Prologue: (2011)

No Longer a Coward

June 11th, 2011

“Daniel get your in and join us!” Mike exclaimed, jumping up and pumping his fist along to the deep bass.

No matter where you positioned yourself the EDM blasting through giant black speakers, vibrated against your earlobes to the point you wondered whether there was actually seismic activity in the area.

Choi Daehan or Daniel— his American name— lay lazily against the rubber pool chair shifting around uncomfortably. He tried his best to relax, not an easy feat considering the giant outdoor party happening around him. If you're wondering why he wasn't enjoying the festivities the way his friends were. Allow me to offer some context: he had come with his friends to Las Vegas to celebrate their high school Graduation, and Daniel’s friend Jay had somehow stumbled upon an invite to a Chris Brown hosted pool party.

So Daniel watched in self inflicted boredom as his three friends danced and mingled around in the shallow pool. 

The most beautiful women and alluring models naturally gravitated towards them. His attractive friends quickly paired up and began seductively moving along to the beat with their alluring partners.

While for most, this type of shallow scene would've garnered an hoot and a holler, and shot up to become the highlight of the trip. For them this wasn't by any means an unordinary sight. Daniel and his friends had all played varsity for several sports, namely basketball and football. One, Jalen, had even received an offer to play college ball at the University of Oregon.

Simply put, they were all jocks, the very top of the foodchain at the prestigious LA private-school: Sierra Canyon. Daniel, who in his freshman year, had become friends with them through sports, had slowly integrated himself as their 4th member. He didn’t agree with everything they did, but he enjoyed their company and comraderie.

Of course he didn't blend perfectly with them, while his friends spent their time partying most nights... Daniel still had strict immigrant parents.  Forced instead to skip hangouts and parties, to study for SATs and take college extra courses. It was a wonder he had ever had the time to date in between. Finally, it was all over.

He was attending New York University, his dream university on a full Academic scholarship. Thinking realistically, he should’ve been happy or at the very least content. But he wasn’t, he just had too much burning a whole in his mind.

Even with his new found freedom, he didn’t find himself seeking out fun the way his friend's did.

He was preoccupied. Thoughts of the future, thoughts of his goals.

What did he want? He felt no motivation. He felt hopeless and empty inside. Directionless.

“Dude, I’m telling you there’s more hot chicks here than in all of LA.” A voice remarked from directly above.

Daniel glanced up from his phone, his closest friend Jay, a half Chinese half caucasion, hovering over him. Pale skin, slicked back black hair, sharp hazel eyes combined with a toned muscular body that towered over the average human. Daniel considered him easily the best looking guy at his school... as did many many of the girls he slept with.

“For sure.” Daniel responded still disinterested in joining the ongoing party. 

“Come on, don’t tell me you’re still sulking over Hannah? She cheated on you, get over it.” Jay complained. 

Hannah Tran, the girl who Daniel had been dating since Sophomore year. The prettiest Asian girl at his school, his first love. She had cheated on him, and they had broken up. Unfortunately, he was still hurt by it. It had been a wake up call in the largely perfect life, he believed he led for himself.

He had unknowingly labeled her as his motivation, the fantasy of a stable future with her. Married to a beautiful girl, a nice six figure job, a handful of beautiful children, he figured that he would live his life as his parents did. 

That dream had shattered only a few months ago. Sometimes he wondered... what if he had forgiven her? What if she apologized? Would he take her back? Would his now empty life have direction once again?

“Of course not bro, I’m just tired.” Daniel reached for a pair of silver raybans, wanting to shield his eyes from the bright Vegas heat.

He wore a black tank top, some swim shorts underneath, but had yet to wander near the water. Being the only mature adult in the group, was perfectly cozy and content where he was... in the shade.

“Dude, come on, when will you ever get another chance like this? You’re already going to a great college and . Live a little.” Jay urged him, swaying suprisingly smoothly to the catchy beat.

Daniel already knew he was right. He shouldn’t waste such an opportunity. In the end, he had followed them here, he may as well make the most of it. Hesitently, he left his oasis and trailed awkwardly behind Jay to the pool. Cooly throwing off his tank top, he joined his friends, who instantly left their female assignments to cheer him on... or maybe just to .

“Look who joined the party!” Jalen shouted as he splashed water at Daniel.

Daniel caught off guard by the attack immediately splashed back towards his face. The 6’4 black athlete chuckled at the mild irritant and then effortlessly tackled him deeper into the pool.

Daniel grinned in defeat as he swam back to the surface. His face resurfaced and he heard the MC begin to make an announcment.

