Tiger and Cub

Ransomed Fiancée




I stood and stared before the door. It was scratched and dented with chipped brown varnish, had a brass coloured lock and doorknob dulled with age. A brass safety chain dangled at the side of the door, a pointless gesture in a neighbourhood like this. I closed my fingers around the knob to twist, the door made a high-pitched creaking noise, creepy and low. It didn't affect me, since I heard it every day and this was my apartment, my comfort zone. Unlike the person beside me, on my right. She was anxiously glancing back and forth between the stairs and her surrounding, then stared upwards. The only source of light was the standing lamp flickering, a Philips bulb light. She kept visible distance between her and my dog that rubbing his paw over his head from back to front, passing over one ear. I read about that body language; My dog was stressed


Who wouldn't? There was a sudden stranger clinging to my side and that stranger apparently disliked him. He probably hated that my attention was now on this stranger.


I sighed. This situation was surely unexpected. I only wanted to return the coat that Ms Son landed me when we were in the park but found her shaking and traumatised in the middle of the alleyway. Immediately, I recalled the list she gave me; she feared dark and dogs. Fear was normal and a part of life. We all had fear, something that made you distressed or uncomfortable when you confront that object. But, I didn't imagine, rather than just fear, it was a phobia. Where the emotional response was so strong, intense and impossible to control. And so, I did what I thought right, comforting her. No matter how cruel this person was, how a piece of trash she was; it wasn't right to take advantages of their weakness.


That was how we reached here. I offered her to stay at my rooftop apartment until the sun rose and she reluctantly agreed. I took a step forward, entering my house but a small tugged on my sleeves stopped me on my track. I turned to her then gazed to my sleeve where she had caught a tiny portion of my blouse with her thumb and forefinger. Like a crab claw pinching its food or in the negative side, as if she was disgusted to actually grab my shirt.


"Yes?" I asked, ignoring the thoughts.


"T-that dog. Does it live inside? Isn't it a guard dog?" She pointed to my dog that went ahead of us and now warming himself inside his tent bed.


"No, Ray is more like a protection dog. He is trained to attack if he perceives a threat, especially to unfamiliar faces. He bites in command and stops biting in command" That was the truth, except the fact that Ray was a very friendly dog rather than overly aggressive. Since I lived alone, protection for safety was needed plus a companion. Ms Son was still a stranger to me and who knew what might happen when we were together in this deserted place. Hence, I shamelessly used Ray as a shield to slightly warned her not to do anything funny. Though based on her expression and movement, she seemed exhausted and only wanted to rest peacefully. Yet her anxiety kept her awake.


"He is a good boy." I uttered before walking inside. She followed closely behind me, eyes roaming the room while occasionally glancing at Ray who was curled up, sleeping. A slight purring rumbled in his throat. Her brows furrowed when she noticed the glass candle jars that were placed in every corner of the room, lightening the room into dimly lit. She averted her eyes looking for lamps but there was none. Before she could ask, I explained, "Last week, the lightbulb just explode and I purposely didn't fix it. I discovered using candles is far better for me" There was displeasure on her face, not even trying to hide it. It made sense, compared to her uncomfortably large house, my apartment must have looked just like a studio to her. Or worse, she might consider it a dump.


A futon, an old chair, closet and a desk that also served as a table were the only pieces of furniture in the room. A short counter with a hot plate and a small refrigerator posed as a kitchen. There were a half dozen boxes piled by the wall. That was all I had. She slowly stepped over to the one door in the room, still tugging me with her. A tiny bathroom held a shower, a place she would never be able to use. I could only watch her with nervous eyes, my fingers fidgeting. She turned to me, facing my side. There were uneasy wonder and slight anger in her eyes, and I had expected her to bombarded me with question yet she ended up pressing her lips.


Relieve washed over me. I walked to the closet and took a pair of blue silk pyjama with small penguins imprinted on the ends of the sleeves. She was peeking behind me as I pulled it out then handed it to her. She arched her brow as if judging the clothes and all the possible level of germs that came into play. She must have thought it was used clothing.


"This's a new one and a branded pyjamas." I stated. It was a gift from Sana before the sickness took a toll on her. She gave me when I had turned adult, a couple pyjamas. Stating that I should wear it with my spouse in the future. Me, lending a pair to Ms Son didn't mean anything else but an act of compassion and kindness. She needed to change her clothes since it was covered with dirt and I knew none of my clothes reached her level of fashion and standard. Except this pyjamas.


She examined it and searched for the tags. Once she was assured it was indeed new and branded, she nodded approving. I pointed to the bathroom but she stared at me with unidentifiable expression. Her gaze remained glued to me, and I was started to feel slightly anxious. I was about to ask if there was any problem, but she broke the eye contact and pulled her fingers away from my sleeves. There was a subtle hesitancy in her movement as she took two of the candles and brought it with her, but again she halted as she stood before the bathroom door. I tilted my head, blinking. She suddenly swung around and strode towards me while taking off her necktie.


