
Wishes in Your Eyes

His hand shook. Anger rolled through him in waves. Sehun must’ve stood by the door so long that he came to when Seulbi tugged on his pants.

“Daddy?” her faint voice brought him back to earth. He touched her head for certainty that his daughter was still with him. The thought of being torn from her was inconceivable.

The bell rang eerily. Sehun hesitated to open it. Afraid it was the social worker coming to take Seulbi. Maybe it was the cops. They’d arrest him. Hold him in a jail cell while they shipped his daughter off to her mother who was never really a mother. Seulbi would spend the rest of her life sweeping floors, doing dirty dishes, living a life of servitude to Haewon and strange men. Sehun would never be able to protect her again.

Thinking about it ripped his heart to shreds.

The bell rang again. Namjoo called out, “Sehun?”

Hurriedly unlocking the door, he stared at her. in a breath of relief. Namjoo. He could trust her.

Noticing his pale face, she worried, “You ok?”

He pulled her inside. “Can you stay with Seulbi? I need to go to the courthouse.”

Bags rustled as she caught him a step out the door. “It’s the weekend, Sehun. The courthouse isn’t open.”

His breath was ragged. Blood rushing maddeningly through his system. He couldn’t stop it. Control himself. Taking notice of the paper he was clutching Namjoo observed him. When he made no movement, she took the paper and skimmed it.

“Miss Namjoo?” Seulbi called.

Namjoo gave his daughter one of her professional assuring smiles. Putting her arms around them she shuffled them inside and closed the door. Digging into a bag dangling off her arm, she gave Seulbi a popsicle. “You want to go play on your tablet? Your daddy needs to help me unpack.”

“Okie!” Excitedly hopping away Seulbi neverminded them.

Sehun was thankful more than ever for Namjoo who was naturally taking charge. His mind had emptied from shock and anger that Haewon was seriously dragging it out this far. Setting the paper and bags onto the dining table, Namjoo grabbed his arm.

“You ok?” Her voice was soothing and quiet.

The anger roared in his ears. He gripped her shoulder, digging his fingers into her hair. Focusing on a spot in the wall. “I’m pissed.”

“We’ll figure something out.” Stepping closer, Namjoo rested her head on his shoulder and hugged him. Sehun fisted her shirt struggling to find reliance in her words, but he was more fearful.

He couldn’t sleep that night. He remembered the night he came home after work. The apartment was empty. Dirty dishes were stacked in the sink, undone even when Haewon promised to wash them before he left for his shift. Her stash of makeup littered his desk. Never put away after usage. Clothes strewn all over the floors, over the foot of the bed. Pretty much flung everywhere, because she had dug through the entire closet.

Sehun had discovered a shoebox missing its contents. Heels that cost some sixty dollars. Haewon had begged him for the shoes for months. He’d given in because he tired of her pleading and had been stressed with a fitful baby. In addition to the missing shoes, his daughter was nowhere.

Hurrying over to the next apartment he asked for the teenager who babysat for him. Not here she’d said. Haven’t seen her all day then shut the door in his face. Panicky he raced down the street screaming for Haewon, not knowing where to look first. Would she have taken his daughter and left?! What would she do with a crying baby?! She didn’t even know how to feed Seulbi a bottle!

Sehun searched all night. Running inside restaurants inquiring for a woman and a baby. He’d get a shake of the head and move on. Finally reaching the popular districts that opened all night. Bars, clubs, motels, cheap eateries. Business signs that blew up the night sky like splashes of fireworks.

He saw Haewon that night in front of a crusty sign. Holding his daughter awkwardly in her arms and hitting up a conversation with two men. Seulbi, knowing no better, had cooed tucking her tiny fist into . The sound of Haewon giggling at his daughter’s dribbling saliva made his fury pound so loud in his ears. Haewon had never laughed at his daughter before, but in front of some men.