“All the way from South Korea let’s welcome friends of Chris himself T-ara!” 

There was a mix of confused and drunken cheers as 3 beautiful and slender Korean girls walked onto the makeshift stage.

“Damn, your country got some fine- women.” Mike commented as he placed his arm around him. “You tryin to hit?”

Daniel scoffed, despite his birth culture, he had never taken an interest in Kpop or idols.

He knew of some Kpop groups such as Girls Generation or Super Junior, but that was mainly because of his younger sister. 

Jenny Choi, who hung posters of her favorite idols all over the house. What was worse even his mom sometimes fanboyed with her sister. A subject Daniel and his father found rather childish and annoying.

“Nah bro, they’re celebrities.” Daniel answered, shivering just imagining Jenny's overreaction.

“I don’t know the one on the left is hot!” Mike pointed out.

Daniel followed his eyes to a slim taller girl wearing a black crop top and matching skirt.

She was indeed beautiful, long wavy brown hair, cute puppy eyes and a beautiful smile. And that was only from observing her momentary smirks. When she wasn’t, her face displayed a confident and seductive expression. Daniel had to admit she certainly did draw his attention. An elegant body, with a slender waist that still had shaped hips. 

He quickly shook his head free from his imaginations. No one despised the idea of fantasizing over celebrities, more than him. 

He was a self proclaimed realist. Work hard for what you have and be content with it.

“The one on the right has a nice .” Jalen commented continuing the topic. “For an asian chick.”

He was slapped on the back immediately by Jay, who wore an annoyed expression.

“Hey you being racist?”

“Come on bro, don’t lie. I haven’t met an asian girl with an like a black woman.” Jalen defended himself.

They all laughed, agreeing with his statement, as they continued bouncing up and down in the pool to the catchy music. 

Daniel however, kept his eyes glued to the same girl. He wondered, and this was only for a second, was this why so many people enjoyed following idols? For some reason, even though he knew it was impossible, just the fantasy of thinking she had met his gaze was exciting. It made his heart race with excitement.

“Dude you might get a staring at her!” Jay snapping him from his thoughts as he slapped him on his chest.

“Shut up!” Daniel retorted defensively as he struggled to hide a slight blush.

“Thank you everyone! Again we are T-ara!” The leader spoke in broken english. “My name is Eunjung.” 

T-ara. He had heard that name before. He wondered if maybe his sister had talked about them before.

However, he usually tuned her out when she blabbered on about her favorite idols... now he regretted it.

“My name is Hyomin.” The girl who Jalen had commented on introduced herself.

Now Daniel's ears perked up in anticipiation, his attention focused on hearing the name of the final girl.

“My name is Ji—"

“Dude did you hear her name!” Jay shouted into his ear interrupting him from hearing more than the first syllable.

“No, because of you…” Daniel rolled his eyes in frustration.

“See you did like her!” Mike immediaetly, scruffing his hair from behind. 

Daniel silently cursed. He didn’t even know her name. Should he google it? That would certainly be the easy solution. But his pride. His pride, that was the problem. He had spent his entire life mocking his sister for her love for idols. How could he turn around do exactly the same? 

Another artist took the stage and the three girls left accompanied by several security guards. 

“I guess there goes your chance.” Jay chuckled pointing towards them as they left.

Daniel nodded meekly. Perhaps this was what it was like to be a fan, to watch from afar but never interact. Up until now, he had only ever considered himself "fans" of professional athletes.

He sighed, he realized that perhaps he’d have to owe his sister an apology if he wanted to learn anything about the girl who had caught his eye.

They didn’t stay much longer, boredom from the repeated EDM tracks. Daniel followed Jay back to the hotel room the two of them shared. A large suite located in the Caesar’s Palace Hotel. 

Daniel had no problem admitting that all of them lived quite "comfortably". They all attended a private high school with a high tuition fee. Jalen the only exception, he was on an athletic scholarship to the school. Jay, the son of a famous producer, had no problems paying for him. 

This was their friendship, four friends who began as teammates and soon became best friends. They had actually been to Vegas many times for basketball tournaments. Daniel quite confidently admitted, of all of them, he was the best at basketball.

He had actually been scouted by several low level colleges. However, he had chosen NYU because his parents wanted him to attend the high level,  Sterns business school. 

Jay implored that he should try and try out to join the basketball team there. But he had no intentions of that, despite being one of the few things that brought him actual joy. Basketball was only a reminder of past mistakes and how directionless he now felt.

