It Speaks

How My Brother And I Kidnapped An Assassin

Mark woke up disoriented. 


He had no idea where he was at, but one quick search of the gps in his head let him know that he was in the small town of SM, near the borders of the Korea and China kingdom. 


He also felt something in his back missing, and it didn’t take a genius to figure out that the control panel was ripped out from him. 




Mark opened his eyes slowly, trying to adjust to the light in the room. And that’s how he discovered a young boy with messy brown-orange hair looking back at him. 


Startled, Mark tried to scoot back, only to realize he was sitting against some sort of wall. While tied up. Clearly something had happened while he was under control. 


The royal scientist Jaehyun had designed for the memories of being controlled to be stored in the control panel, while their normal memories were stored in their brain like normal humans. And with his control panel done, Mark couldn’t remember what events could have led up to this; the last thing he remembered was being awakened in the lab along with the other models being called Minhyung, though he had a faint memory of someone calling him Mark. 


Wait, but he was also Model M…. what was his name again?


The boy in front of him got surprised at Mark getting awake, but didn’t show any signs of fear or confusion, instead staring at Mark with his golden eyes which appeared to have flecks in them. 


His skin was tanned, contrasting his light, pink lips which were being hit with the sunlight in the room. He looked young, Mark realized, maybe the same age Mark would be if he were born as a normal human. 


“You’re awake,” the boy murmured in Korean, still staring straight into Mark’s eyes, not breaking eye contact. “Woah.”


“Donghyuck, GET AWAY FROM HIM!” Mark looked to see a taller man stand behind the boy in front of him, a frying pan in his hand. “And YOU! Don’t even think about touching him-”


“Johnny, can you just shut up,” the boy named Donghyuck said, looking at the man behind him. “Put that frying pan down, please, you exaggerate.”


“I’m sorry, did he not try to kill you TWICE?!” Johnny yelled at him. 


Donghyuck shrugged, turning back to stare at Mark. “Death is inevitable and I want a grilled cheese.”


Johnny walked away, shouting some obscenities under his breath. “What an oddball of a brother.”


“You said he’s a robot, he’s going to be cool!” Donghyuck yelled at Johnny, sighing. “Ignore my brother, he’s just overprotective.”


Mark stared at him wide-eyed ,nodding along. “Sure.”


“Woah, you can talk!” Donghyuck exclaimed, grinning. “A robot who can talk!”


“I’m not a robot, I’m Model M,” Mark explained to him. “But my unofficial name given to me is Minhyung.”


“Oh, I forgot you probably had a name, oops.” Donghyuck smiled. “I didn’t know your name so I’ve been calling you Mark, I know it might not be a scary name for an assassin but-”


“Wait, assassin?” Mark asked, confused. “Why would I be an assassin?”


Donghyuck frowned. “Uh… did you get amnesia or something?”


Mark shook his head. “I have no memories when I’m controlled.”


Controlled? Johnny, Mark says he’s been controlled!!” Donghyuck yelled out to the one he called brother. “What do you mean you’ve been controlled?” he asked Mark. 


“I have been created in order to aid others,” Mark explained. “With the ability of being controlled should there be something specific I should accomplish given that as a human, I have my doubts.” Mark looked around the room where he was being held captive. “It is really peculiar that my task would be to murder someone, unless they have harmed another individual-”


“Donghyuck has never hurt someone in his life,” Johnny yelled, coming back with a knife in his hand. “And don’t act dumb, robot, you’re just trying to get away with murder.”


Mark stared at Johnny, not knowing how to respond. 


Jaehyun has always said that unlike the other models, he was the most distant. Taeyong followed orders, yes, but he was also a very kind and thoughtful person, always asking Jaehyun and Jaemin if they wanted help with anything. Renjun was kind of cold, but Jaehyun never minded his sarcastic comments; plus, Jaemin and Jeno liked hanging out with him as well. Model L, or Yukhei when he was named last minute, was the most talkative and always had a cheerful attitude. Mark never met Model K, but surely he would have been a good person. 


Mark, though… how would you describe him?


“I am not a robot although I do have wiring,” Mark said, trying to defend himself. Sure, he was an advanced human, but if he died, then that means that Jaehyun would be down to three models. “And I had a control panel on my back, although it feels like it’s been ripped out.”


Johnny’s face fell. “Wait, so… that is what that’s for?”


“Wait, if he’s not a robot, then…” Donghyuck leaned closer to Mark, playing with a strand on his head. Mark could feel the latter’s exhaling of carbon dioxide. “You said something about wiring?”


