Chapter 3: Escape

Clearing Our Names

Namjoon furiously marched to the throne room as he couldn’t believe what he heard about the event that transpired last night. Because of the prince’s illness, he was sent to rest and Namjoon was stationed to his room, which meant he was away from the party and wasn’t able to hear about Solar’s arrest until the next day from Eric when they met up at the training grounds for their morning run and Solar didn’t show up.

Once the captain reached the throne room, he slammed open the doors, surprising everyone in the process and angering the king by the behavior. “Captain Namjoon what is the meaning of this?” The king demanded.

“Your majesty, there must be a mistake to Solar’s arrest?” Namjoon yelled.

The king scoffed. “Nonsense! She was clearly caught in the act with her three colleagues.”

Namjoon's anger was quickly turned into doubt. If the king's words were true, which he doubted, then he wondered why Solar would do such a thing. The captain quickly shook his head, mad at himself for assuming the worse in his friend. He knew Solar was innocent. "There must be some misunderstanding, maybe if we just let her speak-"

The king quickly rose from his throne, "She will spout nothing but nonsense to save her skin. I know you two are close, but maybe you're not as close as you think you are. Now leave, I have more important matters to attend to."

Namjoon wanted to say something, anything that would convince him. But he knew it wouldn’t get through to the thick-skulled idiot in front of him, so he left, slamming the doors behind him as he did so. He knew his friend was innocent; she had to be, but if not he needed to hear from her side of the story. He had to get to her before she's sent to her death, so he ran to the direction dungeon's location as fast as he could.


“You know, out of the many crimes I’ve committed, never thought I’d be caught with one I didn’t even commit,” Byul said as she laid on her bed.

Her cellmate, Wheein, became terrified at the thought of what crimes the vampire committed and scooted closer towards the cell bars. Byulyi soon noticed the girl’s terrified expression and tried to redeem herself as she shot out of bed.

“Don't worry, I just do the usual stealing. There was this one time where I committed arson, but that's only one time.”

“Arson?” Yongsun questioned.

Before Byulyi could give the answer to Yongsun's question, Hyejin quickly interrupted her. “If you weren’t such a kleptomaniac, maybe we would have been seen more innocent.” The witch hissed.

“Hey, don’t blame this all on me.”

“I mean, it was your pouches full of coins that got us arrested Byulyi,” Yongsun added.

Byul gasped at Solar’s betrayal and placed her hand on her chest. “You're supposed to be on my side.”

“I’m only on the side who’s right.”

Byul gasped again. “I hope you get executed first.”

Solar laughed at the remark. "I hope they do, so I don't have to see your face."

"I thought you liked my face from the way you kissed me a few nights ago," Byul said with a smug on her face.

"I told you I was drunk!"

The two then started to bicker, which soon became a heated argument between them. Wheein and Hyejin only watched, not knowing how to stop them. They looked at each other with worried expressions and Hyejin regretted what she said to the vampire, but only a little.

After a while of the two's bickering, Wheein heard footsteps coming their way. “Guys, stop arguing, I think someone’s coming.”

“I hope it’s the guards sending us to our deaths, so I don’t have to deal with your .” Byulyi sneered.

“At least we can agree on something.”

Byul was about to respond to that but kept quiet as the footsteps got even closer. Solar and her angrily looked at where the sound was coming from while Hyejin and Wheein looked worriedly. All were expecting a few guards to them to their deaths but were surprised to see only one guard. A certain silver-haired guard that Yongsun knew very well.

“Captain Namjoon?”

“Hi, Solar. Never thought I’d see you behind bars.”

Yongsun rolled her eyes. “Haha, very funny. What are you doing here? Did they only send you to us?”

“Of course not, I'm strong, but not that strong. I heard what happened last night and I want to believe you didn’t do it, but I want to hear your view from last night's event.”

Yongsun nodded and told the entire story as fast and accurate as she could as she didn't know when the guards would come, but she knew it had to be soon.