Panicking, I staggered backwards while my hands instinctively raised up, waving. "Wh-what are you doi---" My words cut off when I trapped against the wall. She pulled my hand and I was close to calling out for Ray, when I felt my wrist was tied. This was definitely wrong. "Ra---!" She quickly cupped my mouth, then glanced to the still unbothered dog. We were so close, her body almost flushed against mine. This was the closest we ever been, as I could feel her breath softly brushed my face. She put her forefinger on her lips, gesturing me to keep quiet. Seriously! After what she did. I bit her palm that covering my mouth causing her to wince, backing away. She was about to rebuke but didn't upon my glare. It seemed that she had just realised my thoughts and our position and basically her aggressive action just now.


She cleared and brought the other end of the necktie and wrapped it around her wrist. Now we were connected with the tie. I spontaneously mumbled, "Eh?" Confusion rung in me. She ignored my evident bewilderment and marched to the bathroom, pulling me with her since our hands were tied together.


She spared me a look of warning and said, "Never takes it off" Then disappear inside the bathroom. The tie was caught in the middle of the doorframe. As I stood, still baffled. Was she going to change with her hands tied? Soon, the doorknob was barely twisted around from the inside and I imagined her probably tying the tie on the handle. So, the point was for me to waited for her, here. She could have just told me. Was she...perhaps afraid? I chuckled. Now that made sense. She tied our wrist together because she was afraid to be alone especially when there was a tiny source of light. Even if I confronted her about this to clear my suspicion, she probably won't tell the truth and I didn't want to embarrassed her more. Still, she should tell me earlier, I almost waken up Ray and she will highly lose a limb.


11:45 p.m I watched her shifted uncomfortably on the futon bed beside me. Thank God I had spare, ones that were used by Sana before. She was sleeping but with apparent discomfort. Of course, this might be her first time to laid on the floor instead of her luxurious with a thick, plush mattress. I wondered if she was afraid of dark, then did she usually slept with the light on? That was a possible yes. Part of me pitied her in this kind of situation. For tonight, she lived completely different then she used to and it must have been hard adapting to the new environment. I stared at our wrist that was still connected, and slowly untied it. There must be something I can do to help. I stood and wore my jacket before stepping outside my apartment.


*  *  *  *




I woke up from the restless sleep. My back was aching and sores. This body had grown used to laying and resting on soft surfaces. Sleeping on the floor was new to me. Glancing at the clock wall, I had asleep for just an hour. At least for that, wasn't a new thing. I'd even skipped sleeping for two days due to workload. Pushing myself up, I tried to sit while glancing to the side...she wasn't there?! I quickly pulled the tie and realised the other end was unknotted. Dammit Myoui.


The lace curtain blowing in the breeze of an open window, caught my attention. I stumbled to my feet, wanting to close it but then a wind came past me that was strong enough to blow out four of the candles out of six. The dim room getting darker. The first sign of panic arrived. It was a twinge in my chest, a feeling in my brain like excess caffeine then it set in deeper. I sprung to feet and slammed the window shut. Aside from my own noisy and heavy breath, silence befell me. I instantly looked around for a lighter, blindly tapping my palm against any surface that I encountered. Soon, there it was, a box of wood match beside the table leg. Squatting towards the candles, I pulled out the stick and quickly drag the match head against the strike. Then held the flame to the wick. Watching it ignited gave me a huge relief.


I plopped down on the floor, sighing. It wasn't even reached a minute when my ears perked to the rattling sound, filling the previously silent air. My eyes fell to the long, and legless things under the closet, in instant my surroundings vanished from my mind. Every capacity of my brain was focused on the carnivores before me. Watching, unblinking with reptilian eyes.


I froze. My blood ran cold. Another rattling sounds and, "Aahh!" I screamed like a baby in a tumble dryer, like my body was rebelling against my existence - as if I'd arrived in a world that made no sense at all. It did. My skin craved cuddles; my mind craved the rocking sensation of being held by...Dammit. I jumped to the top of a table in the corner, plastered myself to the wall. The dog was awakened by my yell, and tilted her head towards me. Maybe questioning what the hell I am doing. Or maybe he was considering to bite me for disturbing his sleep.


My shaking eyes went back and forth from the dog to the reptile, "Mina! Mina!!" I called out. Where the hell was she going leaving me damn alone. Did she do this on purpose? To take revenge for all the mistreatment I gave at work. Oh, C'mon. This was too barbaric. How could she.