“I would show you but it’s all internal,” Mark said. “But… you can see some in my eyes.”


Donghyuck leaned forward even more, his lips approximately three inches away from Mark’s. “Woah!” he said, leaning back again. “I can see it!”


“Donghyuck, I told you to get away from him!” Johnny yelled, grabbing Donghyuck from underneath his arms and pulling him backwards, ignoring Donghyuck’s protests. “Do you want to get murdered a third time?”


“I don’t see my grilled cheese!” Donghyuck reminded him, trying to wrestle out of Johnny’s grasp. “And I’m just looking, it’s not like I’m going to marry him months later!”


“Now why the are you even thinking about marrying?!” Johnny yelled at him, wrapping his arms around Donghyuck’s waist to keep him put. “Stop resisting!”


Mark spread his legs casually, breaking the rope that had been tied around his ankles apart, and he did the same to the rope tied around his wrist. “I need to go,” he said, standing up as Donghyuck and Johnny stared at him in shock. “I can’t be here-"


Johnny pointed his knife at Mark, holding Donghyuck behind him. “Stay back, demon!” he yelled, stabbing the air. “I don’t want what you’re selling!”


“Oh, Jesus Christ, continue playing your games, then,” Donghyuck said, taking Johnny’s arm off of him. “I’m hungry, when does Xiaojun and Kun get back?”


“They went to the market and then are going to deal with the two Chinese boys who also tried to kill you,” Johnny said, pushing Donghyuck away. “Go to the room, I’ll make you something when I-” he stared at Mark, who was watching the whole ordeal. “As of right now, you are being held hostage till we get to the bottom of this!” 


“Kidnapping or not, I’m making a sandwich,” Donghyuck said, stomping into the kitchen.




Xiaojun and Kun went to the market to exchange some crops for some spices, and were making their way back to the house, taking their time. 


“I can’t wait for the sunset tonight,” Xiaojun said softly, swinging the basket in his hands. “The weather today was really beautiful.”


Kun nodded, looking at Xiaojun. “Yeah, it really is.”


“Pfft, hopefully I can do some work before then,” Xiaojun added, grabbing one of the parsley jars he had exchanged with some of his tomatoes. “Maybe I can make soup tonight, do you think the boys will like it?”


“The one with potatoes and cheese? I’m sure they’ll like it.” Kun wrapped his arm around Xiaojun’s shoulder, the latter not even noticing as he was too busy examining the parsley jars he had gotten. “What are you going to do about the… superhuman?”


Xiaojun looked at him before sighing, stuffing the jar back in the basket. “Well, I have to help them,” he said finally. “They made a long trip here from Neocity and I can’t exactly say ‘yeah, no.’”


Kun was still keen on persuading Xiaojun to drop out of the idea, but he couldn’t exactly give him any details without exposing himself. “Just be careful,” he warned him. “The fact that one of them was after the royal family and murdered people makes them dangerous.”


“That’s the really odd part,” Xiaojun admitted. “The last time someone in the royal family passed away was the young prince who got murdered along with his wife and newborn son. That was… I was barely a toddler."


“That does sound unfortunate.” Kun saw how the house and the field came into view - at least for him, anyways; he did have the better eyesight between the two of them. “The memories I have from back then are a blur,” he lied. 


“Memories as a kid are often distorted,” Xiaojun explained, when the house came in view for him. “Look, we’re almost home, I’m so glad because I’m starving.”


He got out of Kun’s grasp and sprinted his way to the house, laughing while clutching the basket tightly to chest, and all Kun could do was watch Xiaojun, hoping that Xiaojun wouldn’t discover what he was. 




Chen Le and Yangyang were sitting at the back porch, the two tired after all their work for today. Good thing was, they weren’t in jail or dead, so that was always a plus.


“Look, another worm!” Yangyang shouted, pointing at the soil in front of him. There was, indeed, a worm popping out of the ground, before deciding it did not like the sun and heading back down into the earth. “There’s worms everywhere!"


“You look like a worm,” Chen Le muttered, resting against the wall. “I’m so tired.”


“That’s a compliment.” Yangyang yawned. “And me too.”


They sat there in silence for a bit, waiting for the sun to set so that they could sleep, when they heard the front door of the house opened. 


Startled, they turned around to see Xiaojun, two bowls in hand. “You guys aren’t allergic to anything, right?” he said, setting down the bowls in front of them. “I hope you like soup.” 


He reached into his pocket and took out two small bags, tossing one to each. “Here’s your gold coins as well, your mattresses are ready for when you want to sleep.”


