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Ba3ks-cheekies #1
Chapter 40: This fic is such a comfort fave 💕✨ I always find myself coming back to read it
Chapter 20: Oh. This part breaking my heart again
Chapter 19: Not the author shading her own character in the A/N 😂
Chapter 18: Just wanna say I'm proud of you, Otornim.
Chapter 15: Otornim, if you lose your breath everytime you see Baekhyun, I'm pretty sure Jiwon did too
Chapter 14: I don't know how to respond to your Author's Note after Baekhyun chickening out of that kiss
Chapter 12: I'll pretend the last sentence isn't there.
Chapter 11: If this were real life and my boyfriend did that to me, it's over as soon as Mr. Cheng's out of the office. That's some grade-A level of pettiness
Chapter 9: I'm happy that as the author you love your characters. It just shows how passionate you are about writing
Chapter 8: Two clueless idiots being cute and dumb at the same time. Poor Yeolie!