Suddenly the door slammed open, and I flinched from the loud bang. Miss Myoui entered with that dull-penguin-sickening face, a plastic bag on her left hand. "What? Why?" She frantically asked, slightly out of breath as if she just came from running. I was beyond relief the moment I saw her. All the anger with the thought that she intentionally left me alone to make fun of me, disappeared for a while. Her gaze caught me and I instantly pointed under the closet.


"There's a Snake over there...an-and I almost caught it" I trailed off. Letting an awkward cough by the second sentence. "But I don't want to hurt him, you know." Hope she bought the lie. It seemed like she did. A freaking snake sneaking inside was understandable since this building was covered with bushes everywhere.


She crouched down and pulled it out from under the closet "Is this it?" She asked, showing me a red and black striped dynamic rope. I couldn't believe my eyes. I was certain it was a snake. Just a few minutes ago. I slowly lifted it and grimaced. It did, looked like a snake. My imagination was getting wilder and wilder the more I stayed here.


She stared at me in wonder while I cleared my throat. As I hopped down to the floor, my mind traced back to the previous thought, where she had just left me alone. Whatever excuse she had, it will be unacceptable. I huffed and glared at her "You! Where have you been? Didn't I tell you to never take this off?" I spat, stomping forward. The room was small enough, when she retreated, her back hit the wall. I studied her face. Her eyes, although angry and disappointed, were clear. Holding her gaze, I grabbed her wrist, pushing her sleeve up. She almost snarled as she tugged her arm away, holding it up, then doing the same to her other arm."You must be enjoying this situation huh? Is it good seeing me cornered like this?"


She sighed, "I went to buy a floor lamp. I thought that will help you to sleep better. And ramyeon in case you are hungry"


I blinked as the words registered inside my full wrath mood brain. Dammit. Releasing my grip, I distance myself and sat down. Still, she should've told me earlier then I wouldn't felt this emotional abandonment. And just to panic when I realized she wasn't next to me. It was partly her fault yet I felt uneasy for assuming.


"I'm sorry. I shouldn't just leave" She apologized while reaching for the tie and encircled the end on her wrist. That made me more uneasy, I would feel better if she just glared at me or yelled back. She moved, finding the power plugs and was about to attach the floor lamp but I stopped her.


"That isn't necessary. I like the scented candles" Indeed, I just found out how the candles were calming. Maybe I should use it from now on rather than, sleeping with a light on. She nodded and walked to the kitchen while I was trailing her. She first the stove and then while the stove ring was heating up, she poured water from the faucet into the kettle. I was peeking from behind, following wherever she went with the slight pull of the tie. She then placed the kettle on the stove ring, now nicely hot and whilst the water was being heated, she pulled out two instant noodles cup from the plastic bag.


"Are you on for midnight snack?" She asked, abruptly turned around. Our forehead almost bumped into each other as I backed away. Startled. I am hungry, from all of the panic episodes. But I didn't consider instant noodles, especially in the middle of the night. Studies tend to show that when food was consumed late at night---anywhere from after dinner to outside a person's typical sleep/wake cycle--- the body was more likely to store those calories as fat and gained weight rather than burned it as energy. Besides, instant noodles? They were low on nutritive content; high on fat, calories and sodium; and are laced with artificial colours, preservatives, additives and flavourings. Additionally, their MSG, TBHQ and high sodium contents may negatively affect health, such as by increasing your risk of heart disease, stomach cancer and metabolic synd-----





"Okay" She smiled. I snapped out of my rambling thinking and looked down to my stomach. Did I just embarrass myself for the nth time? I was going to decline, really. Before I collect my thoughts, she had moved to pour the boiling water inside the cup then ripped open the seasoning package before blending it all together with chopsticks. Handling both on her hands, I followed her as we settled down, leaning against the wall with the cups in front of us. We covered the lid and wait.


"Have you---"


"Never" I interrupted. She was going to ask whether I'd instant noodles before and the answer was a definite no. But I wouldn't lie, it smelled so good and mouth-watering. I am legit salivating and it somehow amused me. Still, that was unhealthy Son. Unhealthy. 'It's done' I heard her mumbled and lifted her cup, then started eating. I swallowed greedily by the slurping sounds. Once, was okay right? I cleared my throat and raised mine, gave it a taste...holy . Damn, it was delicious.


I gulped down the cup until its very last drop. Fuhh, that was good. Now I'm full and sleepy. She put the cup aside while straightened her legs. I had my palm laid flat on my thigh as I sat crossed legs. I closed my eyes and sighed. In the dim apartment, the ticking had a relaxed feeling, as if it was a heart-beat at rest. I felt as if the air moved like cool water and the aroma of her scented candles infused my sense. I wonder was it because this place somehow naturally comforting or it was her presence, I won't accept if it was the latter.