That’s why he agreed to the trip. He needed to clear his mind. He wanted to think about anything besides the approaching future. He knew once he arrived at University, he'd study his off just like in high school, chase an internship, and later pursue a financially stable career. Until then, he just wanted to hangout with his friends and think only about the ongoing present.

There was a knock at the door, Jalen and Mike entered with their hands full. “Dude let’s have some fun!” 

Mike revealed in his bag two expensive bottles of whiskey. Daniel nodded as he watched Jay reveal shot glasses from inside the suite. 

He drank with them, and they played poker, gambling small amounts of money. Pretty soon they all lay drained and exhausted, almost all completely wasted.

“Hey can you guys believe in 2 months we’re never going to see each other again?” A surprisingly melancholy Mike commented in his drunken stupor.

Daniel could count on one hand the number of profound thoughts the jock had made in his life. This was number 4. 

“Crazy how the time goes.” Jay mumbled staring towards him. “Remember when we all met our freshman year?” 

“On the football team? Of course.” Jalen answered. “Back then Daniel wasn’t even on Varsity, but he still hungout with us cause you invited him.”

Daniel could recall it perfectly. His first time playing football he had . His main sport being basketball, he had never lifted weights before then, and was easily prey to being tackled by the stronger upperclassmen. 

Now, 4 years later he had a pretty decent body, after working out with Jay a lot to improve his self confidence.

“Then we played basketball together and he schooled us all.” Mike remembered. 

“That’s cause it was my main sport you idiot.” Daniel chuckled defending his pride.

“I’m gonna miss you guys.” Jalen remarked sorrowfully.

Daniel wondered if he was really crying or the buzz of the whiskey had overtaken him.

“Dude were gonna be bros forever, even when you get drafted. Unless we won’t be cool enough for you anymore."

Jalen chuckled heartily at Mike's statement.

“Of course, when I’m best friends with Tom Brady, I won’t even remember you guy’s names!” He joked.

Daniel stared out the window, it was dark, the flickering lights of the different casinos shining through the giant window, contrasting with the black starless desert night. Staring at the emptiness of it all, their introspective recollection brought back a mixed past.

His awkward freshman year where he first caught sight of his eventual ex and developed an innocent crush. The end of his sophomore year where his oned sided crush on beautiful cheerleader Hannah Tran, turned out to be not so one sided. His junior year where he lived he lived out his fantasy of dating the popular girl. He remembered the way she used to wait outside the library for him to finish studying, wearing a pretty crop top under his oversized Varsity Jacket. 

Unfortunately, all of those happy memories would remain forever under the haunting image of her sleeping with another guy. 

He felt a strange urge inside him for some air... though it could've just been the fact they all reeked of hard liqour.

“I’m gonna get some air.” Daniel announced propelling himself forward to escape his memories.

“Take your time, we’re gonna get finish this Hennessy while you do that. Although i think Mike had a few too many drinks.” Jalen joked, clearly himself surpassing 'a few too many drinks', quite some time ago.

Daniel nodded making sure to take his phone as he exited the room.

He was met face to face with the long endless carpeted hallways of the casino hotel. In his slight alcohol buzz, it took a five minute search before he finally found the elevator. Having sobered up significantly, he slumped against the wall of the elevator before he making his way to the lobby.

He exited the hotel portion of the casino into the vast gambling area. For better or worse, they couldn’t actually gamble legally, all of them being 18. However, unfortunately it made finding things to do for fun in Vegas much harder.

He quickly passed through rows of slot machines and poker tables, finally exiting into the darkness of night. Though Vegas in the summer was unbearably hot, a small breeze cooled him down as he left the building. The fresh outside air contrasting greatly to the stuffy cigerette scented casino.

He wandered along the side walk, fully aware that it wasn’t the safest place at night. Reasoning with himself that he was an adult now, he could handle anything. 

He grinned remembering the past, how his coaches had ordered him and his friends to stay locked in their rooms when they had come previous summers for basketball tournaments.

But they had snuck out anyways, and Jay had gotten them in trouble with street es their Sophomore year. He could still remember his coach’s horrified face when he came to the police station. The four of them all in a row sitting embarrassed and ashamed next to a police officer.

Those were the days. The days where he had fun. It was with these people. His friends. Not his girlfriend. Perhaps he didn't need love. He thought of how it all went wrong.

When he was at school all he did was study and practice sports. His parents were strict with him, setting curfews and restrictions, making it hard to maintain any sort of relationship.

