Not you, too.


Seulgi is full of hope, life, dreams, passion and love. 
But toughest time in her life came, and took from her the most important persons in her life. How is she able to go on? If this happened not just once, but twice, or more?



This is a Seulgi-Jaebeom AU fanfic.
I dedicate this to all Jaegi/Seulbeom/DefSeul/GiBeom shippers out there.
Please read. But do not expect anything.

I apologize in advance if it will be lame, if I miss some details, I'm kind of nervous because I kept on changing the story line. I'm afraid it will not be good.

But I hope you all like it!

Thank you.



Tuuttt.. tuuttt… tuuttt…tuuttt…sounds you can hear in the patient room.

“I’m sorry beom-ah.. I was scared.. but I’m here now.. please don’t leave me ..too..”
She whispered, a 25-year old lady holding the hand of the man lying on the hospital bed, tears streaming down her face. It’s like déjà vu.


hi! Please leave comments on how do you think of each chapters. what are you looking forward to. or anything.
Thank you for reading the story! thank you! :)


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