Namjoon listened intently to Solar’s story and believed every word she said. Solar is a very honest person, to the point where it was very easy to detect her lies, so he knew she was telling the truth. Now he felt like he had to do something or else his friend here would be executed for something she didn’t do and that would not be good for his conscious.

“You four wait here. I’ll be right back.” He then ran off in the opposite direction he entered, which had stairs leading up to the second floor. He assumed at least one of the guards had a key that opened the cell doors.

“Don’t worry, we won't be going anywhere,” Byul said which earned her a glare from Yongsun, to which she raised her hands defensively. “What?”

Namjoon ran up the stairs and opened the door to see the two guards laying on the floor covered in some kind of red liquid which he presumed was blood. He's shocked by the sight in front of him and by how warm the blood still felt around his fingers when he went to search the bodies, meant that they were dead for a little bit and the killer could still be around. He searched the bodies quickly and was relieved to find the key, but wondered why they were killed in the first place. He shook his head to remind himself why he came here for and ran back down the stairs before someone caught him and start assuming.

As the guard captain ran down the stairs, the four were stunned by the amount of red liquid covered in him.

"Namjoon, what did you do?"

"I did nothing, they were dead when I found them," Namjoon replied as he rushed to Yongsun and Hyejin's cell to open the door. "Their blood was still warm, so I have to get you out of here before- "

Namjoon didn’t get to finish his sentence when sudden loud footsteps could be heard from the direction Namjoon first entered through. A guard walked towards them while clapping and a smug on his face.

“Seems like I caught you red-handed, captain.”

“Jungho, I can explain.”

“That isn’t Jungho. He was one of the guards killed last night.” Solar quickly explained as Namjoon soon opened the cell door.

“.” Namjoon flung the keys at Solar and pulled out his sword as the person impersonating Jungho lunged at him with their sword.

The guard captain was able to dodge the attack swung at him. “Get the other cell door open and run. I’ll hold them off.”

The thought of leaving her friend to fight off this person who could possibly kill him didn’t sit well with Solar, but she knew she couldn’t do anything to help except get in the way, so she listened to his orders and went to open the cell door where Wheein and Byulyi were kept in.

“Thought you wanted me to die?”

“Shut up. I’m only opening the cage for the witch’s friend, not you.” Solar retorted, which got the vampire to shut .

As Namjoon was dodging and blocking the attacks swung at him left and right, he was able to see the obvious difference between the impersonator and Jungho as the boy was very sloppy and couldn't even swing as fast as this Jungho. He once again blocked a swing that came from above which made him see an opening. Taking the opportunity, he kicked the stomach of the impersonator which caused them to double over.

While the impersonator tried to regain their strength, the captain looked to his side to see that Solar had opened the other cell door. “You four get out of here while you still can.”

“What about you?”

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. "

"Nam- "

"That's an order Yongsun!"

Rarely has she heard Namjoon or anyone say her birth name. Only doing so when their words are meant to be taken seriously without any questions. “Fine, but don't make me regret my decision.” She then looked at the three who were waiting for her. She took one last glance at her friend before she breathed in and looked forward. “Let’s go.”

“Don’t worry, I won't,” Namjoon said to himself. He sighed in relief to see the four-run past the impersonator and towards the direction he came in from. Hopefully, they would be able to pass with the two guards there.

“I’ll make you regret doing that.” The fake Jungho said as he stood up. The pain disappearing.

Namjoon chuckled at that. “Trust me, you won’t.” He then went to block the incoming blade that tried to strike him at the side.

The four quickly ran towards the exit and opened the door to see two guards laying on the ground unconscious. There was no blood to be seen, so Solar went to check for their pulse and was relieved to find a pulse on them.

“Did your friend do this?” Byulyi asked.

“Most likely if they aren't dead. He isn't allowed in, so he had to knock the guards out.”