Uncovering my eyes, I glanced to my side where she was just staring into space. I couldn't stop the urge to ask for the countless time "Why are you living like this—like a poor church mouse? I know what you make. You can afford a decent place. What are you spending your money on?"


She heaved a deep sigh. Perhaps, knowing that using the rule card won't stop me any sooner. "I have other priorities for my money. Where I sleep doesn't matter." She muttered.



"It does to me." I firmly stated. "You aren't staying here anymore. Pack your . Tomorrow morning. I won't risk Chairman finding out you living in this kind of place." I looked around the room. "And you aren't bringing this furniture, except maybe the candles"


She squinted her eyes and glared at me "You're a snob, you know that? It's old, but it's still serviceable and clean."


I had to admit, the small space was meticulous and clean---but it was still hideous and dangerous. I ignored her jibe. Silence befell us. That sudden argument was really out of nowhere. It seemed that we both enjoyed the warmth of companionship, rather than the noise of us quarrel incessantly. My mind started to meander freely in the random thought that was the precursor of sleep, I was close to drifting off as blackness came over me. My eyes felt heavier and heavier as my body dragged me into that shadowy world of dreams, in less than a minute from my head hitting a soft surface.


*  *  *  *




I felt her body sliding sideways towards me, almost hitting the floor. I caught her head before she earned herself a bruise on the forehead, then gently place it on my thigh. She was asleep. Peacefully. No frown on her face but rather a gentle expression. She looked completely different now. When she was awake, she acted like a tiger growling and glaring behind powerful paws. Her huffing breath steaming in the day. Her grubby coat was ignited flames. Yet, today, tonight especially now when she was asleep. I'd seen a lot of her I'd never encountered. Her weakness, her vulnerability, and her childlike.


Staring at her, I couldn't help to giggle. Now, rather then a sleeping tiger, she was a cub then hadn't grown up. Soft, unharmed, welcoming. The pyjamas that I lend her was a size bigger and she was drowned by it. Her sleeves were daggling around, covering her hand as well as her small feet. I was quite nervous that she would trip since, in that situation, she will bring me down with her as our hands were tied.


Part of me hoped that this cub wouldn't disappear the next day. But who am I kidding, an aggressive and sarcastic tiger will gladly greet me, since the sun rose and there was no more darkness. Yet, I wanted to savour this moment. It was the first time I saw her asleep. My fingers hesitantly trailed her features, from her arched eyebrows to her curved nose and the side of her plump lips. She was...


"Disgustingly good-looking" I whispered, smiling.



✒ Jun Kudo

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Chapter 40: Ang cute...nakakabitin...
This early while raining...ahahahaha
I'll might go to work earlier than I thought...
Chapter 40: Ang saya..nag.update si author...
Yeyyyy!!!mmaaya to saken pag.uwi ko ng Bulacan...hehehe
Sana lang may energy pa...layo ng buscalan..hehehe
Kamsahamnida Author-nim🥰😘
nanquming #3
Chapter 35: 😭😭😭😭😭no more update? miss u
xoxogreen #4
Chapter 35: Yahhhh! Where's the next chap? 😭 I was so into it. Didn't realized I already reached the end. I wanna see Chayoung begging and showering Mina with lots of love!!! Please!
bore_d1020 #5
Chapter 35: NaJeongMiChae are just so messed up with one another. What?! NaChaeng aren’t even friends? What exactly are they anyway? Well… Chaeng really is a weirdo with bipolar that’s for sure.
Chapter 33: Chaeyoung...delikado ka na...tsk.
Iba na yan...hhhmmm..
Di ba You are not allowed to ask for physical relationship?...
Wat are you doing now?...hehehehe..
MangakaHorse #7
Chapter 33: I'm hating chaeyoung right now. She's freaking abusive ;-;
bore_d1020 #8
Chapter 33: Oh no.... I wonder what bigger news Nayeon used to cover up? I don’t think she would reveal MiChaeng’s marriage is fake since it will hurt Chaeyoung too but then what else? Or did she hurt that man instead? But then again Chaeyoung hurt Mina yet again. Tsk tsk tsk. Did it bring back some back memories for Mina thou?
bore_d1020 #9
Chapter 32: Woooow!!! Nayeon definitely is dangerous. I really hope she doesn’t do anything to Mina, considering now she knows that her “fiancé” Jeongyeon likes Mina too.
Chapter 32: Wooahhh another,heart pounding,aching?,touching?..chapter.

I dont know anymore...it was like watching a K-drama only your imagination is the screen and its...😥🤣😊🥰😭😱
Love how this chapter shows what could be 2yeon's relationship connects..
I can imagine clearly how Nayeon does all that b*tch thingings...ahahaha..
Thanks for the updare author..
Cant wait for the next.👍💪