The Queen of Insomnia


It is never easy to follow the fate given to you by the Astrals you worshipped and believe is looking out for your well-being. The same goes for defying the fate chosen for you, the Astrals will punish you or cast you aside.

Irene realized all of that when she got crowned the next Queen of Insomnia and marries the love of her life. She can't help but be worried about meeting a similar fate to the King before her, Noctis Lucis Caelum. With her mindset on changing her fate, Irene runs off on a journey to seek the help of the Astrals. She didn't care that her rash decision made her look selfish, all she wanted is just a quiet life with the man she loves.



Irene Lucis Caelum

  • A descendant of Noctis Lucis Caelum.

Suho Nox Fleuret

  • A descendant of Lunafreya Nox Fleuret and her brother Ravus Nox Fleuret.

Seulgi Scientia

  • A descendant of Ignis Scientia.

Wendy Amicitia

  • A descendant of Gladiolus Amicitia and his sister Iris Amicitia.

Joy Argentum

  • A descendant of Prompto Argentum.

Yeri Izunia

  • A descendant of Ardyn Izunia.

The Astrals

  • Bahamut
    • The Draconian
  • Ramuh
    • ​​​​​​​The Fulgurian
  • Titan
    • ​​​​​​​The Archaean
  • Leviathan
    • ​​​​​​​The Hydraean
  • Shiva
    • ​​​​​​​The Glacian
  • Ifrit
    • The Infernian


Author's Note

This is my first time writing a story with a Final Fantasy AU, although it's more based on Final Fantasy XV (15). If anyone is unfamiliar with any terms, don't worry I plan on including a terms page. I hesitated to write this because I kind of have a love and hate relationship with Final Fantasy XV. I'm one of the fans who expected the game to be like the one when it was known as Final Fantasy Versus XIII. Long story short, Final Fantasy Versus XII got butchered due to its very dark plot and a rumored possible romance of Noctis and one of his male friends.

I chose to keep the stage names of the KPOP stars I chose and added a twist that they're related to the characters from the game. Not going to lie but Yeri was originally going to be related to Cor Leonis, a mentor to Noctis and his friends but I thought of including a teammate who seems nice but a bit mischievous/evil.

This is an entry to Scent of a Rose hosted by luv-kero.


I don't own Final Fantasy XV or the characters within the game, they all belong to Square Enix. The same goes for the members of Red Velvet and Suho from EXO.

My story has an extended deadline for July 7th just in case anyone wonders if I didn't finish the story on time for July 5th.


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