Don’t be afraid, I’m right here


Don’t be afraid, I’m right here

XiaoDery (Xiaojun and Hendery)

Angst, Character Death,

During a summer visit to his cousin in South Korea, Hendery was forced to volunteer at a hospital instead of enjoying it on mindless activities teenagers do on hot summer days.


A/n: I was watching a Bondi Vet episode where a puppy had a health check for a possible companion pet for a CF patient. I got curious because a companion pet usually means long hospitalization. I searched a bit on Youtube and Cystic Fibrosis came up. I watched medical review/discussions/documentaries on the sickness, how it worked and how people affected by it deal with it. I was then able to watch a documentary about Claire (Last days) and that really shattered me. I eventually watched 5 feet apart which was inspired by Claire’s story.


So here is my take on this. I am not medically affiliated but I did have bio and microbio courses back in college to at least understand medical terms. I would apologize before hand if this is triggering or inaccurate medically, but I will try my best to deliver something decent.


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Chapter 3: This is honestly such a cute, but sad, story <3