The Locked Door


Yoongi is in love with jimin and namjoon and hoseok help him confess to jimin by locking them in a room together.






I saw this post on Tumblr

And thought of this.


Cover art done by me.



If you find any similarities to my story to another person's story that is solely a coincidence. I do not copy other people's stories and will not take kindly to being accused of such. If you find any similarities to my story to another person's please kindly and respectful let me know so I can see for myself and change them.


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RewriteDstars #1
Chapter 1: Lawd jesoos. This whole story is way too god and yoongi is so me. Love it. Take my xD❤️❤️
Chapter 1: Wow...damn I feel like u went all out on this one. I can’t ing stop laughing!!! I ing love the storyline and dialogues. And poor Hoseok, he was so clueless in this one.

And Great story as always!! U should’ve published this on Valentine’s Day so my lonely could read it ^^