“SOUP! I don’t remember the last time I had soup!” Yangyang exclaimed, immediately grabbing the bowl and taking a spoonful. “Mhhmm-”


“Thanks for everything,” Chen Le said, stuffing his bag of coins. This is the most money he has ever had. “We really appreciate it."


“No worries, I’ll be busy dealing with whatever that thing is,” Xiaojun said. “Also don’t feel intimidated if Johnny gives you a dirty look, he has a weird way of showing dominance.”


“He’s one of those people,” Chen Le whispered under his breath. 


Xiaojun leaned against the wall, crossing his arms as he watched the sun setting. “Eh, he kind of is. I wonder how he got time off at the palace.”



“.8 mm filament?”


Jaemin handed the copper filament to Jaehyun. “Here you go, sir.”


“Thanks, bud.” Jaehyun used the pincers to install it carefully in the small metal box he had been building for the past hour. “Renjun, you okay? You look like you’re going to past out.”


The floor seemed to sway underneath Renjun. “I’m fine, boss,” he whispered, holding on the table to stay steady. “It’ll go away.”


Jaehyun frowned. “Have you drank water today?”


Renjun shook his head, collapsing on the ground. 


“Taeyong, can you please bring me a water bottle?” Jaehyun asked, rushing to Renjun’s side to help him get up. “Or two- no, the whole set, bring me the whole set, please.”


Taeyong nodded, heading back into the main room as Jaehyun and Jaemin both helped Renjun get off the ground and sit down on a nearby chair. 


“Sorry, sir, I forgot being human requires me drinking fluids,” Renjun said, his eyes half-closed. “It explains why I’ve been low in energy.”


“No worries about it, Renjun, it’ll take you some time to get used to it,” Jaehyun admitted, grabbing a nearby towel to wipe off some sweat off of Renjun’s forehead. “To be fair, I have never kept you out of the machines for this long.”


Jaemin patted Renjun’s hair. “It’s fine, Renjun, wait until you learn about sleep, it’s wonderful I tell you-”


Taeyong rushed into the room, water bottles in hand. “Sir, there’s someone here who wants to see you,” he interrupted, eyes wide. “It’s the advisor.”

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Chapter 17: I came back to this story after a while and have to say that it is a good one! It deserves more subscribers and upvotes!

Wonder what caused Mark to attempt to kill Haechan? There are so many secrets and even more answers.
Chapter 16: Love this story, now almost everyone has crossed paths. I really like Yangyang. His love for worms is everything. And him fainting in front of the princes is hilarious. Prince Hendery is my favourite too. I live for his interactions with Yangyang.
Marks and Haechan's relationship is progressing well, feelings are making their way too. Can't wait for them to fall in love. I found this story because of them. Hope you update soon!
Chapter 14: This I smiled so much when I saw the update hehe. Aww I love the cute side of Mark it is just adorable I cannot I am melting he didn't do anything but here I am melting already. Mechanical version of HAHAHA OMG XD THAT WAS SO FUNNY. Yangyang and his interesting hobby I am not even surprise anymore. And Taeyong is adorable, way to ruin the moment Jaemin lol.
LeeSeungHyun_jiyong #4
Chapter 9: So Donghyuck is the cousin of Jisung royal blood?
A nd Kun is model K. ?
Chapter 12: The first lines when he said that he had to work and earn money made me thoughtvof my story like ikthe pain. In my story the brother also had to work and raised a teenager when he himself was one.Also I just adore YangYang hyperactive character
Chapter 12: So I’m loving Mark and Hyuck interaction so far it’s just adorable but then when Mark started to tell him about his blood type and everything I got suspicious about something. What if Hyuck is adored or something. Also I adore the research about the blood it’s actually really cool when the author do actual research on stuff!!
Chapter 10: The arrival of the prince is quite surprising but interesting. I also love the fact how it seems that authors like to break the fourth wall I truly love that. I always love when the princes never knew how evil the king can be and sometimes, they can be like them or they want to change the kingdom for the better. I feel that you had captured YangYang character quite well. It made me feel that if the real one was in that situation; he would have being just like that. For WayV I have to admit that I do not know the main ship inside their own group. I know there is Lucas x Jungwoo and Yuta x Winwin but how about inside the group itself hmmm. I don’t think Johnny lack compassion I just feel that he don’t want to let his emotions be seen and be considered as weak plus he also has his brother to protect. Damn Xiao Jun he shut Johnny up lol. The last part is quite intriguing.
Chapter 9: Oh !!