
Ransomed Fiancée



[Intracranial hematomas is a blood clot that forms deep within the brain tissue itself. It was largely undetected up until now. From the CT scan and MRI, the hematomas are more severe and large than what we expected, hence an open surgery will be necessary.]


I felt myself in the grip of silent panic the more the doctor elaborate. My grip tightened around the handset of my desk phone. Why so suddenly? She looked just fine the last time I saw her, except the tremendous wire attached to her body as she was on a ventilator and feeding tube indefinitely. She was still could open her eyes and gave respond.


"How serious is her condition? She'll be fine right?" I asked. Drumming my relentless fingers, like hail on a glass panel, it was loud and clear. I was nervous, anxious or rather scared, I cannot lose her.


[What we know that is her blood clot can be removed through the surgery. And there might be complications after or during the procedure. Most intracerebral hematomas develop rapidly. Large hematomas press on the brain and may cause swelling and herniation of the brain. Herniation may cause paralysis on one or both sides of the body, breathing difficulties, slowing of the heart, and even death. We already know that the patient is in a comatose, minimally conscious state which decreases the survival rate]


"How much the surgery cost?" My voice hesitated. I broke into sweat by the doctor's last sentence, I might lose her. I know it was crucial to do the surgery and there must be a payment. Never have I ever thought of her as a burden. Never. All my life was devoted to her. Her well being, her pain was also mine.


[Precisely, USD 25,631. There will be also additional costs after the surgery. We know your circumstances Miss Myoui and our hospital could only cover 30% of the payment]


Each click of my nails on the table echoed the tumultuous thudding of my heartbeat. Hearing that, my face rigid with tension, belied my youthfulness, I seemed to have aged a decade in the past few hours. Twenty-six thousand dollars. Where could I find such a large amount of money?


[Miss Myoui?]


"Yes, umm" I swallowed hard and clear my throat. In times like this, I should think positively. There must be a way out. "When will the surgery performed?"



[As soon as possible.]


I sighed, staring at her framed picture on my desk. She looked so happy, so cheerful back then. I had never seen that smiles on her for years. I wonder if things will ever go back to normal. I closed my eyes and exhaled slowly "Could you give me some time?" I pleaded.


[Yes, but I need to remind you that as times go by the severity will increase, fast treatment is essential. If you agree, we will need to discuss the surgical procedure and risk.]


"I'll have the money. Please just continue monitoring her. I'll visit her this evening. Thank you, doctor" I smiled behind the handset although the neurologist couldn't see me. I rubbed my face before burying it in my palm. The phone beeping sound was still lingering the empty office as I was still preoccupied with my newfound concern. She must undergo the operation. She must, no matter what. But how? I still had medical debt collections.


As soon as I heard a click and clang sound against the tiled floor, I automatically lifted my head and watched as Miss Son walked into the office. She stared at me while putting her hands on her navy suit. Her favorite business suit. I think I knew why, it was sharp looking and well-fitted, bold across the shoulders, gentle lines around the waist, a perfect inverted triangle. Since it was a double-ed suit with three buttons, her middle chest was quite shown which made women here lost their mind, for me, I think it was inappropriate. We are in a company, not a fashion show. It was a perfect aristocratic cutting line of a great tailor, one who could take her small form and make her a figure of power. I'm not that clueless when it was about fashion, I am once an editor worked under a magazine publishing team.


When I noticed her stare unmoving from her target, which is me. I guessed that was my cue. I hurriedly stood up and bowed while she went passed me. I was unsure if she would stop but she kept walking, entered her office and closed the door with a quiet click. She didn't acknowledge me, not that she ever did unless it was to yell or curse.


I sighed deeply and sat down, realizing that I left the phone call beeping up till now. Maybe that's why she stared at me because the sound annoyed her? I think so. I hung up as I place the handset back to the hook switch and the beeping ended. My mind came back to the problem I had no solution with, only made me frustrated than I already was. I planted my gaze at my desk. Trying to think. I was well paid in here at the Son Enterprise. My salary was one of the highest PAs as I worked under Miss Son, the most horrible and difficult person to work with, obviously, she hated me. However, I agreed to take this position because it made me extra money, which all went to care for Sana.


