[ ❀ ] 002.

Dear Mr. Detective.
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“Every solution of a problem raises new unsolved problems.”
                                                                    — Karl Popper.



“I thought you were working at the hospital tonight,” Joohyun—her best friend—questioned as the pair worked on the gun from the crime scene. Nari rolled her eyes, turning in her chair. “Baek called me onto the scene where—might I add—I got into fight with Oh again.” Joohyun laughed, shaking her head as she turned around in her chair from across the lab. “When do you two never fight? It’s like you two are a married couple destined to happen one day.” Nari scrunched up her nose, ‘ew’ exaggerating from her lips. “That guy is literally the worst human-being to exist! What kind of person doesn’t show remorse, or know when his words hurts someone?” She complained.


“Um,” Joohyun uttered, “sociopaths.” She firmly said with a nod. “Well, Oh Sehun is a sociopath for feeling no type of emotion to any of the victim’s families.” The brunette retorted all-knowingly before starting on her work. Joohyun rolled her eyes as she went back to confirm Nari’s finding on the gun. It had fallen silent again as the two females worked on evidence given to them: Nari ran for fingerprints and DNA on her computer while Joohyun did the same—double checking her findings.


“Hey,” the low voice startled her as she jumped away from work. “Oh, sweet pancakes, Yeol.” She called out. She worked on the other side with Chanyeol, leaving the space on the left side all Nari’s. He laughed, raising a brow at her. “Are you okay? I didn’t mean to scare you, dude.” “No, I’m not okay!” She exclaimed, throwing a pen at him before turning back to look at her computer. “Sorry, boss,” he chuckled. “Jongin wanted to tell you that they found the other object in victim one’s office—like you said it would be.” He said, setting down the new evidence beside her. She started at it—a mallet? It was tinted with blood from every angle. “He also told me to give you this,” Chanyeol said, placing another evidence bags of a handwritten letter with victim one’s name signed off at the bottom, and another that seemed to be a written threat addressed to the couple.


“So you were right, it’s not a murder-suicide case?” Joohyun questioned, rising from her seat to get a glimpse of the new evidence.  


Nari looked up to the male then her best friend, taking a closer look at the letters. “I’m always right,” she said with no emotion. Both Chanyeol and Joohyun rolled their eyes and immediately moved to their workstation. Chanyeol focused on getting the pictures together to send to the investigation room for Sehun’s team while Joohyun went back for the second opinion. Nari carefully placed her glasses on, her gloved hands reaching over for the tweezer to pull out the letters from their individual bags.


She had taken a closer look with a magnifying glass, and her conclusion still stands when the doors to her lab were open allowing three figures to walk in: Baekhyun, Sehun and Jongin. “Well, if it isn’t The Three Musketeers.” Nari greeted, allowing Joohyun and Chanyeol to laugh and spin around i

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NoraMyFics #1
I've been waiting for an update on this story for past year and half.
Do you mind letting me know if you are planning to continue this or not?
Chapter 5: Loving the story so far and looking firward to more ^_^ keep up the great work :)
Kpopdreamz #3
Chapter 3: UPLOAD IT NOA
BubuBaek_Na94 #4
Chapter 3: Ohhhh it’s getting better!!!
Amao907 24 streak #5
Chapter 3: If you think this chapter "" lemme tell you you're wrong my autor-nim, the story is going good and smoothly (^_-)
Chapter 3: This chapter DO NOT at all!Sehun and Nari agreeing with each other is as cute as them bickering!lol
Chapter 2: Hmm what did baekhyun hide.. This is getting interesting
Chapter 1: Omg!! I’m getting excited ? i’ll be waiting for the next update ?
Chapter 1: Lmao sehun is such a d*ck. I like seeing him bickering with nari and how ready chanyeol, jongin and baekhyun to intervene them fighting