Game of Chase


Game of Chase:

  Song Wei Long is a junior in college, and majors in musical theater, he works at a coffee shop nearby school. He is THAT type of guy, your typical main character of every drama you have ever seen. Cool, handsome, tall, popular, but he's only popular towards the single ladies and gays, and he's well off. Wei Long also dislikes to get into other people's businesses, unless if he really cares for them, or if he wants to get to know them better.

  Wei Li Hua on the other hand is a sophomore in college, and she goes to the same college as Wei Long. She is somewhat like every main girl character except she knows how to speak her mind when appropriate, and she's not too skinny, but not too big. She seems improper, but she knows how to take care of her body. She majors in script writing, and she tutors and also works at a convenience store. She is well off too, but chooses not to show off her money, but her skills.

One day after school, Wei Long had a shift at the coffee shop, "Coffee, Love," and Li Hua had to tutor someone, and chose to meet them at Coffee, Love. There, Wei Long was her waiter, and was also the person who rung her up when she arrived. 

Have you ever just seen someone so out of the ordinary for the first time, and yet they stand out a lot because they're different or unique in some type of way? Well, that's what Wei Long saw in Li Hua. 

The way she dressed up wasn't the spark, but her eyes. Some eyes twinkle like the stars, and her's did. From then on, Wei Long tried tracking her down, and then found out that she went to the same school as him, and from then on, the game of chase, became the game of love.



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