The added problem of his sister, an innocent child who had no problem tattling on him whenever he wasn't in his room.

Besides seeking the fresh air, Daniel hoped to find some answers out here.

He was about to go to his dream college, yet he had no idea what he wanted to do. He had chosen business because his parents had pressured him, and he had agreed that studying business was stable for a career. However, that was when he was dating her. Now, he had no clue if he even wanted to study business. 

He had wandered aimlessly for about 15 minutes, before finally noticing an overhead bridge that led to the other side of the street. He recognized his surroundings, and had a good idea of where he was. He knew how to make a loop so that he would eventually make his way back to his hotel.

That’s when he heard the familiar two note whistle. He stared in the direction of the distinct noise, there were two drunk men ogling a pretty lady.

Judging from the long hair which covered her face from his view, Daniel simply assumed she was a lady. 

She wore a black hoodie with cropped blue denim shorts underneath. She certainly had a nice body. Long white legs jutting from the short shorts, with a noticably slim figure despite the oversized sweatshirt. Truthfully, Daniel found it hard to avert his gaze either. 

Suddenly, the two men made their move, quickening their pace and placing their arms around her shoulders. 

“Hey babe, wanna get some drinks with us?” One asked as they leaned in to get a glimpse of her face.

“Asian chick? Even better.” The other added in a repulsive voice. 

The female figure froze, and even from behind he could see she was trembling. Daniel pitied her, if you weren't careful, Vegas was a dark and scary place.

He knew he shouldn’t get involved. The fact that four 18 year old boys were staying alone in Vegas, would already get them in enough trouble if police got involved.

“Please, no.” The girl finally spoke up in a meek voice.

Clearly she wasn’t American judging by her foreign accent.

Sighing, Daniel made his way towards them. His conscience kicking in, advising him against his better judgement to do the right thing.

“Come on. Free drinks. Have some fun!” The first guy mocked her foreign accent, as he tightened his grip on her shoulder, pulling his body closer to hers.

“Help!” The girl shrieked, her shoulders scrunching up in fear.

“Don’t scream little girl. Daddy’s gonna show you around.” The second guy remarked with a sickeningly lustful voice. “Little asian .”

“Someone help me!” She screamed in— was that Korean?

With a rush of adrenaline, he instinctely ran towards her, forcefully shoving the first guy away from her. The other, immediately released her, caught off guard by Daniel's sudden intervention.

Both assailants stared in shock then anger at the interruption.

“gwaenchana (are you ok)?”  Daniel questioned in Korean, hoping to prove himself an ally. 

Finally, her face visible, he met her gaze and recongized her immediately. It was her. The pretty idol from earlier who had caught his eye. 

She was even more beautiful up close, large innocent puppy eyes, a tiny face with lifted cheekbones, pinkish full lips, and pale flawless skin... his face felt warm as her pupils widened in his direction. 

Why are you here? Why have you shown up in front of me? These thoughts accelerated through his mind.

Within seconds he became totally helpless against her pleading eyes. 

I'll protect you

She nodded hesitantly at his inquiry. Likely shocked herself by his sudden appearance, and maybe even startled by the fact that he was also Korean. 

“What the hell man? Who the are you?” The first assailant, who he had pushed away, questioned completely ticked off.

“Grab my arm.” He whispered in her native language.

Confusion was painted over her face as she heard him.

“Trust me.” 

Noticing his sincerity she slowly acknowledged him with a nod, and within a few seconds she wrapped her arm endearingly around his— he wasn't sure what snapped inside of him. 

But he had to protect her. He couldn't leave her alone.

“What the are you doing huh? With my girlfriend!” He barked angrily in English. 

“Huh?” The first man stared in total confusion at the chaos of it all.

It didn't make any logical sense that he was her boyfriend, just lingering behind her the entire time. 

“She, uh, I mean I swear she looked lost we were just trying to show her around.”

Even in their drunken state, the two men seemed to notice the obvious. Not only was Daniel much taller than them, standing at 6’3ish.

But he was also, as Daniel would describe himself, decently well built. Certainly athletic enough to look like he could’ve easily beaten them in a fight. 

Whether that was true or not, that was beside the point.

“Dude I’m sorry. I’m not looking for trouble.” The other suddenly spouted nervously as they both hobbled away backwards with their heads held high, before cowering away seconds later. 

Daniel let out a giant sigh of relief as they scampered away. 

“I better not see of you near her again!” He threatened, watching cautiously to make sure they were completely gone.

When they were out of sight, he turned to look at the confused idol, she was gazing up towards him in what looked to be... genuine wonder.

