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“Gray? Can you bring this to Dara?” Sunye handed a container of pickled cocumber to his son who was about to go out and attend to school.

“Omma, you’ve been giving her all of our food in the fridge.” Gray pointed out.

Sunye flexed to her son while Gray recoiled before she will hit him in the head.

“Aigoo.” Sunye mumbled. “Just bring it to her now.”

“Aish. You should ask Ill Woo hyung to do this.” Gray complained.

Sunye was about to hit Gray big time if not for Ill Woo’s intrevention.

“I’ll do it, omma.” Ill Woo got the container from Gray’s hand.

“Oh. Okay. Tell that child to ask for more if she ran out of it.” Sunye called out when Ill Woo had already got out the house.

Gray just shook his head while looking at his brother’s back, hurrying towards Dara’s place.

Dara was infront of the fridge, evaluating for the grocery that she will have to buy after school. After checking for many times already, she decided to close it and went to get her bag which she placed in one empty seat inside that diners. It had been a month since the place had been closed after her grandma died, leaving her alone. She was even excused from her classes because of her mourning for the loss of the only family she had in the world. She was supposed to attend her classes next week but after she went into the diner that her grandmother and grandfather built, she thought she can’t have their effort to keep the place to go down the drain. She was still sad. But she knew her grandmother was with grandfather right now. She should start living again. 

Starting in opening the diner again, Dara will use the insurance money left to her to keep the operation of her inheritance. She already paid for her school dues anyway and just waiting for her granduation from culinary studies. She took the course to help improve her elders’ mini diner. She planned to expand it when she gets enough money. Someday. But for now, she will run the diner alone. She can do it. She had been trained under the hands of her grandma who cooked superbly that people patronize her cooking. Dara had been taught of all her secrets that people thought her grandma was the one cooking for the food they were eating instead of her. 
Slinging the bag pack on her shoulder while looking over her writ watch, she stopped on her tracks when the diner’s dooor ringed open.

Dara looked up to apologize whoever person had mistaken the place to be up for business again. Nevertheless, she grinned when she saw Sunye’s son.

“Ill Woo-yah,” Dara greeted cheerfully.

“I went into your house but you’re not there.” Ill Woo said.

“Well, you’ve found me.” Dara smiled. “What’s up?”

“Oh. Mom bid me to give you this.” Ill Woo handed her the container.

“Omo. Is this Sunye’s special pickle?” Dara asked in round eyes before opening the container’s lid and sniffed the aroma of the food inside. “Ahhh. I miss this.”

“Mom said if you want more, she can give you one again.”

“Oh about that.” Dara went first to place the container inside the fridge before she went back to Ill Woo. “I might really needed her pickled cocumber. A bunch of it. Say, fifty containers?”

“Fifty?” Ill Woo asked in surprise and laughed after. “What are you going to do with fifty of it?”

“I’m gonna open the diner this weekend.” Dara said in wide smile.

“Chincha? Are you sure you can manage this place alone?” Ill Woo asked.

Dara nodded. “I’ve been managing this palce alone when my grandma got sick.”

Ill Woo blinked in silence then. “You want some help?” 

“I can use a hand or two.” Dara said. “Tell your mom about it and I’ll deposit the money after she give me the product.”

“Oh okay.” Ill Woo said before looking at the back. “Are you going back to school?”

“I was about to go out when you came.” 

“In that case, we can go together then.” Ill Woo said, smiling.


When both Ill Woo and Dara locked the diner, they went about going into bus terminal. They’ve been going to school together since first year college until they were both in fourth year

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dummyfan #1
Ilove your stories! Hm but is this really completed?
ChellizM #2
Chapter 33: Thank you for this story. I miss Daragon!
affmeng #3
Chapter 33: Authornim 😿😿
affmeng #4
Chapter 33: Authornim 😿😿
affmeng #5
Chapter 33: Authornim 😿😿
affmeng #6
Chapter 33: Authornim 😿😿
affmeng #7
Chapter 33: Authornim 😿😿
affmeng #8
Chapter 33: Authornim 😿😿
372 streak #9
Chapter 33: Thank you for update! So sad its already end...but I'm happy for them..thank you again for this story!
kkenggi #10
Chapter 33: Thank you!