Solar noticed three-guard helmets and assumed Namjoon wore one in order to hide his identity. She heard someone call for her name, however, it didn’t come from the three girls she was with. She looked in front of her to see Eric.

“Eric, it's not what you think.”

"I don't care if you knocked these guys out or not, but how did you escape?"

“Namjoon got us out. You have to help him before he gets hurt or worse.”

“Okay I will, but what about you guys?”

"We have to leave. We can’t stay here or else they’ll kill us, so don't try to stop us."

Eric smiled slightly and chuckled. “Don't worry, I don't plan on it.”

The two stared at each other for a while until it was interrupted by the sound of coughing coming from Byulyi. “Sorry to ruin the moment, but we need to run and your friend is still in there probably getting his beat, so use that sword of yours to help him out will ya?”

“Right. You four need to leave now. Jungkook and a few other guards will be here soon.”

“Trust me, we don't plan on staying here for any longer.” The four then ran off towards the city, while Eric ran inside the dungeon.

Eric ran as fast as he could to try and help his friend but was shocked to find no fight taking place and Namjoon's unconscious body. He went up to his friend's side and sighed in relief to find a pulse.

"Whoever fought you must be really strong if they were able to knock out one of our strongest guard," Eric said out loud as he wrapped Namjoon's arm around his shoulder. "Now let's go patch you up at the infirmary."


Once the four were far enough from the castle, they hid in an alleyway to discuss their next course of action.

“Where are we going to go? We don’t have any materials to survive a day in the wilderness.” Byulyi said.

“We can’t even go in a place without getting recognized either,” Yongsun added.

“Me and Wheein know someone who might be willing to help us.”

Solar furrowed her brows. “We can’t risk getting caught and let Namjoon’s sacrifice be in vain all for a 'might'.”

“Okay, then I know someone who is willing to help.”

"And how do we know that they won’t betray us?”

“I don’t know, but I trust him more than I do with a thief like you.”

"Well, that's good enough for me. What do you think, Sunny?"

Yongsun glared at the vampire for the nickname. "It's Solar."

"I know what I said."

The ex guard groaned and sighed. If she was honest, she wouldn't trust this friend in case they would betray them, but she also couldn't deny the possibility of someone willing to help them and they will need it if they plan on escaping the kingdom without getting caught by the guards at the entrance. "Fine. Lead the way."

"Thank you. Wheein you lead, I don't know where it is."

"On it. Follow me, everyone." Wheein then led the group to the tavern hoping that their friend, that they only knew for a day, would help them and Hyejin is really hoping he is.


Jungkook was surprised to see two dead bodies as he arrived at the dungeon’s entrance and was even more surprised to find the two cells holding the four prisoners open and empty.

"How the hell did they escape!?!" One guard, named Jimin, yelled as he left one of the cells, making sure if they escaped or playing a trick to lower their guard and attack. Sadly, there was no trick.

"Maybe they used brute strength?" The other guard, Taehyung, questioned.

"Couldn't be possible, the werewolf and vampire were chained with a weakening spell and by looking at their chains, someone had to have gotten them out with a key."

Jungkook looked around and saw a ring of keys on the ground and went to pick it up. "Well, you are right. They got out with someone's help."

"Good work, Jungkook," Jimin said as he wrapped his arm around Jungkook's shoulders. "Let's go report this to the king and see what idiot would do such a thing as release these dangerous criminals into our kingdom." The older guard between the two led them up the stairs.

Although it's uncertain who released the criminals, Jungkook had an idea who it could have been, and it wasn't sitting well with him. He only hoped his hunch was wrong.

"What do you mean they're gone!?!" The king screamed as he stood up from his throne.

"Their cells were empty when we arrived," Jimin said. "We even looked inside the cell to make sure they weren't playing any tricks."

"How did they escape?"

"Well, we assu-"

"We don't know how they escaped," Jungkook said, surprising the two guards beside him.

"What do you me-" Before Jimin could finish his sentence, Jungkook gave him a look which got the older guard to shut his mouth.

