This Cowboy's Smokin'


Kyungsoo wakes up in the Wild Wild West, determined to accomplish the mission of this particular simulation successfully. However, he doesn't expect to come face-to-face with a smokin' hot cowboy who's called Kim Jongin, someone who he also uncannily feels like he knows. 

Basically, things just don't make sense. Junmyeon was never good at making simulations, anyway. 



So. . . Long story short, I was inspired by DC's Legends of Tomorrow and decided to write this up. The foreword might sound serious but don't be fooled for this is all nonsense and cringe


It actually makes no sense but please do still enjoy! Don't hesitate to comment or critic if your want, show love maybe huhu (it's my first time writing here pls go easy on meh (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)


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Rikasan #1
Chapter 1: Cuuuute Soo got caught haha
InDaBesttt #2
This Cowboy's Smokin' is so random. I am so sorry but do enjoy >~<