Last Time


Inspired from a song


We're no longer orbiting each other. Im not too late yet you not too fast. Its just.

Let me take you home for one last time...


Hello... This is my first time im writing and lot of things comes to mind and i hope it works well... Im sorry too for the writing mistakes as english not my language... And.... Here we go... Hehe

Its messy and got no plot, still i hope you guys enjoy it, please leave your thought about this story hehehe


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reader90 #1
Chapter 1: This is so sad, T_T
This is nice??pleased make a twist plot.. I'M crying
dalyaftr #3
Chapter 1: This is a good potrait of possible reality that might be turn out real for the next 5 years or idk , i always have this feeling whenever i read domestic moonsun story hahah anyway amazing story keep it up !!