“Are you scared? Sorry.” He switched back to Korean, realizing at that moment she still had her arm tightly wrapped around his— she did too.

She jerked her arm away and stood face to face looking straight up at him. Though in truth, she was quite tall for an asian girl. A little over 5'6. 

“Thanks.” She responded unsure of what to say.

The situation quickly took an awkward turn, and Daniel who was by no means a charmer, unlike his friend Jay or even Jalen; found himself at a lost for words in front of such a beautiful girl.

He scratched his head nervously. He had never even felt this way in front of his ex.

Should he tell her he knew who she was? Would that be too weird? Be cool. Remember, you're a jock, you're cool Daniel. 

“Um no problem.” He settled on the best response he could think of.

“I’m… Park Jiyeon.” She reached out her hand with renewed confidence.

Daniel took it awkwardly, shaking it for a few seconds before hastily pulling his arm back to his side.

Her voice wasn’t deep, yet it wasn’t high pitched, the way that many of the idols that his sister had showed him were. It was rather soothing. 

“I’m Choi Dae Han, but in English it’s Daniel.”

The idol named Jiyeon nodded, biting her lip. He had several questions to be honest. But he wasn’t sure if it was appropriate to ask.

“I’m an I-dol.” She enunciated the coined term, to emphasize her career.

Daniel chuckled as she said it, finding her rather cute, despite her more mature and cold appearance. 

“I’m in a girl group, T-ara.”

“I know,” He unconsciosuly revealed.

She looked even more confused.

“I saw your performance at the party today.” Daniel clarified, not wanting to come off as a stalker. 

Thankfully she nodded, with appeared to be understanding as why he recongized her.

“I see.” She seemed to be pondering something when something inside of Daniel snapped and he asked an immediate question.

“Why are you out here alone? It’s dangerous for someone like you.” He scolded her.

He knew in the slight chance she was older than him he was speaking quite disrespectfully. But he felt it appropriate to voice his concerns.

“Someone like me?” She enunciated with a smirk, clearly wondering if he was going to point out the obvious: she was darn pretty.

In that moment, he blushed slightly at the coy yet confident smile that had formed below her nose.

“You can’t speak english.” He . 

She tried, and it might've worked but Daniel could be smooth sometimes.

Realizing how shameless she must've looked, she smiled sheepishly, before frowning and lowering her eyes. 

There was something about her awkward smile that showed the cuter side to her despite her mature exterior. It made him curious.

“Oh… yah. I wanted to explore Las Vegas because we are only here for a short time, but my manager oppa wouldn’t let me… so I sneaked out and got lost.” She admitted, playing with her fingers in front of her.

Daniel nodded slowly, his Korean, while decent, was still not perfect considering he had only recently forced himself to relearn it after humiliating himself in Korea in front of his relatives. “I see." 

“But… Why am I telling you this?” She questioned herself, something that Daniel clearly didn't have the answer to either.

“Because I know this place quite 'good'.” He boasted, puffing out his chest proudly.

“It’s 'well', not 'good'. See, your Korean is not that good.” She jumped at the opportunity to mock his Korean and began laughing uncontrollably.

Daniel blushed slightly in humiliation. But his eyes were remained fixted on her, the cute giggles that she tried in vain to muffle with her hands.

He didn't find his mistake humerous, but somehow was thankful for his slip up nonetheless. The mood improving significantly from his slip-up.

“Where were you born?”

“California.” He answered. 

“Ahhh, California. I always wanted to visit Hollywood.” She gushed. 

Daniel was about to point out that there was much more in California than Hollywood. But elected to change the subject upon checking his watch.

“Why don’t we start walking to your hotel and we can talk on the way?" Daniel suggested to her, noticing it was quickly approaching midnight. 

“Yes, thank you, I don’t have a phone, and my manager must be worried. I’m staying at the New York New York hotel.” She explained her words shooting out of , Daniel only able to decipher the lack of phone, something about a manager, and the New York New York.

“Why are you here? You can’t possibly be older than me.” She inquired slower and with bolded enunciation for him understand. 

“I’m 18, I just graduated Highschool.” 

Her eyes filled with delight, before speaking condescendingly. “Oh, well I’m 19, so you better start raising honorifics towards me.”

“You’re 18 here, Korean age is different.” Daniel corrected her, enjoying the slight stink eye she gave him after.

“When is your birthday?”

“June 7.” She answered matter-of-factly. 

“And you?”

“August 2nd.” 

