

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived an old king, and he had three daughters. One day he gathered his daughters in his room and said:
- It's time for you to have husbands.
- What should we do, father? - asked the eldest daughter of Nayeon.
- Where can we look for our betrothed, father? - Jeongyeon's middle daughter asked.
- We agree with any decision you make, father, - said DaHyun's youngest daughter.
The king pondered a day, a second, then thought for a couple more days, and gave the answer:
- Go out to the field, take a bow and arrows, and where the arrow will fly in that direction and look for your groom.
He said, looked at his unlucky daughters, blessed them on the road, finally advised:
- Think with your heart, but check with your mind.
Embracing them, he added:
“Remember, my daughters, I am giving you time until the summer solstice. It is on this day that it is desirable to get married.
The three daughters took a bow and arrows, as the priest ordered them, went out early in the morning into the field, stood side by side.
The eldest daughter Nayeon was the first to take a step towards her destiny. She shot up, her arrow zigzagged and flew off in the right direction. Watching the arrow, Nayeon said goodbye to her sisters.
- Be careful with your desires. See you in nine days - waved her hand, threw things over her shoulder, ran after her arrow.
The middle daughter Jeongyeon came out second, as soon as their sister disappeared over the horizon. She smiled at her little sister, took the arrow, pulled the string and released it up. Its arrow flew to the left, in a strange way, then landing, speeding upward, as if someone were conjuring with it. On the run, she said goodbye to her sister:
- I'll see you in nine days. Be true to yourself and know that we will accept anyone who your arrow may lead.
Left alone, the youngest daughter, smiled sadly to herself, looking back at the palace, she sighed heavily. She took her arrow and fired ... but her arrow fell in front of her feet.
The second attempt was also unsuccessful, the arrow fell a little further from her feet.
The third attempt, the arrow fell generally behind her back. She was already completely desperate, repeating her shots, until 8 times, luck decided to take pity on her and the arrow, rising up, rushed forward.
- Hurray - the youngest daughter DaHyun danced on the spot, ran to catch up with her.
In her room, her father did the same, crossing himself: Finally.
- What am I going to prepare for your arrival, my daughters - clapped his hands, calling on his clerk, the king wearily sat down on the throne.
He did not even wonder what kind of meeting would take place, who would be brought to his house by three daughters.

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Wivern #1
Chapter 5: Reviewing the tags and noticing Nay-Nay with the j-line.
Let's go arrow!
I'm counting on you to make it true. 🏹
excited to read this!!
Wivern #3
Chapter 3: Diagonally it is.
AnDEUSAgrega #5
Chapter 3: The way I laugh so much from Nayeon's clumsy/ side