
The World Through Your Eyes
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“The rain isn’t letting up,” Mama Kim sighed as she looked out the window of the kitchen. “And it’s causing weird leaks around the house as well.”


“Leaks?” Chinsun gasped, stopping mid-motion while she was chopping vegetables for the curry for dinner.


“The house is old,” Jongdae mumbled, blinking away the tears triggered by the onions that he was in charge of. “So there are random puddles around the house now.”


“Random puddles?” Baekhyun echoed the words while he was trying to wipe away Jongdae’s tears. “So you don’t know the source of the leak?”


“Nope.” Jongdae shook her head.


Chinsun inhaled sharply and tensed. This did not go unnoticed by Baekhyun who looked at her with worry. her lips, Chinsun concentrated on her task at hand while Jongdae remained oblivious to the brief exchange between his childhood friend and his best friend.


Dinner was rather uneventful. Jongin was grouchy and quiet like always while Chinsun was lost in her thoughts. Baekhyun tried to keep an animated conversation alive with Jongdae and Mama Kim but even he was struggling, as at the mere mention of water puddles, he recalled their brief encounter with the water ghost.


After dinner, Jongdae was charged with washing the dishes much to his dismay. Mama Kim had a meeting with the neighbourhood association and left as soon as she finished eating. Chinsun and Baekhyun meanwhile decided to return home but froze when they saw a puddle of water by the entrance.


“You don’t think that the water ghost actually followed us here do you?” Baekhyun whispered carefully, voicing both of their suspicions.


Chinsun bit her lip, still contemplating on formulating an answer when an angry grumble slithered into her ears, causing the hair on the back of her neck to stand up.


“A what?!?”


Slowly turning around, Chinsun gulped loudly while blinking innocently at an aggravated looking Jongin.


“A water ghost?” Chinsun mumbled through gritted teeth as she forced a gummy smile.


“Are you f—” Jongin sneered, clenching his jaw to stop himself from making a scene. “I’ve got enough work as it is at the funeral home. On top of that, the identity of the spirit that escaped still remains unknown; we don’t know why Jongdae caused your tattoo to act up; and the egg ghost situation is still unresolved. We’ve got enough work to bury us alive, so please stop adding more to the pile.”


Finishing his rant all in one breath, Jongin’s shoulders were rising and dropping as he seethed with frustration and impatience towards Chinsun who was shrinking smaller and smaller in size. Baekhyun was just about to thank the skies that he was not the target of Jongin’s wrath when the male snapped his head towards him while pointing a commanding finger towards him.


“You stay away from anything that potentially has spirits residing in there or connected in any way with spirits.”

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Chapter 46: Thanks for this story. Even though there wasn't a lot of romance the story still worked. Loved it
AiiSoo #2
Chapter 45: I really really like this story. There was less romance but it’s still seriously good.
Chinsun has a lot of admirers, but who wouldn’t fall for her. She’s seriously cool and selfless. I like all the characters and their friendship is so beautiful. Their circle of close friends kept expanding but they weren’t awkward with it.
I don’t know how else to express how much I love reading this. I hope more people will come across this story, or any of your other stories and read all of them. They are seriously missing out on some of the most interesting and fun read on AFF. I’m glad I stumbled across one of your stories, and I think I’ll explore and read more. I think I’ve become a fan of your writing.
Thank you for writing and sharing all of those that you’ve shared here on AFF..!
Westwinds #3
Chapter 43: The Taoist nine hand seal seemed so familiar to me, then I realised I remembered it from Sailor Moon :) You have done such an incredible job in writing all the action scenes. This is the most well researched supernatural story I have read in recent times.
Westwinds #4
Chapter 45: I have completely fallen in love with this story. The world building and supernatural elements are written flawlessly. I feverishly read this entire story in one day. And while I feel bad for Baekhyunie, I always shipped Jongin and Chinsun. They totally give me made for each other vibes and idk but they seem so in tune with one another(like soulmates 😍) and I feel like the rest can sense that. But the real MVP is the bond of friendship between the character. Thank you for writing this beautiful story which kept me on my toes, I am off to read it once more <3
Chapter 45: After all this ride, and the heart broken , the heart attack and egg stalker …

Thank you so much for such an amazing work! I do enjoyed it a lot - as expected from your work. Your writing is so beautiful as I used to and it made me thinking of the sunflower and the coffee I used to wait for the update daily x)
Chapter 43: Nooooooooooooooooo
Oh my God NooOoooooOoooo ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽
Chapter 39: This chapter cause me tears from various reasons ㅠㅜ
Chapter 35: My ship is definitely sinking to the bottom of the deep sea
Chapter 29: Baekhyun can do that !!!?????
And the way Mark call Mr(s) Egg the Egg stalker 😭

You manage to surprise me with the turn of even in each chapter. Can I even manage to guess anything right here?
Chapter 28: I didn’t expect his reaction would be this cute 😭