~ 1.

The Last Hope

For more than 5 years, the people are showing their disagreements towards the king. They're doing it by protests and the guards are having a tough time to prevent that people enter through the gates. I honesty couldn't care any more.

I'm a waterbender and I'm in danger. All of us element benders are. Everyone who is able to master one of the four elements is in danger. I have no idea why he wants us dead, but he blames us for basically his own crimes. He killes innocent people, he lets them suffer, only caring about money. Once the people speak up about these crimes, even some ministers, the king blames it on us. I don't know what is wrong with him, but we have never done anything wrong.

I'm at home, while a friend of mine is visiting. Seojun is a firebender and visits me nearly everyday. He basically has no one else to turn to, since his parents were murdered by the king's men. Seojun wants to take revenge on the king and has tried so multiple times, without any results. I at least am lucky my parents are still alive, but they would be dead too if I didn't save them. Saving them was the best I could do.

''So, any plans for tonight?'' Seojun asks and a faint smile appears on his face. Seojun really needs this type of distraction and I can't agree more, because the accusations from the king bring a lot of stress and we don't feel safe here aswell. But the people want us to stay and say that we can let the people live in harmony together. It surprises me, because people usually find you weird or a disgrace if you are different from them. But the people here in Joseon are different. We look human to them, so they treat us like one.

''I don't actually, but you know how I am. I never really have plans.'' I respond, while a sigh escapes from my mouth. I hope that Seojun knows something that we can do, without risking out lives. Once the guards know what we are, we are dead. The guards will take us with them, put us in a prison cell and they will kill us in front of the king not that long after we are taken into hostage. The only thing we can feel relieved about, is that the king doesn't know our faces. We always dress as normal as possible, so that we won't stand out to anyone who is close to the king. Only one person from the palace knows me... the crown prince. But he swore to me that he would keep this friendship a secret, because he can't stand it to lose a dear friend. I continue to let him keep that promise, because he knows what happens when he reveals who I truly am.

It's dark outside, but people are still outside. I wonder why, because it never is that crowded at times like these. Seojun and I look at each other and we wonder what is going on, while we don't care at the same. Seojun and I don't ask questions, we simply continue what we just did and we ignore what is going on. Even if the king passes by, we don't care. The king hates us and doesn't deserve our attention, so he won't expect me to bow whenever he passes me. Someone who is treating his people like crap doesn't deserve a bow from people like. But it's not the king that passes by... it's his son. It's the crown prince, who goes by the name Hakyeon. It seems that the guards don't want to let him in, since the guards feel like it's a waste of time to visit us. But Hakyeon insists that he wants to enter and the guards finally let him after a bit of time.

''Well, well, well, it's good to see you back my friend.'' Hakyeon says and approaches us with a wide smile. I get up from my seat, Seojun follows shortly after, and I bow towards him. Hakyeon hates it when I treat him like an actual prince, because he doesn't want to feel more special than his friends. But I can't treat him equally to anyone else I know, since Hakyeon has a higher title and also has a higher rank than all of us have. The three of us take a seat and the prince gets a drink by himself. When Hakyeon is outside of the palace walls, he wants to do things by himself. He hates it when people get a drink for him and wants to do that by himself. The king doesn't like it when his son acts like that, but his son is human like he is. Something I cannot say about myself or Seojun, since we can control a certain element. 

''It's been a while since we last spoke to each other.'' I tell him, while feeling uncomfortable on the inside. I can tell that some guards are looking at us, just to keep an eye on Hakyeon and to make sure we won't give him some poison or whatever they think about. It annoys me that I have to prove them wrong time and time again. Seojun is also feeling uncomfortable, as he never has spoken to any of the royal members up close. Hakyeon usually stays hidden, but he loves to go out at nighttime. No one knows his face nor his voice and those that know at least one of these, are being paid to keep their mouth shut. Well, Hakyeon has never paid me for that because of our friendship.

''How's life like behind those walls?'' Seojun tries to blend in and with success, because Hakyeon looks at him with a smile and starts to talk. Hakyeon pictures an image of things aren't like people expect. People are doing nothing but complain and the king believes he rules with confidence, while the citizens are complaining about it. Even Hakyeon gets criticized by the ministers and such, while he doesn't do anything wrong. He is following the king's orders and it apparently isn't enough for the ministers, since they want to manipulate Hakyeon and let him do what they order. Seojun swallows and it sounds like as if he swallows a big pill, since he struggles to swallow. Well, I don't disagree with that. Because I felt like that the first time he told me about his life. 

Then, Hakyeon looks at me with the same smile he just showed. I don't know what is wrong with this dude, but he smiles a lot when he looks into my direction. He better not fall for me, because he will be doomed if it turns out he would like me. And I would be doomed too, as I will be called a disgrace and whatever might happen after it. I look at him with a questionable look on my face, because I am very confused on why he looks like that to me. Whatever it might be, I won't go with him. Because the people within the palace, even his own parents, cannot know about my true identity. Seojun looks away out of discomfort and I want to do the same, but Hakyeon's hand rests on mine. Leaving me with no choice but to look him straight in the eyes.

''I would like to see some of your skills, Taekwoon. It's been a while since I have seen what you're capable of and I...'' Hakyeon trails off, making me wonder even more what he is up to and why is acting like this.

''I feel calm whenever I see the way you let water move. I always feel so stressed, but I am prohibited to look at any water in this kingdom.'' Hakyeon continues and I raise an eyebrow immediately. Really? Oh well, water does have a calming effect on people. So I don't see the problem here. I just don't get it why he just trailed off while talking. Did he really get lost in my eyes or something? I told Hakyeon a while back that he cannot fall in love with me, because it will be the end for both of us. It seems Hakyeon has broken that rule, but what can I say? Hakyeon is born to break rules...

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