one more day


On the brink of a global apocalypse, the Four Horsemen return to lead the world into chaos. One of the Horsemen starts to neglect his destructive duties when he meets and falls in love with a human. [Adopted Prompt from BAE 2020]


After finally being hyped for fic fests again, I decided to adopt a dropped prompt from BAE Fest! It is BAE109 from this year!

I had my difficulties with this but I tried my best and I hope it does make sense. I feel like I am all over the place and so I am a bit nervous.
Anyways, I hope you will enjoy it. I tried to achieve many things with this and now I both like and hate it...
I also hope it makes sense. Please take the Horsemen concept loosely... i hope you enjoy it!


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Chapter 1: Wow this was so so beautiful and with a taste of melancholy! I'm so pleasantly surprised, I love it so much! I love the pace of the story, the descriptions, especially how detailed it is. I read each sentence like fine wine and it's just a very touching story for me. Thank you so much for writing this, it's definitely a masterpiece. So well written and just perfect! Love it ❤❤❤
Chapter 1: This was so interesting! Poor Baekhyun. In the end it was Chanyeol who was more selfish. I really enjoyed this! :)