I glanced at the makeup mirror at my desk. It was not that I needed it, but Miss Son had ordered me to buy one so I could fix myself before I came into her office. I traced my finger along the worn age while looking at my own reflection. There, I saw a girl. Her face---thinner than thin---clearly carves out her sharp features, leaving the attention not on her small, cracked lips, not on her hollowed-in cheeks, but on her tired eyes. Skin clings tightly to her as her collarbones seemed it will pop up anytime soon. Her thin cardigan was loose and baggy at the elbows, it had the appearance of clothing that was overdue for a wash. I turned away, averting my eyes somewhere else.


I already lived in the cheapest place I could find. A room in a low-rent neighborhood with dirt streets and dark alley, it was so small it looked more like a doll's house than a human dwelling. I learned and cut my own hair, bought my clothes and shoes at a secondhand and thrift store. My room's furniture that consisted only a small wooden table, a futon set which was a mattress laid on the floor where I slept, a kettle, small refrigerator, a pot, were all bought from garage sales. My diet was made up of ramen, eggs and a lot of cheap strawberry jam.


I spent on nothing, using every opportunity to save a little. Coffee was free in the office, and there were always doughnuts and crackers prepared for the workers. The company paid for my cell phone and in the warm weather, I walked to and from work, to save the bus fare. Every so often, I used the kitchen at home to bake some cookies, packed it and brought in to work to share. It was my silent way to make up for the goodies I snagged. If an unexpected expense arose, there were days those doughnuts and cupcakes were all I could afford to eat. I checked to see if there were any in the break room before I left at night that I could put in the small freezer in my room.


I choked up and blinked back the tears that were threatening to spill. How was I going to come up with twenty-six thousand dollars in a few days? I already lived from paycheck to paycheck. I had tried so hard to prevent myself to borrow money from loan shark as I knew it will only worsened my situation. I had heard how vicious they were. But it looked like, that was only my way out now. I should get a second job and pay it gradually, which meant I would have less time to spend with Sana.


The outer door suddenly opened, revealing the Chairman and Miss Jeongyeon. They came in while I stumbled on my feet. Why they were here? Especially the chairman. He rarely visited this office unless it was for an important and unavoidable matter. I wanted to bow but the Chairman stopped me and tapped my forearms with a small smile. "Is she here?" He asked.


I nodded "Yes and Miss Son isn't with anyone at the moment"


The chairman hummed and walked away leaving Miss Jeongyeon behind staring at me before she followed to Miss Son's office. I breathed out in relief when they had disappeared from my sight. A few minutes later, the Chairman calmly went out of the office while my eyes trailing him until he ambled into the elevator. My brows furrowed in confusion. Looked like there was still an unfinished discussion in the office. Before I could sit back in my chair, the door slammed open with Miss Jeongyeon cursing under her breath. My heart almost jumped out from my ribs cage. She noticed me and composed herself, giving me a small bow before she left.


A sighed of anxiety leaps out of my mouth. If Miss Jeongyeon was in a bad mood, so did Miss Son. They must have had a fight in the office. That only meant one thing; she soon yelling at me on whatever fault I had made today or anything I made that didn't please her.


I felt my insides squirmed in nervous and fear. I dropped my head down. What a life. I hated this, to worked as a PA especially for Miss Son. I never met anyone so barbaric. Nothing I did was enough for her, not even enough for a thank you or a smile. As a matter of fact, she never smiled at me the whole year I had worked with her.


My intercom buzzed. I snapped my head to the sound and stared at it with a furious glance before I immediately answer. "Yes, Miss Son?"


[I need my usual coffee, Miss Myoui]


"Anything else Miss?" I hesitated.


[Few minutes of your time]



I slammed my eyes shut, silently taking a deep breath "Right away". As the call ended, I went to the break room and made a coffee for her, staring into nothing as I stirred the drink. What is she gonna say? What I did I wrong today? I wondered but It was no use. I couldn't think of a single event where I made mistakes. I shook my head and focused on finishing the task before she yell at me for being late. When I'd done and satisfied, I put the mug on a tray and carried it to Miss Son's office.


