Lost Times


As the clock making its count, Jennie lay down anxiosly with her eyes closed.. as if she was running away.. from someone. Or something. Pre conciously, she called for a name, 

in her mind she was running in a long cream coloured dress, her long half braided curly hair waved along the wind created by her speeding momentum. As she anxiously calling out for a man in front of her. A man in armour falling hard on the ground with an arrow stabbed right through his chest, his deep eyes search for her as she managed to catch him in time before his head touches the ground, panting, to catch for a breath. Just to tell her to run for her life.."jenn...im sorry..". Jennie clutched the bloody cloth of him and tears running down her cheek as she begged him to hang on.. but soon.. the pair of eyes that was embracing her began to lose its colour. He was gone. At that moment, Jennie's heart felt more than a pain of an arrow stabbing her, it was as if she was being penetrated by thousands of them. Screaming on top of her lung,


she woke up crying.


Heyya so im inspired to write a story after a long time (not that i ever posted any, all just in my laptop lol) hope u guys enjoy 


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