"But we will make sure to find them. They surely couldn't get too far, after all, we only have one way that they could escape from and that's heavily guarded."

The king sat back down in his throne. "Fine. You three will gather two more men, five in total, and go look for them. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, sir!" The three guards yelled out in unison and the king nodded his head contently.

"Now go, before they get further away from you."


Once the three guards left the room, the king stood up from his throne, furious. "Make as many bounties as you can and be sure to place them in every town, city, and village. I want those four either dead or alive and ensure that the traitorous guard has the highest bounty of them all. I won't allow someone to escape and think they can get away with it."

As Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook left the room and were far enough away from being eavesdropped, Jimin smacked the younger guard's arm to get his attention. "What was that for? We know how they escaped."

"I know that."

"Then why not tell the king. The traitor could still be in here."

"I have my reasons. The more important question is why you didn't? No one was stopping you."

"Cause I thought you had a reason."

"And I do, but I can't tell you why just yet."

Jimin glared at Jungkook. "For a rookie, you act like you're already the boss. Do I have to remind you who's in charge?"

"Please do, cause I won't follow someone who doesn't act their rank. Now, how about you make use of your new second command role and gather two more people for our little hunt?"

"And what about you?"

"I need to go find someone before we go. Now go, I'll meet you at the dungeon's outdoor entrance." And with that, the young guard walked away. Hoping that the person he's looking is innocent, so he could have a clear conscious when telling the king their crucial evidence and not putting them into any danger.

"I'll let you go for now, but I better get an explanation later Jeon!" Jimin said before Jungkook turned a corner and vanished. He then looked at his friend who watched the entire scene. "Can you believe what that little just said to me? ME!?!"

"Yeah, I saw," Taehyung said and placed a hand on his friend's shoulder. "But he is right. With Solar gone, you're the new second in command and you have to act like it."

"I am... wasn't I?"

"I don't know, you let the rookie take charge when it's your job. I bet, if he wasn't a rookie, he would've taken your spot on the spot."

"Wow, thanks, very encouraging."

"No problem, buddy. That's what friends are for." Taehyung let go of his hold. "Now you go find those two extra people while I go to Big Shot Pub and help our local bartender out with his tavern." The bleach blonde guard then started to walk away from his friend.

"Wait, you're not gonna help me?"

"No thanks, sounds like more of a job for the second in command. See yeah."

"I'll remember that Taehyung!" Jimin yelled and soon sighed. "Great, where am I gonna find two other idiots willing to go on a suicide mission.."


It was a bright day today which meant it was a good day to have a drink with a friend and that's what Jin was doing at the time with his baker friend Yoongi. Jin needed someone to vent to about how he was feeling.

"And then they get accused of murder."

"That's rough. I even gave them bread, and they didn't seem all too bad."

"See, you understand."

"Well, someone has to understand you."

"And I appreciate it. Do you think I'm bad since I'm the one who let them into the party."

"What? Of course not. They made their decision, and you didn't even know about it until later when they got accused of murdering three dudes."

"I don't know. I felt like I could have done more. Like been there with them at the party and make sure they didn't get into trouble or said no and let them help me at the tavern instead, so they have a chance to a normal life that's not about them running away from people who want them dead." Jin sighed heavily. "I feel like I failed them."

"Hey, don't say things like that. You are a great guy and what's done is done. They made their choice and you can't go back. All you can do is learn from this and becoming an even greater guy than you already are."

Jin looked at the baker with a slight smile. "Thanks, Yoongi, that really means a lot. I think I feel a little better."

"That's good to hear. Let's cheer to that."

"Hear, hear." The two then clanked their drinks and chugged their bottles until it was empty.

"I should get my tavern ready soon."

"Nonsense, you're tipsy. Just wait for Taehyung and Jimin to get here and let them do all the setting up."