Sehun only remembered charging at them that night and snatching a bawling Seulbi from Haewon. They had fought right there and then, and he’d thrown whatever cash he’d had on him at her before stomping off with his daughter securely in his arms.

Yet she was at it again. Trying to take his daughter from him.

The next day he sent a text to Namjoo, asking her to take Seulbi to her place after school. He was going to leave work early. There was a place of importance he needed to go.

The courthouse wasn’t a spectacular place. Not as looked after as the church. The white building had a rough edge to it and the staircase was uneven, but no one complained. Inside the musky hallway, Sehun slumped into a chair as he waited for his turn at the service desk. He had made his resolve. He was going to fight Haewon.

“I need to speak to the judge,” were his first words up at the desk. Sliding the paper over, he even shoved over his identification card, birth certificate, and anything else to prove he was Oh Sehun. He had brought an entire folder!

Raising a brow, the lady stared up at him. “Sir, I can’t send you to the judge right now.”

“I want him to retract this!” he stabbed the paper with his finger. “I’m the only legitimate guardian of Oh Seulbi. I’ve been taking care of her for years. She’s my daughter!”

Heaving a sigh so deep, the lady resentfully lifted the paper and eyed it. “If you want to make a complaint against the order, you’ll need to find a lawyer to renegotiate this, sir.”

“A lawyer?!” Sehun raised his voice. “You’re kidding?”

Dropping the paper, the lady gave him an identical uninterested look. “Look, there’s really not much I can do for you here. Either you have to find a lawyer and go over the terms of this and come to an agreement with the mother or you hand over the kid. Sorry.”

Slamming the desk, he shot the woman a glare. Crumpling the paper into his fist he snatched his belongings aggressively and stomped out of the courthouse. Throwing everything into the passenger’s seat he yanked his phone out of his pocket.

He never bothered calling Haewon. There was no point. They had no more connection after he decided to up and leave after having enough; done with picking up after her like she was a teenager. Today was the first time in one and a half years.

Sehun listened to the phone ring. Ring. Ring. Ring.

Finally, he was greeted by the lady in the voicemail. He literally screamed, “Pick up the ing phone, Haewon! You can’t do this to me! Don’t take Seulbi from me! Please!”


“Where’s daddy?” Seulbi asked.

“He has a very important appointment.” Was the best Namjoo could do leading Seulbi up the staircase to her apartment.

“He go to the doctor? Or the dentist?” Seulbi pressed. “Because his teeth bad?”

Namjoo chuckled. Taking her keys out she unlocked the door. “Yes, his teeth are bad.”

“See!” Seulbi exclaimed. “That’s why he has to brush his teeth every morning. Right, Miss Namjoo?”

“Yes, you’re right.” Letting her inside Namjoo closed the door and slipped out of her shoes.

“Wow!” Seulbi darted over to the counter. Holding onto the edge of the counter she tiptoed. “Pretty flowers!”

“I gave you one, remember?” Namjoo asked.

“You did?” Her big eyes followed her to the fridge and curiously touched a petal. “I dun remember.”

“I don’t know when your daddy is coming,” Namjoo said. “Do you want some juice, Seulbi?”

“Yes!” Trotting over Namjoo handed her a small cup. Seulbi gulped the juice down while peering at her over the rim of the cup. Gasping when she finished, she handed the cup back.

“Miss Namjoo,” Seulbi started when Namjoo refilled the cup.

“Hmm?” Namjoo asked.

“Do you want live with me?” Seulbi asked.

Too surprised Namjoo stopped pouring the juice and stared at Sehun’s daughter.

“I want live with you,” Seulbi innocently continued. “I like you Miss Namjoo.”

Namjoo felt her gaze zoom in on this little girl who perhaps did not know what she was really saying. Gently smiling, Namjoo handed her the cup. “I like you too, Seulbi.”

Cocking her head from side to side satisfied, Seulbi gulped down the juice. “I play, Miss Namjoo!”

She let Seulbi lead her into the living room and pointed out a puzzle jammed under the television set. Pouring out the contents they spent the next hour piecing not even a quarter of the picture before a knock at the door.

