Chap 8: day 3 part 2

Let me be your shield

Wheein woke up to someone calling out to her name. Her eyes slowly fluttered open. She saw Soo Yeon poking her dimple. Wheein quickly closes her eyes, pretending to go to back sleep.

"Wheein unnie is time to wake up." Soo Yeon said in a soft tone while continuing poking Wheein's dimple.

So Yeon decided to jump on top of Wheein's stomach as she gave up waking her up sweetly. Wheein let out a groaned as she felt Soo Yeon's weight on her. She quickly grabs her and tickles her as a 'punishment' for waking her up roughly. Soo Yeon tried to suppress her giggling but ended up bursting into loud laugher. Solar who was in the kitchen cooking smiles at the sight of them. she looks at her daughter. The last time she saw her daughter laughing is when she was 8 years old. She felt sorry for her as she only has her to rely on. She then looks at wheein. Every time she looks at wheein, she has butterflies in her stomach. she feels as if she was back in High school crushing hard on her eye candy.

"Unnie, you look like you are falling in love." Hyejin who was behind her all along was watching the whole thing.

"oh, Hyejin I was staring into blank space." Solar stuttered with her words.

"kojimal~. " Hyejin teased solar.

"Wheein reminds me of Soo Yeon. She was raised by her grandma when her parents too were having difficulties with each other. she cherishes her grandma and her mother. That why she is fighting hard for you. she doesn't want Soo Yeon to experience the same thing as her and she doesn't want you to experience the same thing as her mother." Hyejin added.

Solar did not reply to Hyejin as she was shocked knowing about Wheein childhood story.

"Don't worry unnie, I am sure wheein and I will win this case for you, besides she likes you. low-key. she will fight hard for her love ones" Hyejin comforted her by massaging Solar's Shoulder.

Solar blushes and nodded feeling grateful for the both of them for reinvestigating this case. She called Wheein and Soo Yeon for breakfast.

"Wahhh it looks great and smells great." Wheein came into the kitchen carrying Soo Yeon on her arms.

"Soo Yeon ah, Wheein unnie is tired. you are not a baby anymore. get down from Wheein unnie." Solar looks at her daughter strictly.

Soo Yeon was startled at her mother's face. Wheein was startled too as this is the first time seeing Solar being strict. Soo Yeon's eyes swelled up with tears. Solar felt bad for scolding her daughter.

"its ok unnie, She is light, she is not heavy at all. I also work out so its not a problem for me at all. Soo Yeon ah, should we eat breakfast now?" Wheein rubs Soo Yeon back, comforting her and trying to get rid of the intense atmosphere.

Wheein felt Soo Yeon nodded her head and brings Soo Yeon to sit right beside her. Hyejin who is in the kitchen helping Solar serves them breakfast and they ate together. it was awkward at first but as time goes by, the awkward atmosphere disappears.

"Wheein Unnie. Hyejin Unnie. are you coming back home tonight? I want to spend more time with you" Soo Yeon asked them curiously, hoping that they will return home later on.

Hyejin and Wheein exchanged looks. They have difficulty answering Soo Yeon simple question. Solar wanted to remind Soo Yeon that they are very busy but was stop by Wheein.

"Hmmmm....unnie can't promise you but if we finish our work early, we will go back home. if not.....ahhh...your Omma has my number. you can video call me." Wheein replied while crouching down to meet So Yeon's eyes.

"hmmm..ok." Soo Yeon was a little disappointed by their answer.

"Soo Yeon ah, they have to go now. go get ready for our homeschooling. we have a lot of work to catch up." Solar told Soo Yeon to wash up as she doesn't want to hold them back any longer.

Soo Yeon sprint to the toilet after hearing her mother's instruction. Hyejin decided to leave the two of them alone. She told wheein that she will get ready for the car. Wheein and Solar look at each other awkwardly. Wheein heart was racing every time her gaze lands on her face.

"Unnie thank you for the breakfast. I never had a regular breakfast for a while now." Wheein tries to start up a conversation.

"No i should be the one thanking you....but wheein ah...if you feel that the case is not ever gonna be solved. you can drop the case..." Solar looks down, trying hard not to tear up as she felt bad for being a burden to wheein.

Wheein saw her tears trickle down her cheeks. She immediately pulled her in for a hug.

"don't cry unnie. i will never gonna drop the case. This is my job as a detective and i chose this case because i am not going to let you suffer anymore. trust me unnie.." Wheein hugs her tightly.

Wheein phone rang. Solar pulled away from Wheein's embrace. Wheein checked her phone. its Hyejin. Solar told Wheein to go and that she be ok. Wheein rush to the car park and enter the car.

They soon arrived to the office. They saw the maknaes panicking.

"Sunbae! Sunbae!. The video that caught moobyulE hitting Solar and finger analysis is gone. I can't find the camera. I remember putting in the box where all the pieces of evidence are." Soo Jung explains the situation.

"There no way that is gone. the police station is guarded by Civil Police. Who would enter the office in the middle of the night?. have you checked with the civil police that is patrolling the station?" wheein tries to calm them down

"We checked with them but they told us they did not see anyone entering the police station. We also asked for CCTV footage." Sung Hoon hands over the laptop to Hyejin and Wheein to see the footage.

