I'm Gonna Marry You




Kiritani Terran - 24 years old.

Father is japanese, mother is american.

Lives in Tokyo with her best friend as a roommate. (Miyuki Yumiya)








Miyuki Yumiya - 25 years old.

74% japanese.

Lives with best friend Kiritani Terran



Tanaka Koki - 26 years old.

100% japanese.

Lives in Tokyo alone with his dog and flying squirrel.



Taguchi Junnosuke - 27 years old.

100% japanese.

Lives in Tokyo.



"Deja, come on we are going to make you look hot!" Kiritani said while pulling her cousin into the hotel room's walk-in closet.

"But, Terran... I'm not really a 'hot' kinda girl. That is all you!" She objected, to no avail. Kiritani made her over anyway.




"Dude, Koki. Come on!" Kazuya yelled from outside the car.

"I'm coming, jeez just chill." The man got out of the car, unwillingly. He would much rather be at home with his pets, just chilling.


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