“So I am older than you.” She scoffed, her own confident smirk forming.

"Not by much." Daniel murmured in English.

She stared blankly at his muffled interjection, clearly using context to understand what he said. 

“So why are you here?” She changed the subject.

“On a trip with my friends.” He explained. “We’re all going to different colleges, so this is our last chance to have fun together.”

He wasn't sure if he communicated it well. 

“Ahhh... Where are you going?” She inquired, signalling she got the gist of it.

“New York University.” He carefully enunciated each syllable.

She shook her head cluelessly.

"NYU?" He tried again wondering if perhaps the abbreviation would ring a bell.

She shook her head again. Daniel almost scoffed aloud, feeling slightly humiliated.

He knew most Koreans only knew of UCLA, Harvard and Standford. But did she think he was going to some no-name school?

“I don’t know, but it sounds nice if it’s anything like the hotel I’m staying at. You must be smart.” She offered his pride some assurances. 

“A little.” He humbled himself, despite searching for some way to boast his academic intellect to the pretty girl.

“I bet you were bullied a lot. Nerd.” She responded bluntly.

For a second he wasn’t sure of how to respond. Shocked by the directness, part of him wondering if she really believed that. 

However, her lips subsequently formed a smile signaling she was teasing him.

“I’m kidding.” She giggled, a content grin on her face.

The giggle quickly evolving into an uncontrollable laugher as Daniel tried in vain to calm her down. Without any indication she began slapping him playfully on the shoulder. We're they really already close enough for her to do that?

“Ya! You should’ve seen your face. You looked so hurt by that.” She , clueless to his confusion.

Daniel couldn’t help but slowly find himself becoming more drawn into her. 

She wasn’t like the girl he had dated in Highschool. She was funny and charming, and yet there was an playful innocence about her. Something he believed most beautiful girls in California didn’t have... namely his ex.

“I guess. Are you done?” He questioned feigning annoyance.

“Yes.” She responded, gasping for breath.

"Are you upset?" Jiyeon inquired finally taking note of his taken aback expression.


"You totally are. I was just kidding." 

He played coy, as they continued walking, but he noticed a definite hop in her step.

“I don’t know why but I feel comfortable around you," she commented out of the blue.

Daniel was relieved that she seemed to no longer feel frightened by what had happened. Slightly worried that being a celebrity, she might've developed trauma from the incident. 

“Maybe because I’m the only Korean person for miles.” Daniel joked, slightly hoping for her to say differently.

She giggled again, but didn't respond.

The conversation grew silent after. Daniel searching through his arsenal for conversational starters, but drawing a complete blank.

They were approaching the Bellagio hotel, and Daniel glanced towards his watch, it was 11:58. Suddenly without thinking, he tapped her shoulder.


“Wait just a second.” He requested, as he beckoned for her to follow him towards the elegant looking hotel. He led her towards the flat bed of water where he knew the fountain show would soon begin.

“Why?” Her eyes darted around in curiousity.

“Just be patient.” He assured her before resting his arms on the surrouning rail and looking out towards the empty pool. “You’ll see.”

Jiyeon stared blankly at the giant hotel in front of them. Her eyes narrowing towards the building, oblivious to what he was referring to.

“And.. now.” Daniel answered as the hour-hand ticked forward and midnight struck 

Jiyeon glanced towards him with noticeable pity, an expression that seemed skeptical as to whether he was delusional.

He was about to explain that he wasn't— the fountains sprouted from the ground as flashing lights colored the jets of flying water. Jiyeon rushed over to the railings and watched from beside him, her eyes glued to the water display.

She gasped in awe, clearly amazed by such a spectacle. 

However, for some reason Daniel couldn’t pay attention to the fountain. His eyes continuously returning to her face, the same way they were while watching her perform. 

Innocence. He could see it in her large puppy eyes.

Her pearly white skin, her small lips. He found himself wavering...

“Wow… Daebak.” She commented, oblivious to his unmoving gaze.

Realizing he must've looked like a creep, Daniel averted his eyes to the fountains. There was something about the water that soothed him. He began to zone out, his eyes watching the spray of water cyclicly rise and then promptly descend. 


He turned to see Jiyeon staring at him curiously.

“What are you thinking about? I’m guessing the fact you were walking around alone this late at night means you were thinking about something.” 

He was surprised by the accuracy of her statement. 

“Um… I don’t know.” Daniel answered nervously.

“Come on, we’re friends now. You can tell me. Who knows, I might be able to help you.” She implored.

Speechless to her imploring eyes, he could only nod in response.