"it's a little dark, the culprit is wearing black clothes as well. I can't see the culprit's face." Hyejin commented.

"wait a minute. zoom into the right hand and make the quality as clear as possible." Wheein told Hyejin.

Hyejin followed her instructions.

"oh its a tattoo. oh hold on. it Choi Min Su, i remember seeing that tattoo on his right hand when he placed his hands on Wheein sunbae face." Soo Jung told them while recalling.

"me too, i saw it on some of his teammates right hand as well." Sunghoon added

Hyejin also remembers as she is with Sung Hoon when they question Choi Min Su's Teammates.

"Oh that right. Save this video, screenshot this part of the video and make many copies of it into the thumb drive. Do not put it in the box anymore since it is not safe. We will put in my safe box instead. i will change my password as well." Wheein told the team and placed the evidence into her safe box.

While she was opening her safe box, there a pen. She took it out and suddenly remembers that the pen is not just an ordinary pen, its a pen spy camera. She quietly placed it in the pen holder, hiding it among the ordinary pens and trying to capture the whole office.

"Soo jung, Go to the forensics department if the metal rod is still there. if its there we still can get a fingerprint analysis. tell them to print extra copies and hand me the metal rod as well." Wheein told Soo Yeon while trying to figure out the whole situation.

"What are you thinking about wheein?" Hyejin asked her best friend.

"i will explained later but not here and after Soo Jung arrived." Wheein sat down on her office chair

Soon Soojung arrived with the things wheein need.

Wheein immediately proceed with her plans.

"I am hungry, let's go out and eat something." Wheein told the team loud and clear  that she starving.

"But we just ate." Hyejin told wheein with a confused look.

Wheein kick Hyejin shin, signalling her to just follow her plan. Hyejin gets what she wants and do the same thing as wheein.

"I'm hungry too, let's go eat some Chinese food," Hyejin says it loudly so that everyone can hear.

They  drag the maknaes out of the office and get them in the car. Wheein told the civil police that she going out to eat with her team. She looks at one of the civil police carefully. she finds him particularly suspicious when she walks in the office. she looks at his right hand that is covering half the tattoo. Its the same tattoo as Choi Min Su. She quickly head to the car and locks the car. She looks at the maknaes who is still confused.

"Alright, let me explain. firstly, the reason why I said that I'm hungry so loudly so that everyone can hear is because the civil police at the counter is Choi Min Su people. his right hand has the same tattoo as Choi Min Su. Next, the reason why I show the safe box right in front of the CCTV is because i know that civil police will show the footage to Choi Min Su and he will try to get rid of the evidence. next, i have put a pen spy camera in the office to capture Choi Min Su action later on tonight. my plan is now. we will ambush Choi Min Su and that civil police tonight by pretending we are heading back home tonight. we will observe them through my pen spy camera in the car. i have set up in my phone and share it to you guys in the group chat. the minute that they enter the office, we will arrest them." Wheein explained her plans slowly to let them absorb.

The team finally understood and agreed with the plans.

"Wheein, I am really hungry this time." Hyejin told Wheein.

Wheein was about to start the engine but she was stopped by Sung Hoon.

"Sunbae we have to get in the office now!. The civil police are in the office trying to break the safe box." Sung Hoon told Wheein.

The team get out of the car and they noticed the civil police is not at the counter. Wheein told them to get their taser and guns out as he is armed with weapons.

"STOP WHATEVER you are doing Lee Minhyuk!" Hyejin shouted at the civil police while pointing her guns towards him.

The Civil Police turn around facing them and took out his gun and points it at wheein. Wheein tries to move quietly to take out her gun

"Put down your weapon! this is my second warning." Hyejin Shouted at him while trying to move closer to wheein to protect her.

Lee Minhyuk placed his fingers on the trigger, getting ready to shoot.

"THIS IS MY THIRD WARNING PUT YOUR WEAPON DOWN!" Hyejin shouted at him once again.

Lee Minhyuk still did not obey. The minute Lee Minhyuk press the trigger, Sung Hoon covers Wheein and Hyejin with his body. He got shot at the arm. Hwasa Shot Lee Minhyuk in the shoulder causing him to drop his weapon. He groaned in pain. He tries to pick his gun up from the floor but was tased by Soo Jung. Soo Jung immediately handcuffed him. Lee Dahee who just arrived at the office attends to Sung Hoon. she told them to bring both of them to the medical centre to get treated.

After getting treated. Wheein immediately interrogates Lee Minhyuk.

" before i begin. Do you want to come clean? or should i tell you the whole story of what happened?" Wheein looks at him with deadly eyes.

The civil police did not reply.

"I know this is going to happen. Listen carefully. First charge you tried to broke the safe box which is not your property. The second charge, You enter the office without any of our permission. The third charge, you shot my teammates in the arm after failing to put your weapon down. fourth charge you helping Choi Min Su getting rid of the evidence. That four charges." When told him and placed the laptop in front of him to play the video from the CCTV and spy pen camera of the incident just now.

