Chapter 2 – For All I Care


“You did what now?!”


I should have known better than to trust these lurking vermin around, the sole reason they are here is to serve in battle not blabbering a tale about me, especially not a stupid one at that. Their whispering is loud enough driving me into pure madness. Mobilizing a few restricted sequences to flunk the remaining credo. Peering around, a suitable reinforcement was somehow prominent despite an obvious ruckus that occurred by those workers who have been trying to fix the damage I had done.


It seems after my friendly encounter with Jongdae, the entire being in this perimeter had come into the conclusion that it is my fault. Sure I can understand what they have thought by seeing a beaten Jongdae ushered out to be treated by Yixing and since there is no one but me with him earlier, of course, they would think I harmed him. But I can’t be the only one who had to take responsibility here; he too had a fair share in this incident. He struck first, didn’t he? It’s pretty sufficient to say I can’t be the one to blame.


However, the Chairman thinks my unregulated behavior is getting on his nerves. Let alone the supervisor's immoral encouragement told him I cannot be trusted alone on the field. They are worried whether I could finish the job or my distracted mind would keep me away from it. They thought I won’t be able to resist the urge of attacking my comrades. Now that is what I called plain stupidity. These dogs have a brain size an apple, maybe even far smaller. Just because they are elder it doesn’t mean they are any wiser or smarter at the least. It only meant they are closing in their age, and I was so tempted to give them a lift so they can finally fuse with the ground, with their cold unmoving body.


There are no doubts my daydreaming won’t be realized. Therefore my leader did the only thing he can do other than preventing me to proceed with the mission, he hired new reinforcement or should I say babysitter to watch me close. His instruction was clear; they would come with me tomorrow and help. Please, the sole way those weaklings can help me is either they quit or get killed.


“It’s not a big deal. I’m just playing around with him.”


The main team was busy preparing our move which is in two more hours but Minseok here keeps annoying the hell out of me. He was brainwashed by those ridiculous rumors coming to a conclusion that I indeed cast a sin. I’ll try to clear this again, he struck first. Don’t they have those rules saying the one who attacks first is the one at fault? No? Really? I guess shame on me then. Oh well, I’ll definitely remember it next time.


Minseok takes out a long breath as if he is tired of my childish provocation. It’s not the first time I’m messing out with our team, I constantly have the need to test out my power. And different from them, I do not try to attack the hopeless target machine in the fighting arena, no-no. I want something a little bit daring, like actually test it out on a living man. It depends on my mood however, I often seek other comrades who don’t have any special ability, yes I suppose I am not that cruel for when I spare with them my intention was to improve my skill in combat with knives and guns, if I struck them with my power they would be rooted to the spot knowing well they don’t stand a chance. But of course, that didn’t stop the rare event.


And when my body was tingling with the lack of use I want another opponent with a higher challenge, for example, my teammates. Every one of them had already faced me in practice; I guess that’s not enough when I started to wish another opportunity outside the practice ground. Yeah, my earlier face-off was my wish coming true.


Suddenly I can picture a figure storming in the room with a big smile on his face, a force one.


“Lu dear…” he said in a sing-song voice.


Uh-oh, it’s never a good thing when Yixing calls my overly sweet disgusting pet name. I take a few steps back as I see his face line changing from irritated to rage. Yixing has been given a right to control this team whenever Kris is not around, so whatever rule he set we follow. It's bearable I think, his leadership actually has my endorsement. Not like Kris, he never let his emotion or ego to rule his head.  He had proved himself to be a worthy leader by the past years whilst he plans a sudden measure in missions. Not everything we decipher would go perfectly and some of those unfortunate kills we don’t have Kris with us, yet Yixing manages to pull us out every time.


Sadly no matter how much he cares greatly for all of us he knows how to sentence a burdensome punishment. I have no doubt he’s right about to do it right now. Ugh. I knew I’ll regret my decision for attacking Jongdae. Albeit he’s a better man than Kris, his torture was far crueler than him. Where Kris insisted on locking us to practice for hours till our body can’t take it anymore to the point of passing out, Yixing believes that we must pay our mistakes by…. Um…. What’s the word?... to have vomiting incoherent words of conspiracy and the feels when we pour alcohol right onto our bloody flesh? Like you’re clawing your skin out of irked? Being nice? No no. Ah right! Apologizing, that’s what he wanted us to do. Or in another word he wants us to associate with whoever got us in the first place. Now do tell me that won’t make you kill yourself.