I approached the door with fearful apprehension, knocking the wooden surface ever so slightly. I waited for several seconds, entering only when she bade me come in. I had made that mistake before, and it was an awful day for me, never I would repeat it again. Her venomous words had poisoned me for days because of that.


I composed myself and walked to her. Seeing her sitting on the swivel chair behind the desk while staring at my every movement, was not helping at all. I tried my best not to shake as I placed the mug in front of her then took a few steps backward. My heart started thumping real fast as I hung my head, deciding that the tiled floor was something much lesser terrifying to look at then the person in front of me. I'm afraid I would say or do something completely out of character.


She stood up and walked passed me to the cushion. "Sit down first, Miss Myoui" She demanded.


I followed her while digging out my notebook and pen, readied to take notes of her instruction. I wondered if she had finally persuaded the chairman to fired me. I know she had been trying to do so in every chance she had. I controlled my uneven breathing and held myself in a way I was unsure of where my limbs should be in order to appear naturally placed but tried nonetheless to look presentable. I couldn't lose this job. I needed it.


I sat down across her before my noodles legs could give up on gravity. It was a relief because between the heels and my legs shaking, I'm afraid I'll trip anytime soon. I swallowed the lump of in my throat. "Anything I could do for you Miss?"


She hummed and leaned closer to me. I avoided her gaze and fixed it on her untouched mug instead. "Miss Myoui" She called. I lifted my head and watched her staring deeply at me. I was forced to hold her gaze and I did even though my orbs might quiver under her. She gestured the space between us with her finger and said "Whatever we discuss here, I hope it remains confidential. I need your words Miss Myoui"


"Yes, Miss" I answered. It didn't seem that I even had any choice though than to agree.


She nodded and reached for her mug, silently sipping the coffee. I was thankful she did so which broke our eye contact. I never held her gaze for more than a second or two. After one sip, her eyes flickered to me again. "I wanted to speak with you regarding some personal matter," She said. I was left confused and dumbfounded. She never discussed to me about anything that related to her personal life but only shouted her demands on my work. I was thinking whether I'm talking to the same person whom I worked with for about two years now. If the person in front of me is a doppelganger, she did a really bad job.


I cleared my throat. "All right?" I said in between agreeing and questioning.


A muscle twitched involuntarily at the corner of her right eye while she constantly fiddled with her knuckles, looking weirdly anxious. I used this time to examined her as she gathered her thoughts. This woman was basically a face cut right from the pages of a magazine, highly beautiful only on the outside, obviously. She was shorter than average, but in her ordinaries she was stunning. She was an adult I suppose, but so young that she still had the exuberance of youth. She had that movie star look, not overly tall and willowy, but more like an action star. Her muscle definition was perfect and she walked with such confidence mirroring her status. was wide, her teeth bright white, and her lips were so full and firm, I knew many women envied them. Had straight, shoulder-length blonde hair, so smooth and silky, almost as if it were tailored from gold fabric. Everything about her was expensive. Her brown eyes lifted to mine and she composed herself, straightened her position.


"I have something that I wanted to ask from you. By that, I will be placing my trust in you. I need to know whether you'll honor them"


My brows furrowed while I blinked in confusion. He wants something from me. I thought today will be the day I packed my things and leave the company. My body relaxed a little. I wasn't gonna lie that I'm super relief that she wasn't firing me, but my worry only replaced by whatever she wants me to do. Surely, it was hard and heavy, looking at how serious and tense this situation right now. I felt like I was trapped in a tiger cage and had no way out, but surrender myself to get eaten. Did I really put myself in that position?


"Of course. I will do whatever I could, Miss" I said.


His eyes fixed on mine. I never noticed how deep her earthy brown orbs were, how it shining in the sunlight. But there was something else in them, dark and liquidy eyes. As if those deep pools of dark-cinnamon swirls seized the depth and heaviness of one thousand untold stories. Often this shade of brown, raw umber and caramel mix, dotted with bits of dark chocolate was filled with anger and wrath whenever she talked to me. But now it was different, softer and calmer, something I never saw. She seemed to think and study me, then she nodded. She reached for one of her business cards placed on the black marble table and wrote something on the back, handing it to me.


