Makeup Artist


Your minimal skills in makeup only really caught the attention of your thousands followers on social media, and you loved how far you've gotten when only a few years ago you were only allowed to wear clear mascara.

But soon, your skills would get you where you never thought before...


This is my first-ish fic I've written. I wrote one a while ago but didn't like how it was going so I deleted it. This one came as an idea out of no where and I liked how it was going in my head so hopefully yall do too!! Please bear with me in this and hopefully yall enjoy!!! Have fun reading and ilyy

here's another update for you! thank you so much for coming along with me on each update and as always, i hope you enjoy :)


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Chapter 11: Happy new year! I'm happy for your graduation!
Also I'm excited for for this new update *^*
I absolutely adore this story! The characters are so well written, and the description of the emotions inside the MC are so right on spot, i feel like living these experieces for real! Keep on writing <3 :)