“Would you please come with me for a second?” Lay said, still in that sickly sweet tone of his.


Sensing Minseok’s low chuckle beside me, he makes me sure whatever waiting for me back at the main building won’t make me excited in the least. Running my hand through my midnight black hair in frustration, I couldn’t evade this one. I sigh inwardly as I nodded my head as a sign of acknowledgment and trotted myself to him. Praying wholeheartedly that I do not have to act kind again.


Sulking all the way to the pharmacy, my mind is like a ticking bomb visualizing the upcoming drama. I sigh loudly whilst massaging my temple not bothering to watch where I was going, for the map on this building has been imprinted clearly in my brain. I can’t wait to start the kill and relieve my obviously not happy mood. I’m going to kill them all today. Get as many victims I could find then crush their heart until blood would come oozing out beautifully from their sinful mouth.


Yixing opens the double door of our pharmacy and then there he is. What the ? He was sitting on the blinding white sheet of the bed. His back facing us as he looks into the mirror to fix his hair. Everything in this room was gorgeously disturbing from their white sheet, walls, sofa, door, even the outline of that mirror on the wall was ing white. Why would they do that? It’s way too bright. And the light on every corner also in the middle of the room was making it worse. I was so tempted to smash it all.


Yixing was tapping his foot repeatedly to gain my distracted eyes, and when my eyes met him he gestures his hand to Jongdae while mouthing ‘go on, say sorry’.


Groaning loudly I narrow my eyes to the boy I ‘accidentally’ hurt. And guess what I see. He smirked. He ing smirked through the mirror and look right at me. Mocking me inwardly for he knows I won’t be able to fight this one. Slowly he stood up and make his way circling the bed to face me, keeping that annoying smirked clear for all to see. He doesn’t respect me. And that reason was making me contemplating whether I need to knock some sense to him. For all I care Yixing can heal him again so why not?


“Don’t even think about it, Luhan.” Yixing stern voice was heard beside me. I’m flattered really, he knew me so well.


“It’s okay Yixing. I guess some people would never grow up and stop making mistakes.” Jongdae makes his eyes big and crouching down a little as if he talked to me like I’m a child.


In a swift motion, I run to him and grab his neck by hand this time. I want to give him the special treatment not dying by my power instead of by myself. He didn’t seem surprised as he only chuckles seeing my action. This guy is completely out of his mind! He raised his palm to the air facing me and surging his power slowly to it. Little electricity gaining my attention when it was slowly radiating to every part of his body. From the palm then his upper hand and shoulder.


“Let go, Luhan. Before you get barbequed.” Pouting at me he actually acts as if he cares for me. That son of a !


“Listen to me you vermin, you are not going to leave without getting the consequences of your childish behavior for mocking me.” Gazing my eyes directly into his, I was fired up yet I can still point out the tint of amusement in his.


“So I am the one who was acting like a brat huh?”


I was about to retort back ‘cause he was being a complete when suddenly a loud siren was heard through the air. His stiff posture grows rigid and he slaps my hand away as he walked out through the door which Yixing throw open a second ago. We put our legs into a fixed destination out on the field, running with the sirens kept blazing aloud. I was beyond excited to the point I forgot all my rage towards that stupid boy. This should be more fun to deal with.


When we reach the field. I spotted all my teammates and a handful of babysitters soldiers right beside the cars that would transport us. The difference was extremely hard to miss between the two groups. While our top was black shirt with jacket design especially for us with Kris’s ability- fire element was on our back and another side they were wearing those bulletproof chest, guns, and knives placed everywhere on their body, stupid if you ask me. All that weapon would slow them down. All that we got was one gun and a knife.


Anyway with all types of equipment were loaded safely, my team plaster a grin so wide. Even though we have so many arguments with each other, or maybe it’s just me, I know this one thing is our prime similarity. Loving the adrenaline rush in our blood. Zittao throws me a gun before he loads the bullet. I catch it effortlessly then cocking it.  I smirked back at them.


The mission shall begin now.

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Leehannah2015 #1
I am so excited for this fiction ?????
Beansprout11 #2
Chapter 10: They finally meet!!
Chapter 1: Im excited for this fanfic! It looks super interesting! Keep up the great work!