“I think that’s your daddy.” Namjoo got to her feet to open the door.

“Hey.” A sullen looking boyfriend greeted depressed.

“Daddy!” Seulbi lunged toward him. He snatched her off the ground hugging her tightly.

“Hi kiddo!” Suddenly beaming happily, Sehun asked, “Were you a naughty girl?”

“No,” Seulbi giggled. “I good.”

“Thanks.” Sehun said letting down a restless Seulbi who immediately ran toward the table where their unfinished puzzle lay.

Closing the door, she grabbed his hand and pulled him into the kitchen. “How’d it go?”

Sighing deplored, Sehun dropped into a chair and rubbed his haggard face. “Not good.”

Placing a cup of water in front of him, Namjoo took a nearby chair. “I’m sorry.”

“I have to get a lawyer if I want to take any legal action.” Sehun mumbled then threw out his hands. “How am I supposed to afford a lawyer?! No one does pro bono anymore! At least not here! This is such a joke!”

Sympathizing, Namjoo offered, “I can help you look for one.”

“No, no,” Sehun rejected. “I have to do this by myself. She’s purposely doing this!”

Groaning, Sehun rubbed his face again and turned catching view of the flowers. Veering to her, he scolded, “I thought I told you to throw those away.”

“They were too expensive to,” Namjoo said. “I’m sorry.”

Turning to her he huffed upset. Sighing the next he rubbed his temples. “I don’t mean to get angry. I’m just frustrated right now.”

Comfortingly covering his hand with hers, Namjoo said, “It’s ok, Sehun.”


But it wasn’t ok.

Nothing was ok.

The following days, Sehun kept Seulbi close. Treating her to ice cream and spoiling her with sweets every day. Unable to bear losing her.

He wished every night that this wasn’t happening. Haewon wasn’t doing this to them. But she never returned the call, as if to spite him. Give him the same medicine he’d given her when he left her in the dust.

There should have been more he could do, but there wasn’t any. There would always be steps to take in order to reach an end, and this time Haewon had done exactly that. She’d gone to the law to make her demand. Sehun wasn’t capable enough put up war.

He was no rich man. He was just a regular citizen with a regular paying wage. He had always struggled to make ends meet when he learned he was having a family. Maybe once he had dreamed of becoming the perfect family man. Be the breadwinner in the family, support his wife and kids. Spend the rest of his life fulfilling a father’s duties to his family.

Only he had landed Haewon and the story never even progressed.

Sehun was nothing.

It wasn’t ok.

By the time the weekend rolled around, Sehun got another note from the courthouse reminding him of the due date approaching. A social worker would be involved if he did not hand over Seulbi to her mother. If he further refused, legal action would be taken against him. Then he would never be able to get Seulbi back.

“I don’t want go.” Seulbi pouted when he packed her clothes into a duffel bag.

Focused on the task at hand in order not to become emotional, Sehun grumbled, “Stop whining, Seulbi.”

“Daddy!” Seulbi complained. “Why make me go? Dun make me go. Please. I be good girl.”

Every decision he’d made in his life bubbled to the fore regrettably when she latched onto his arm, hugging him. Misery welled inside every bloodstream.

“Daddy.” She begged leaning her small head on his shoulder.

Putting an arm around her he hugged her tightly. “Stay with mommy for a few days. I promise I’ll come for you, ok?”

Tears rose in her eyes. “Daddy come with me?”

Somberly meeting her gaze, he wished he could say yes. Cupping her small face, he assured, “Be a good girl, ok?”

“No.” Tugging on his shirt, she cried, “No, daddy!”

The doorbell rang.

That was their call.

Zipping the duffel bag Sehun got to his feet. Seulbi shrieked when he grabbed her hand and led her to the front door.

“Daddy! Daddy!” Seulbi cried.

His heart was broken.

He was seething, but luck did not just drop on his doorstep. Money did not rain from the sky.

