
The Night Crew

When I wake up, I'm tied up against a pole and I'm in an unknown room. Whoever brought me here, can't tell me that I should know this place. Because I am raised outside of it and I don't have any intentions to live my life here, I also don't know how to behave like a prince. I'm just an average human being who can bend two elements, I am nothing more than that. But someone wants me dead, someone has spread the rumor in the palace about my existance and now I have become an obstacle.

''No one can hear you anyways, because you won't make it to tomorrow morning. I finally have everything I need to bring in more ghosts and soon, this kingdom is mine.'' an unknown voice says and it takes a while before I realise who this voice belongs to... that unknown guy that we saw earlier tonight. That must be the guy that is responsible for the king's possession, the one this female ghost warned for earlier tonight. I have never heard of him, so I don't know what he is capable of. But I need to keep my mouth shut if he is trying to ask me about my background, because it's all false and none of it is true. I haven't looked up at him after I recognised his voice, it's dangerous to look at him.

''Why are you lying about your life huh? You know you're a prince and yet you deny anything of it, so instead you joined a team that tries to make me feel weaker... Haha, what a joke.'' the man says as he kneels down on my left and raises my head as he places a finger under my chin. He then lets go of my chin and places his hand on my cheek, as he turns my face into his direction. A bright evil smile appears on his face once our eyes connect with each other and he lets go of my face. He continues to repeat what he just said, but I don't respond. I know what evil people are up to and I'm not giving in to it.

''How in this world would I lie about my life? Listen up! I'm not a prince and anyone inside these walls are mistaken me for someone else. I'm just an ordinary man and I am nowhere near related to the king or anyone inside these walls. And I'm certainly not a monster... like you.'' I whisper the last part with a harsh tone and he starts to growl when he gets up. I was always told that no matter what happens, never give in to the desires and wishes of the one who is taking you into hostage. I'll just act like a dumb idiot and I hope that he will let me go anytime soon. If he doesn't, I hope he won't harm me or whatsoever.

''You dumb idiot. Everyone in the palace says that you're lying about the real you, but why should they care? You'll be my offer to the gods anyways. No one can hear you in here and no one can see you, so no one has to care that you're here.'' he responds and I let out a big sigh, as I'm still not convinced with what he just said. I'm sure that there will be someone going to help me, the question is who is going to be that person. I wonder if Yunho and the other manage to break into this unknown place, because I'm not open to let the guards save me. No one in this place may know that I am a part of The Night Crew, because I am doomed if they find out about it.

The unknown guy keeps rocking back and forth in front of me, as his eyes are resting on me. Is he seriously keeping an eye on me, so that I won't escape? What in the world is he up to? I can't escape, as my hands are tied behind my back against the pole. I look at his feet out of boredom and I keep my mouth shut. He really thinks I'm going to admit that I'm related to the king? I hope that Yunho and the others know where to find me, because I'm not ready to die just yet. I at least want to age a bit and share my life with someone, so I'm not planning to die just yet. But will Yunho be on time before this idiot is going to kill me?

''You're an interesting one. People usually would try to escape and let me entertain myself as they do so, but you're not even doing anything. Is it because you believe that I can't harm a prince like you? You still believe that you're not a prince? Everyone in the palace knows about your identity, so stop lying to them! Oh well, it doesn't matter anyways.'' the man says and starts to laugh in a devilish tone. I'm not going to let him get away with this, even if he would truly kill me. I'm not immortal, so I can get killed easily. The truth is that I never have been into any trouble before, or maybe I was but I didn't realise it. 

''Guards, take that young man away! He is ours now.'' I'm startled when a loud voice enters the room. I quickly turn my head into that direction and to my surprise, prince Hakyeon and the guards have made their way inside. The man that was with me is using some of his black magic and this confirms to me that he indeed was the guy who is responsible of the possession of the king. In the mean time, I feel some movement near my hands as someone is trying to unleash me from the ropes. I don't know who is helping me here, but he better be quick. I honestly don't know what will happen now, but I hope that this guy won't notice that someone is trying to get me free from the ropes.

The next few seconds pass by like a fast train. The prince is ordering the guards to keep this man busy, while he takes me away with him. Once I'm free from the ropes, prince Hakyeon drags me with him after grabbing my wrist and we run to who knows where. I don't know if the prince knows that it's me or that they set me free, because of an issue they still wanna deal with when it comes to The Night Crew. I don't want him to know about me being a part of this team, because I know how much the royals hate us. They appreciate our way of stepping in, but it kinda comes across as if they wanna deal with ghosts themselves. However, we're heroes according to the citizens in Joseon.

''Don't worry about the others, they're safe and some of the guards are protecting them.'' the prince says as he starts to get exhausted. What in the world is this? Why would they protect us? And why is the prince helping me out? He didn't move during our fight and I hated it that he was watching me, because his eyes burnt on me as I felt him watch every move I made. Oh well, I hope this night is over soon. I will not give in to the man's wishes, because he is still out there to use me as a sacrifice while there is no way he is allowed to use me. I'm not a prince, so there is no way he can use an innocent human being like me.

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Chapter 1: ur characters loolk sick