Not that he really wanted to be friends. But he figured what other chance would he get to consult an idol about his life problems?

“My future. You joked that I was a nerd, I really was. I constantly studied really hard because of my parents. But I only really had fun playing sports. I know it sounds stupid, but even in high school I considered playing sports professionally.” He wondered if he had relayed everything he wanted to say, struggling to express his thoughts in his second language.

However, to his surprise he was met with a genuine nod before she returned her gaze to the fountain. Her thoughts clearly being formed.

"Why didn't you?" She inquired, a genuine curiousity in her voice.

Daniel chuckled, she said it like it was easy.

"I..." He had so many reasons. His lack of physique, the racial barrier, his parents wishes, the regrets he felt from it.

But standing in front of her, he suddenly couldn't name a single one.

“I think you should do what makes you happy. Honestly, I always dreamed of being an idol, but I had no talent for instruments or music so I just figured I would become an actress. But I practiced hard and finally debuted with a group when they saw how hard I worked.” She explained.

“I think if you practice hard, there will always an opportunity to pursure what makes you happy.” 

Staring deeply into his eyes, the sincerity in her voice, part of him couldn't help but agree. When she said it like that, shouldn't he at least try doing what had once brought him joy? 

“Is that what they teach you to say in Idol school?” He . She nudged him playfully as he chuckled. “You sound like you memorized that.” 

“Ya, forget I said that then.” She stuck out her tongue before pouting her lips sulkingly.

“I’m kidding. Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind.” Daniel assured her.

“Are you any good?” She questioned brazenly.


“At sports?” She explained more clearly.

“Well, I’m pretty good at basketball.” 

“Daebak, one day you should teach me.” 

“We’ll probably never meet again.” Daniel shot down the idea bluntly, but it was more for his own sake.

He didn't want to allow himself to get his hopes up, not when he was enjoying this moment so much.

She was, after all, a celebrity, and one all the way in Korea. This was probably a once in a lifetime experience.

Jiyeon hesitated at his statement, both understanding the meaning of his words. 

“Shall we go?” Daniel tried to change the subject as they continued their journey back to her hotel.

Suddenly, he remembered where he was, and making a snap judgement, he beckoned for her to sit down on a bench. 


“I’ll be right back.” Daniel assured her and ran off towards a small out door shopping center that had a Turkish ice cream shop that he knew was open until 2 am.

He bought two different flavors and galloped back.

When she saw him approaching, her eyes widened and she grinned with delight. Though a harsh reality hit as he realized that her eyes were glued to the ice cream. 

“Chocolate or Vanilla?” He inquired holding both for her to seee.

“Chocolate.” She chose excitedly, immediately snatching the cone from his hand. He couldn't help but chuckle at the childish action.

“What?” She questioned defensively holding her cone towards her lips.

“It’s just perfect because I like Vanilla.”

He watched her devour the ice cream, as he took his time. Mainly because while she kept eating, he was entranced watching her large bites. 

“My members would be so jealous if they knew.” She remarked still full of the dessert.

“So is that your group?” He asked, referring to the 2 other stage performers.

“Oh, no. Those are just some of my Unnies, we’re actually an 7 member group.” She explained. “T-ara is our group and we debuted around 3 years ago.”

Daniel didn’t know much about Idol groups, but he realized that meant she had been a celebrity since she was 15 International age. 

“What do you do?” He wondered.


“Like your specialty. My sister said that most idol groups have positions.” He expanded upon, knowing he might've just exposed his ignorance.

“I’m the maknae.”

He knew that meant the youngest.

“You have a sister?”

“Yes. She’s a big fan of idol groups.” Daniel admitted. 

“And you?” She caught him, noticing that he seemed to be avoiding the fact that he knew very little.

“Well… let’s just say I’m a fan now.” Daniel redeemed himself.

“Ahh… so you don’t know any idol groups?” She commented not even attempting to mask her disappointment.

“Well… I know like the popular ones… SNSD, Super Junior, Big Bang—” 

“So you’re saying I’m not popular?” She interrupted clearly offended. 

“No. I just don’t remember everyone.” He defended himself. “I’ll be your fan now. Ok? Happy?”

She shook her head condescendingly and sighed, signalling there was no hard feelings. “Wow, all that practicing for me to not even be known by you?”

Daniel chuckled at her joke. He realized he enjoyed talking to her.

“I promise I’ll buy your album or whatever when I go home. Deal?”

“Deal.” She reached over and grabbed his hand. Even the friendly action made Daniel's heart flutter.

