Am I in a Hallmark Movie?


Roxy's life was very repetitive, wake up and teach English at the local Univeristy in the mornings and then work at her mother's coffee shop in the evenings. There was never any deviation from this routine; she was content. She would go home to her cat every night and occasionaly see her friends who have all moved away. Although she spent her days surrounded by people, she was lonely. She never prioritized finding a husband and settling down and she has always been focused on starting a career and helping her family's business. She loved watching her best friends find love and companionship but never really pictured the same for herself. However, all of that was about to change with one chance encounter. 


Hey guys! So its been a while since I've written something that isn't a term paper so just bare with me on this! I had this idea while I was working and thought I should write it lol 



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Chapter 1: Did RM pay?! lol
coffee date?!
RM a teacher, hmmm, plausible, believable
then the dimple showed, game over lol