Sehun was already pulling hours at work in order to save more money. He couldn’t fathom accepting Namjoo’s money to hire a lawyer. As much as he despised the situation, he had more freedom to figure things out when Seulbi was not with him.

A few days and he would go for her. He would not leave his precious daughter in Haewon’s hands.

Opening the door, he breathed steam through his nostrils as Haewon coyly smiled. “Hi, Sehun.”

He gripped Seulbi’s hand. A split moment of determination not to hand her over. Seulbi hiccupped.

“Come on, Seulbi.” Haewon extended her hand. “Come to mommy.”

Breaking into cries again, Seulbi tilted her head back to stare up at him. A least plead for him not to do this. He tried very hard not to cry.

He wanted to sneer at Haewon. Shoot lasers through his eyes. Reprimand her for every wrong she’d committed while living with him. Remind her exactly why she was not fitted to be Seulbi’s mother.

Instead, his heart weakened. He just wanted the best for Seulbi. He wanted her to be cared for even if Haewon was incapable of providing it.

A few days he reminded himself. It would just be a few days then he’d go for her.

“Her tablet is in her backpack. She goes to bed before ten. Let her watch some television after school; only kids’ shows. I packed her shampoo and wash in the duffel bag,” Sehun explained. “Tie her hair up in the mornings before you drop her off at school. The bus will drop her off, so don’t go to the school to pick her up. She’s not picky, but don’t give her too much sugar. Her teeth are sensitive and she had a cavity last checkup. Don’t forget to brush her teeth morning and night. She does better if you brush your teeth with her. Buy juice for her. Seulbi likes juice. Grape is her favorite flavor. And…”

“Do you have to keep going?” Haewon cut him off. Then to Seulbi, “Are you going to take my hand? It’s getting late.”

“Daddy…” Seulbi squeaked clinging onto his hand.

He abruptly thought about the first time he held her in the hospital. Such a small thing. So fragile and beautiful. It had been unbelievable that she was real and in his arms. Sehun had been afraid of dropping her if not for the nurse’s aid. This was his baby girl. Seulbi was really his from that day on. He was going to give her the best. He was always going to cherish her.

Seulbi was his everything.

His past few years had been devoted to her only.

Oh Seulbi, his daughter.

The most precious.

“Take care of her.” Sehun stared Haewon in the eyes.

“Who do you think I am?” Haewon contested. “I gave birth to her.”

Tears streamed down Seulbi’s cheeks when he let her go and Haewon immediately snatched her tiny hand, pulling her down the walk.

He literally lost everything he’d ever held onto when Seulbi glanced back; her tiny shoulders bobbing as she cried. And the farther they went the more he wanted to run after them.

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AiiSoo #1
Chapter 28: They are just so cute..
Chapter 21: I kinda hate Sehun here, i mean he pushed Namjoo to like all the plans in his mind. He's not discussing things, he demands them. I know he loves his daughter but i think it's not fair to always push Namjoo to suddenly agree to be the mother of his daughter after they separated for a long time
Chapter 10: Omg Sehun is sooo hypocrite on this one
Chapter 1: Comparing to your other work, I found this chapter hard to understand x) between the thinking/past/present
_apink #5
Chapter 7: I'm already feeling sad for Chanyeol :C
Chapter 8: In previous chanyeol is sweet, bt here playful, i like it hahaha
Chapter 8: In previous chanyeol is sweet, bt here playful, i like it hahaha
Chapter 7: Chanyeol is gentle ❤️
Chapter 2: Hye, it's been long since I was not active reader, and today I opened my account nd find out you complete your 2 stories, bt I'm back now, nd about this story you always come with something new and different, nd that is amazing about you ❤️
Chapter 22: I really liked the whole marriage talk. it tackled the different opinions of people about marriage. I was on Sehun’s argument but upon Namjoo and Chanyeol’s opinion about it, they’re actually right? being together is also a promise. hmm.