Jin laughed as he stood up from his bar stool. "Like I can trust those two with my tavern. They're not like your brother when taking over your shop. Those buffoons will most likely sing about how great of best friends they are to each other while hurling my tables and chairs at each other."

"Wouldn't be the first time, huh?"

"No, but I'm trying to make it the last."

A knock could be heard from the back door of the tavern. "That must be them."

Jin walked to the back door where the knocking had to occur and opened it to see a good friend of his who he was not expecting. "Hoseok, what are you doing here?"

"Obviously to see a good friend of mine." Hoseok then pulled Jin into a hug that surprised the bartender at first but soon reciprocated the action. "How are you?"

"I'm good, just having a drink with Yoongi before I open the tavern. How are you?"

"You know me, I'm always having a good day. Is Yoongi also inside the tavern?"

"Yep. Wanna see him?"

"Of course I do! Oh, but before I do, just want to let you know that there are some women behind me who are looking for you." Hoseok then walked off, leaving a confused Jin behind.

The bartender didn't know who was waiting for him and looked out the door to see four familiar faces, two of which caught his attention immediately. "Hyejin and Wheein?!? I thought you were sent to execution?"

"Shh, we still are bar boy, so keep your voice down," Byulyi said.

"Oh, sorry," Jin whispered. "C'mon in, it's just me and Yoongi here."

"No wonder I could smell bread in there," Wheein exclaimed as she happily went inside and waved at the baker who waved back.

"Shouldn't you be in death row?"

"Yes, but a friend helped us out."

"That explains one thing, but why come here?"

"We were hoping that you would help us."

"I don't know."

"I know why you're hesitant, but I promise you we aren't the murderers they say we are. We were framed and we plan on finding the person who framed us."

"But wouldn't they still be here?"

"Yes, but I feel like once they know we escaped, they'd go after us since we're the four people who know who they looked like and could expose them."

"And what do you plan to accomplish?"

"Clearing our names, of course. Now, will you please help us? After this, we'll be gone and you don't have to remember us again."

Jin sighed. "Fine, I'll help, but I don't plan on forgetting you guys since you owe me." Jin then went behind his bar and went to grab a pouch full of coins and gave it to Solar. "This is a thousand coins. It should help you buy the things you need to survive out in the wild when you get to the next town."

"Thank you."

"No problem, but now I have to ask. How will you get out? There are a lot of guards at the only entrance in the kingdom."

"We don't know. We were probably hoping to find a crack in the wall."

Hoseok stood up from the barstool he was sitting on beside Yoongi. "That will take days and once you circle around the wall, you would be wanted criminals everywhere and might even get caught while looking around."

"Then what do you suggest?"

"You four can hitch a ride with me. I plan on leaving soon, so you will be gone until the other towns, villages, and other places start to look for you."

"That actually sounds like a good idea, but how can we trust you?"

"A friend of Jin's is a friend of mine, so are you with me or not?"

"The guy is our best bet if we want to leave this place fast."

Yongsun sighed. "Okay, fine. We'll go with you."

Hoseok jumped in the air. "Great! Finally some travel companions, I'll get everything ready and once you all meet me in the stable out in the back, we'll be on our way." Hoseok rushed out.

"He's always this energetic."

"I don't mind, he'll just be another Wheein to me," Hyejin said as she pet Wheein head.

"We should be on our way. Thank you again for your help." Solar said as she walked away with the three following close behind.

"Hey, Wheein and Hyejin."

The two turned around to face Jin, who gave them a warm smile. "I'm glad you two are in someway safe, but be careful out there, okay?"

"Don't worry, we're used to running."

"Yeah, take care Jin."

Jin bid the two girls farewell before they left and sighed in relief to know that they weren't at least dead.


Hoseok led the four women to his hay-filled cart. "Here she is. Just hop on and make sure to cover yourselves."

"I... don't know. Do you think that horse can even carry all five of us?"

Hoseok gasped, offended by Hyejin's words, and ran towards his brown and white steed. "Mickey is a powerful horse. Don't listen to them, Mickey."