"I need you to come to this address this evening. Can you be there at seven?"


I took the card as she slid it towards me. I glanced at her neat handwriting, noting an address wasn't far from the hospital Sana was admitted to. I had to visit Sana later, to get to this place at seven sharp meant I have to sacrifice my time for Sana, which was something I wished I wouldn't do.


"Is there something wrong?" She asked without the usual intimidating tone.


I raised my head and gazed at her. Thinking that I should be honest rather than blindly obligated then regret it, I can't when it comes to Sana. "I have an appointment after work" I muttered.


I had expected her fire of fury, to turn on Goode like an enraged panther, showing me her paw and sharp teeth. For her to slammed her hand on the table and ordered me to cancel whatever appointment I had and come to the address no matter what. I was already prepared for her outrage. But her reaction was completely divergent. I was surprised when she only humming and tapped her foot on the floor.


"Anytime around seven, or at eight?"


"I can work with eight" I confirmed, still processing everything.


"Then, I'll see you at eight." She stood straight while fixing her suit, then buried her hands in her pocket. Indicating that this strangely weird meeting was over. "I'll tell my doormat about your arriving, he'll you inside"


My eyes widened on her last sentence, her doorman. So, the address earlier was pointing to her house, she was asking me to come to her home? For what? I rose to my feet and followed her "Is everything all right Miss Son" I baffled.


She threw me a perplexed look "Oh, yes everything is fine, only if you cooperate. I'm sure it will" She gave a quick glance at her Patek Philippe wristwatch then brought her gaze back to mine. "Now, excuse me. I had a meeting to attend"


She was about to walk away but halted then turned around to pick her half-empty mug. "Thank you for the coffee and your time" She nodded a little then make her way out. I stared at her back, wondering whether I was in a parallel universe or this ground I'm standing on is a different earth. Not even once in a whole two years, I worked with her had she said thank you to me.


"What is going on?"


- to be continued-

✒Jun Kudo

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Chapter 40: Ang cute...nakakabitin...
This early while raining...ahahahaha
I'll might go to work earlier than I thought...
Chapter 40: Ang saya..nag.update si author...
Yeyyyy!!!mmaaya to saken pag.uwi ko ng Bulacan...hehehe
Sana lang may energy pa...layo ng buscalan..hehehe
Kamsahamnida Author-nim🥰😘
nanquming #3
Chapter 35: 😭😭😭😭😭no more update? miss u
xoxogreen #4
Chapter 35: Yahhhh! Where's the next chap? 😭 I was so into it. Didn't realized I already reached the end. I wanna see Chayoung begging and showering Mina with lots of love!!! Please!
bore_d1020 #5
Chapter 35: NaJeongMiChae are just so messed up with one another. What?! NaChaeng aren’t even friends? What exactly are they anyway? Well… Chaeng really is a weirdo with bipolar that’s for sure.
Chapter 33: Chaeyoung...delikado ka na...tsk.
Iba na yan...hhhmmm..
Di ba You are not allowed to ask for physical relationship?...
Wat are you doing now?...hehehehe..
MangakaHorse #7
Chapter 33: I'm hating chaeyoung right now. She's freaking abusive ;-;
bore_d1020 #8
Chapter 33: Oh no.... I wonder what bigger news Nayeon used to cover up? I don’t think she would reveal MiChaeng’s marriage is fake since it will hurt Chaeyoung too but then what else? Or did she hurt that man instead? But then again Chaeyoung hurt Mina yet again. Tsk tsk tsk. Did it bring back some back memories for Mina thou?
bore_d1020 #9
Chapter 32: Woooow!!! Nayeon definitely is dangerous. I really hope she doesn’t do anything to Mina, considering now she knows that her “fiancé” Jeongyeon likes Mina too.
Chapter 32: Wooahhh another,heart pounding,aching?,touching?..chapter.

I dont know was like watching a K-drama only your imagination is the screen and its...😥🤣😊🥰😭😱
Love how this chapter shows what could be 2yeon's relationship connects..
I can imagine clearly how Nayeon does all that b*tch thingings...ahahaha..
Thanks for the updare author..
Cant wait for the next.👍💪