Wheein immediately removes his sticker that is covering his tattoo and show the picture of Choi Min Su tattoo with his.

"Do you got anything to say now? or Do you want to come clean?. keep denying, you won't see your family anymore as I will gladly increase the years of you being in jail!" Wheein sprang up from her chair and slammed the table.

"fine. I tell you everything. I work with Choi Min Su recently. I need money. He told me if I help him get rid of the evidence and kill you. I will get 20k. I agreed to it. he told me to get the same tattoo and at the same spot with his right hand as he considered me as one of his friends and i will get more money if I get the tattoo. I told you everything, please reduce my sentence." Lee Minhyuk confessed.

"Not yet. Tonight I want you to follow my plans. Tonight you will lead Choi Min Su into the office. turn on the damn lights. if he asks why. solve it yourself. make sure to lock the door as well. here is the earpiece. follow my instructions. if you try to play any funny games with me, is either You will die in prison or I will kill you first. you choose wisely." Wheein told her plans and grabs his collar.

It's 10AM, The team proceed with the plans. They are patiently waiting for Choi Min Su to arrived. A few minutes later Choi Min Su arrived and parks his car a little further away from the police station to not be captured by the CCTV. Hyejin told the team that she will write down his car plate number and join them shortly. the team continue to observe them through the spy pen camera. Wheein instructs Lee Minhyuk. Lee Minyuk obeyed. Soon Wheein told the team that its time to move. They head into the office. they barge into the office. Choi Min Su looks at Lee Minhyuk feeling betrayed by him. He opens the office windows to escape. Wheein missed her chance to catch him. Sung Hoon and Soo Jung chased him while wheein handcuffs Minhyuk who is trying to escape as well.

"Where do you thing you're going?" Hyejin points her guns towards him

Choi Min Su took out his gun and points at her.

"two can play in this game." Choi Min Su laughs at Hyejin.

"make it three." Lee Dahee tased him.

Hyejin was shocked that she popped out of nowhere. she greeted her while she handcuffs Choi Min Su. The Team gather and interrogates Choi Min Su.

"Choi Min Su!. give up right now. I have so many evidence that you. here the CCTV footage of today and yesterday that you tried to get rid of the evidence. here is the footage of Lee Minhyuk confessing working together with you. here the document your therapist send me. here is the previous evidence that you denied previously. How much more evidence do you need?." Wheein questioned him trying to keep her cool.

"i told you already that it not gonna be easy arresting me. go ahead and arrest me." Choi Min Su smirked at wheein.

Lee Dahee who was watching the interrogation steps into the room and grab his collar.


Wheein tries to Break them apart but was pushed by Lee Dahee. The team immediately enter the room and help to pull Lee Dahee apart from Choi Min Su. Hyejin attends to her best friend.

Lee Dahee told them to lock him up and meet her in her office. the team nodded their head and bring him to his cell.

"Its 12AM. you guys have worked so hard. i make it quick and i want you guys to go home and sleep. Firstly, i would like to apologise to the team for not being able to calm down especially to wheein as I accidentally pushed you earlier on. Secondly, Choi Min Su is also the reason why i want to solve this case with you. i will tell you all tomorrow at 10 am sharp. so be on time. Thirdly, i will stay up in the office tonight as i am going to search for a powerful lawyer to get rid of the higher rankings that have been helping Choi Min Su. don't worry, i have my other detectives from the other department to help me out. we will guard the police station and keep the evidence safe.  I also gave them a lecture to them earlier on if they try to betray me. So go home now. NO BUTs JUNG WHEEIN or you be dismiss." Lee Dahee explaines to the team.

The team wanted to stay overnight to help their Sunbae but they could not as she is the in charge of the team. The team quickly packs their stuff and head home.

 Hyejin rushed to the bathroom to use the toilet. Wheein was about to place her bag on the couch when she saw So Yeon on the sofa sleeping soundly. she carries her in her arms and brings to her bedroom.

"wheein unnie?. you are back. i want to sleep next to you." So Yeon told wheein half asleep.

"ok. i will.." she answers softly carefully not to wake solar up.

 she lay So Yeon in between her and solar. She lets So Yeon use her arm as a pillow and soon soft snoring can be heard. 

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I apologised again for the late update. I'm really tired from studying for test and exams. I will try update as regularly as I can


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Chapter 13: Anxiety and depressions have never been easy author-nim I hope u get better in the future. Take your time
Chapter 13: It's always okay to give time to yourself and we're always thankful to everyone who shares such beautiful stories with us. Please take ur time and stay healthy. We'll be looking forward to ur story😊
Chapter 13: That’s totally fine authornim. Just take your time. This is such a great story but I’ll wait and support your new story!! :)
Susizamy #4
Chapter 13: Oh. It's ok.. i think it's still great though. But I'm looking forward to your new story. Oh , and also get well soon
Chapter 12: oh.. finally justice!! btw thanks for the update ^^ It's been awhile authornim ^^
Chapter 12: Thank you for the update ❤️
Chapter 11: Update?
Chapter 11: waaaa Thanks for the update ^^
vitawheeiny #9
Chapter 11: Uwu thanks for the update ^^
velahohoho #10