Chapter 4: CHAOS

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Maybe bringing back Chaewon’s body into good shape will help for a fast full recovery, so I decided to run some lapses with Ai, Zee and One in the garden area. I’ve enjoy running with the dogs that I didn’t realize that the sun is rising above us. It’s still dark when I put on some jogging attire and left Minjoo sleeping in the room.


The swimming pool attracts me so I bravely soak my feet on it. OH! I immediately lift my feet up as soon as it touched the water from the pool! It’s really freezing. But a few seconds later, I did what I planned to do again and let my feet adjust to the temperature this time. I don’t know if this is good or not but the freezing water relaxes me after an hour of exercising. I heard some heavy footsteps until someone stopped on my back.


I lift my head up, titled its way to where the person is, it’s Minjoo. Who’s still rubbing her eyes and yawning like she is really deprived of enough good sleep. Her eyes are still heavy that her eyelids could eventually drop because of sleepiness.


“Why did you got up from bed already?” I can still hear the hoarseness of her voice, an indication that she woke up unwillingly from bed. She should go back to our room, as in right now. But she gave me a smile and mouthed “Good morning”. The dogs are so hyper running and playing around us. But Minjoo won’t mind, I think she’s still half-asleep.



“Let’s go back inside please” I thought she’s a morning person but I’m not sure now. She even pouted and stomped her feet. Like a kid who wants a chocolate flavored ice cream. I shook my head as I chuckle, I found her cute because of those gestures.


“Okay, let’s go then” Minjoo offered her hands to help me stand up. I gladly took it and she helped my pull myself up.


“AAAHHH” Two voices are heard inside the Kim’s residences. And yes, that’s me and Minjoo. A chaos happened; the cold sensation starts to reign in my skin. What a great way to start the day.


Unfortunately, we ended up having a morning bath in this freezing pool. Ai, Zee and One being the playful big doggos that they are, accidentally pushed the half-asleep clumsy Minjoo into the pool. Considering that Minjoo holds my hands, she pulled me with her.


Both of us lost balance, pulling each other to where we are now. As soon as we gain ourselves back from the shock that the scene brought us. We laughed because we’re both stupid from ending up li

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Hi! Sorry for not updating for a while. And until the last week of June, maybe I could not update this. But I'll try to, sorry and bare with me please. If you have suggestions for my story feel free to comment anything. Happy reading :)


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Ftthatallh #1
Chapter 18: This story is so good, even tho there’s some confusing part (for me at least) i hope u make a epilogue for this story cause its so good i cant let it go...
bluejin #2
Chapter 16: oh no i can feel the end :(
bluejin #3
Chapter 14: omg
Chapter 2: 2 chapters in, already mind blown
bluejin #5
Chapter 11: why can’t they just be honest.. there is something that eunbi isn’t saying right? the consequences if they tell each other that they know the truth
Chapter 11: that last line tho ToT
Chapter 7: this is so sad ToT
Ftthatallh #8
Chapter 9: So minjoo already its yujin in chaewons body and minjoo going to let yujin finish her mission so yujin can go back to her body? So that minjoo can love the “true” yujin?
bluejin #9
Chapter 7: uwahhh this is so sad
Ftthatallh #10
Chapter 7: So, if minjoo knows that yujin is in chaewon’s body, will minjoo treat her like she’s chaewon that lost her memory or just treat her like yujin, which we still dont know yet. Btw keep up the good work, hope u update more often, Or maybe just a long chapter every two weeks or something, ill be waiting for every update