As the man caressed his horse, Wheein heard footsteps coming their way. "Time to put your horse's strength to the test. I hear footsteps coming our way." Wheein quickly hopped into the cart and soon the other three followed suit, not wanting to get caught.

Once all four women were in the hay and covered, Hoseok went on the front of his cart and was about to leave, but ran into Taehyung. "Oh, hey Tae. What are you doing here?"

"Hey, Hoseok. Just going to help Jin set up his tavern."

"Already getting bored of the guard life?"

Taehyung chuckled. "No, not yet Just wanted to help our grandpa out. Are you about to leave?"

Hoseok laughed at the nickname."I am just gonna check up on my sister and leave for the next town."

"Ah, okay. Safe travels then, be careful there may be some murderers on the loose."

"Thanks for the tip," Hoseok said as he led his horse out of the situation as fast as he could without looking suspicious.

"Don't worry guys, I already met my sister, so we're going straight to the gate."

"Good to know," Wheein said.

"Shhh, hay is not supposed to talk." Solar scolded.

"Oh yeah, sorry."

Soon they were in front of the gates to the Kingdom and were halted by a guard. Panic started to fill the four's mind as they were so close to getting out with just one guard being their only obstacle to freedom.

“Sorry, but we have to check your cart. You might have heard about the four criminals who escaped and we assume they might try escaping through a cart.”

“Understandable, but how about I give you coins in exchange for not checking the cart?”

“I don’t know, sir... It depends on how much you’re willing to part.”

“Oh, just about four hundred is all I can give at the moment.”

The guard thought about it and smirked. “Okay, I guess that’ll do.”

Hoseok nodded in understanding and paid the guard, who gladly took the coins and put them away. "Okay, you're good. Go."

The brown-haired man then rode off into the setting sun. “That was a close one wasn’t it?”

“Yes, but it makes me sick knowing these guards would let you go just like that and not do their jobs.”

“Hey, be thankful when you got some crooked guards like that, or else, we’d be on death row again.”

“Absolutely not. It just tells us how bad some of your guards are if they aren’t gonna do their jobs. Yes, we escaped, but imagine the other criminals who might have done the same and actually murdered.”

“Don’t think too much into it,” Byul spoke as she leaned back on the cart.

“I will not.” Solar seethed and soon the two started to bicker.

Thankfully, there was no one to suspect the hay talking, but that sadly meant that Wheein, Hyejin, and Hoseok had to deal with the bickering on the way to the next town. While the two bickered Hoseok conversed with the quieter duo.

"Do those two bicker all the time?"

"Don't know, we haven't known them for too long, but they have argued three times when we met."

"Oh, I can't believe we've known each other this long and I still don't know your names. Let's change that. The name's Jung Hoseok and I'm a merchant if you were wondering."

"Hi, my name is Wheein and my other quiet friend is Hyejin."

"Name's are great and all, but it'll be hard to know who's talking without an image don't you think?"

"Oh, yeah, my bad. I'm Wheein with the short bleach blonde hair."

"And I'm Hyejin with the long black hair. The one with short black hair is Yongsun, but she likes to be called Solar for some reason and the brunette is Byulyi."

"Well, it's nice to meet you four. I hope we can get along just nicely, including the other two once they're done bickering."

"I hope so too, but it might take a while for those two to stop," Hyejin said which caused the merchant to laugh.

"That's fine. I can just talk with you two until those two decide to join us."


"It seems like your friend won't be waking up anytime soon."

Eric became pale. "I-is he?.."

"Oh heavens no, he's in a comatose state at the moment. Whoever he fought, put a sleeping spell on him after he passed out. Seems they used the strongest spell on him, so he'll be knocked out for who knows how long. Three months or maybe even three years."

"Is there any way to get rid of the spell?"

