have my bets on yesung or heechul
sjlurves #4
Chapter 9: You never disappoint in your works.
Chapter 9: Excited for chapter 9
Chapter 9: Please update!!!
Chapter 9: wonder who ryeowook believes is sending the letters... thanks for the update!!
rixra_10 #9
Chapter 9: Wow looks like ryeowook found something! Thanks for this chapter, it's good to know other god's stories