“Also… give me your phone.”

Daniel stared in confusion at her, but seeing her large eyes pleading with him... had no choice but to concede. 

She quickly snatched his phone from his hand. It wasn't until after it left his hands, he cursed internally. He still had a picture with him and Hannah as his wallpaper. His exes arms draped around his nape as they kissed passionately. Just a reminder of his inability to get over his lingering feelings.

However, he regretted never changing it now. It was subtle... but he kept thinking about Jiyeon's advice. He wanted to find a new direction.

He noticed she hadn't reacted to the picture, instead she seemed to be typing something. Without thinking he decided to give an explaination. 

“She’s my ex… my ex girlfriend.”

Jiyeon stared up from the phone and rolled her eyes. “I didn’t ask.”

Daniel bowed his head in shame, realizing how stupid he must've sounded.

“Here.” She handed him back his phone, revealing she had typed a username on a note. “This is my Kakao Talk username. We should keep in contact.” 

Daniel nodded. This was unexpected... Keep in contact? As penpals? What did that mean?

He pondered her words the rest of the way back to her hotel. When they arrived three figures rushed over to meet them. 

Two were beautiful young women who he assumed were her band members, and one was a middle aged man who he assumed was her manager.

“Hyomin, Eunjung, Oppa.” She gasped.

“Where were you? And who is this?” The girl named Hyomin questioned, speaking quicker than Daniel could understand. 

“I’m sorry. I got lost, but this Oppa helped me find the hotel.” She explained.

Daniel nodded along hoping to provide some assurances.

“You’re Korean?” The girl who he assumed was Eunjung interrogated him. 

Daniel nodded innocently.

“Please understand that you cannot speak about this to anyone.”

Daniel nodded again at the manager's statement.

“I won’t don’t worry.” He answered.

They quickly led Jiyeon inside as Daniel waved goodbye. They caught each other’s gazes one more time. He wanted to see her face one more time, and he did. 

Likely the last time he would ever see her up close, much less speak to her.

A beautiful girl he had fallen for in just over an hour... though it was probable he had been attracted to her the first time he laid eyes on her.

He decided then and there. He would be her fan now, and she his idol.

Daniel walked back towards his hotel. He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He checked to see Jay's contact profile appear on his phone.

Dude where have you been? We were kidding when we said don’t come back.”

“Sorry, I lost track of time, I’m on my way back.” Daniel lied. 

Everything ok?” 

“Yes. Everything’s fine. I just ended up getting my mind off some stuff.”

Whatever you say.”

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I just wanted to thank all the new subs and upvotes, L&B may be over, but getting the notifications that people are reading means the world. Please feel free to leave thoughts and comments, I'll try to reply haha.


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Chapter 7: this is so nice ^^
iv7000 #2
Chapter 11: Wow this is so cool.
I was in the fandom during these times when they actually happened.
All personal opinions aside, the recreation of how the news articles were released is so accurate.
I feel like I time traveled to a degree xD
Awesome writing!
tarafan2 #3
So glad you will continue to write a Part 4. Happy new year
justcrazy #4
Chapter 68: Would love to read more of this. Thank you!
tarafan2 #5
Chapter 66: Looks at the [M] tag. woohoo! it's like christmas came early.

Too bad you didn't/won't continue writing. The 6 members of T-ara are still active (well, except for Boram). Soyeon is back in the entertainment industry too.
ilovenobody #6
Chapter 66: It's ending soon :(
I'm still hoping to see if they will get expose and receive blessing from public.
Looking forward to the last chapter :)
justcrazy #7
Chapter 65: Aww. I’m so sad this is ending. I was hoping there will be more but thank you very much for this story. Looking forward to more of your works!
justcrazy #8
Chapter 64: I am really happy I found this story. I love their love story and I hope they get to date peacefully for at least a year lmao. And I hope after all those years they are not together, their relationship will somehow be smooth sailing from now.
ali1432d5h #9
Chapter 62: I read this in a day and im eager to read more im so sad I finished it 😭 I’ve heard of T-ara but I never knew how big they actually were or the whole story of what happened to them, now since yesterday I’ve been looking into them and I love them also I can’t stop listening to Jiyeon’s Take a Hike and I’m about to watch the variety she’s in 😭 thank you for introducing me to T-ara and Jiyeon ✨😭 I’m also enjoying their relationship so much and all of the events in the story, I wonder if we are gonna see some current time scenes hopefully 🥺 I can’t waitttty
tarafan2 #10
Chapter 62: Aww <3