"Well yes, but only if it was a weaker spell. With a spell like this, we could do more harm than good if we try to wake him. He might become blind, paralyzed to the waist down, lose all his memories, or even die. We can't risk the captain's safety, so we have no choice but to let him rest and wake up himself."

"I...understand, thank you Dr. HyeJung," Eric said dejectedly as he took a seat next to his unconscious friend, while the doctor left the room.

Eric blamed himself for his friend's state. If he wasn't distracted, maybe he would've made it in time to help Namjoon.

"What happened to him?"

Eric jumped and turned around to see Jungkook at the door. "Holy ! You almost gave me a heart attack!"

"Sorry about that Mr. Nam, but you still haven't answered my question. What happened to Captain Namjoon."

"You don't have to be formal, Eric is fine and Namjoon is in a comatose state."

"And how did that happen?"

"He..." Eric was about to tell the truth but held his tongue. He almost forgot what Namjoon did and if he told Jungkook, the rookie would most likely report to the king. He didn't know what the king would do to Namjoon but knew he had to do something. "He... he saved me when I freed the prisoners."

There was silence between the two, which didn't sit well with Eric. He started to get worried until Jungkook finally spoke. "You know I'll have to report this to the king?"

"I know and I don't care."

Jungkook had a feeling Namjoon was in on this freeing mission, so it was mind boggling to him as to why Eric would sacrifice himself in order to save Namjoon. However, he can't be mad as he did do the same when he hid vital information away from the king. He knew he couldn't report to the king or else the king would know about him keeping the info away from him in the first place, so he had to think of something and thankfully a light bulb went off.

"How about you join me and four other guards on our quest to hunt the four criminals and I won't tell the king of your betrayal?"

Eric thought about it and as much as he didn't want to hurt his friend, he could use the opportunity to help Solar and save his own skin. "Fine. I'll tag along."

"Okay, I'll tell Jimin of you and if I don't speak to you later today, just know to wake up before dawn and meet us in front of the stable."

Eric nodded his head. "Got it."

Content, Jungkook turned around to leave, but his name was called again before he could and turned his head.

"Why help me?"

"Because we both have secrets that make us look like traitors to the king," Jungkook said before he left the room, leaving a confused Eric to ponder on what secret Jungkook is holding to be seen as a traitor.




It took a while to finish, but I finally did it. A lot happened in this chapter and I know there's still more to discuss, but that'll be left for the next chapter. Enjoy this chapter for now and thanks for sticking around.

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eviefonseca #1
Chapter 16: I loved this update! Thank you for writing, I'm in love with Wheesa, they are so cute!!
Wooshtheroosh #2
Chapter 15: An update!! Thank u for the update author!!
Wow, moonsun cant get their spicy time -w- and its cute to see wheesa's friendship ;^; oof for eric tho.
Chapter 14: Wow! This is what i have been waiting for so long.
thank you authornim for your consideration to keep the story go on.
You really did a great job authornim.
Wooshtheroosh #4
Chapter 14: Yeeee the fake byul got caught but damn the red gem got stolen. I'm a bit worried for byul bcs of her injuries tho ;^;
Astrae_17 #5
Chapter 14: Thank you for the update! It was nice that the fake Byul finally got exposed :) It's too bad they got the gem though... hope things turn out okay...

Thank you for the hard work you put into writing this! I really enjoyed reading it :) Can't wait for the next update!
read_fanfic #6
Chapter 12: Can’t wait for the next update!!
Astrae_17 #7
Chapter 12: This is a super interesting story! I hope you get back to it someday! Thanks for your hard work!
Wooshtheroosh #8
Chapter 12: Ohhh tttt hyejin i hope u become sus of the shifter thats takin the form of byul ;^;

And ahhhh it has been a while author, welcome back!!
Chapter 12: Welcome back and thank you for the update! I hope you feel better now and can fully enjoy the cb next week <3
Chapter 12: This story its really interesting
i love this kind of story, you really did a good job authornim.
hope the next chapter will comin soon.