Twenty six

Cotton Candy [YUTAE TXT]
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my sweetie pie

Op p
o pppa
II mis s you




Yu <3


it's midnight





my sweetie pie

s so mea n n

I kkmow mor on

b but

i' am b ored




Yu <3

shouldn't you be at your sister's birthday?




my sweetie pie

! i ma


i aM




Yu <3

so why are you bored?




my sweetie pie

ca use ypu not he!re




Yu <3

I see

you're drunk, right?




my sweetie pie

o nly a a litttle

bBut i

I onl yy dra

nk 2 beers

i s swear



Yu <3

oh god,

you are so dumb sometimes

but still fck adorable

my precious baby

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ




my sweetie pie

com ee he re to MEe

im am bored





Yu <3


I work this weekend

that's why I couldn't go with you

we talked about it earlier




my sweetie pie


I eanna hug u


mi=ss y you




Yu <3

I miss you too baby boy :(

would love to hug you too

and fall asleep with your head on my chest




my sweetie pie

d so yo u sho

shuld inv+ite me e

t t tto you r h

hous se

tthen WE Caan rpeat i tt it




Yu <3

I'd have to talk to Johnny first ...




my swe

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Thank you to all readers who survived to the end. I hope you had as much fun as I did! 💖
See you another time!

(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ


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Chapter 3: Johnny's nickname made my day. I'm reading this while still being at work and oh boy, I'm so relieved we have to wear masks because no one saw me literally ugly biting my lips to stop myself from laughing loudly xD
Chapter 1: Aweee it's so cute! :D
loyalb #3
Chapter 12: Lol it was a long ride
loyalb #4
Chapter 1: Bold considering he doesn't know who he's talking to but seems like a great start