A Chime Of Realization

The Beauty of Senses ~ Inuyasha X Reader

The first month is practically over, but the snow doesn't slow down for anything. 3 months to go, or at least that's what I assume. It's been another 3 days since then, the two of us decided that the morning will be for Inuyasha, he will take the morning to have his alone time. but sometimes I don't know when he actually returns so sometimes I wait for half the day till he comes back when he could've been back 3 hours ago and I don't even know. I wonder what I can do so that I'll know when he's back or nearby, it's mind boggling. So when he's out, I just wonder around the village because I don't want to keep Shippo tied to me. I walk through town one day, hoping to see if I can bump into Sango since she's supervising around the village. The snow lands in my hair and I can feel snow burying my feet up to my ankles, I have extra layers of clothing so that I can keep myself warm. My walking stick sinks into the snow as well and it takes a while to get it out. Walking for a bit and pulling my walking stick out is making me sweat a bit, it's irritating. I can hear some people out and about, but it's winter so not a lot of people are out. I take a deep breath and wipe the droplets of sweat from my forehead, after letting out a long exhale I can feel the chilly wind against my face. I let out a shiver. Probably a bad idea to go out by myself, but I can't just stay cooped up all day until Inuyasha comes home. I feel slightly lost, but I know there are people out so I should be alright if I get lost. It seems like everyone knows where the big hut is, so I know I can always find my way back. Some people are out doing business so the streets will never be empty.

"____________?" A gentle voice says from the right of me.

I turn my head and my eyes aimlessly move around.

"Sango?" I ask recognizing her voice after weeks of being together.

"___________, what are you doing out here by yourself?" She asks me surprised.

I hear her coming up beside me and taking my hand in hers, I show her a smile.

"I didn't want to stay all day in my room, even if Inuyasha isn't here I can still walk around and getting to feel the winter weather is nice." I reply back to her.

"Inuyasha is out by himself again." Sango says with a chuckle and a sigh.

"Yes, but you know I don't mind, he needs some space. Completely understandable." I reply with a chuckle back.

"It's understandable, but seeing you out here by yourself isn't right. I'm sorry that I can't spend a lot of time with you_____________." Sango says with regret in her voice.

"Don't be, you have done so much for me already I don't want you to look after me when you have the role of village head. So you don't have to worry about me Sango, I'm alright. What are you doing now by the way?" I say to Sango with a smile.

"It's nice to actually find some time and talk with you, I have just finished helping out a family who needed some guidance. Come, let's return back to the hut and talk there." Sango says guiding me back towards the direction of the big hut.

The two of us walk back through the snow, the fireplace is lit and makes the whole room warm. I let out a shiver as my body adjusts to the temperature change, I take off my outer clothing and the two of us sit down by the table as I hear hot water being poured in two cups. Looks like Sango is making tea for us, I thank her.

"How are you and Inuyasha? Is he still picking on you?" Sango asks me with a chuckle.

"I think we are improving a lot, I have come to understand Inuyasha quite a bit and he has opened up to me as well." I explain to her with a smile lacing my face.

"That's wonderful to hear dear, what have you learned from Inuyasha?" She asks me curious.

My smile becomes subtle as I think of Inuyasha, I can feel my eyes softening.

"Inuyasha, well.. one thing for sure is he's stubborn and slightly passive. He and I teases each other a lot but there's so much more to him. He tries to cover for himself when he gets embarrassed and it's kind of cute, He's passionate and he has wishes and dreams and knowing that he still has those aspects, means that with a bit more work he may just return back to his old self." I say softly.

"Your compassion and kindness to try and save someone from their past is something to be greatly admired, including your artistic talent. Wish that Inuyasha can spend more time with you, you are such a lovely young lady." Sango says.

"Thank you Sango, but I'm just like everyone else. What do you do when you need Inuyasha or to get him to listen?" I ask her.

"Well, if he's around, we would just ask him. But when Kagome was still here, she was the one that kept him in check." Sango replies with a chuckle.

"Kept him in check? What do you mean?" I ask her confused.

"Inuyasha use to be very mischief and a troublemaker, so in order to keep him in check, a necklace was placed on him called "The Beads Of Subjugation" Kagome was the only person who could activate the power of the beads. Then, when Inuyasha acts rashly or disobeys or be rude, she says the word "sit", and the beads would drag Inuyasha into the ground and that was how Kagome kept him in check." Sango says with a gentle chuckle.

That sounds so interesting and slightly funny. I can't help but let out a mental laugh.

"I see, is Inuyasha wearing it now?" I ask her not quite remembering if I felt the necklace around his neck.

"No not anymore, before Kagome passed away, she removed the necklace from around his neck. She wanted Inuyasha to be free because she couldn't be next to him anymore. She lived a fulfilling life with Inuyasha and by having the beads around his neck, she knew that she is chaining him to the memories of her. We have placed the beads away because it's no longer needed and it would only serve as a chain to the past if Inuyasha continues to wear it." Sango tells me with a sigh.

"I understand, has Inuyasha ever asked about it? Did he want to wear it ever since Kagome's passing?" I ask her again.

"He asked us once, but we told him that it shouldn't be worn again. I suppose after decades, it has been a part of him. We have come to the conclusion that by wearing it, it was the only symbolic object left between him and Kagome that hold history. He knows where he is by wearing it, like he is still with Kagome. A place where he thought he belonged." Sango answers me.

A place where he thought he belonged, my heart ached for him. I wish I could do something for him. I begin to think, I feel my fingers twisting around in each other as I listened. My hands, I can draw, but I remembered that I can also make things because my father taught me how to in the past. Perhaps I can make something for Inuyasha, something meaningful. I smile and I lift my head back to Sango.

"Sango can you take me out and to a jewelry stand? I want to buy some things." I ask her.

"Of course, you want to buy some jewelries to wear or to give someone?" She asks me.

"I want to make something and give it to someone." I tell her with a smile.

"Alright, let's go, there's a stall not too far away that sells ribbons jewelries and charms." Sango replies with a light tone.

Sango guides me out again into the cold and we arrive at a stall, it's covered with a tarp so the snow would not fall on the charms.

"Ah. Lady Sango what can I do for you today?" A woman's voice asks.

"Hello dear, this young woman here beside me wants to buy some things I hope that you have what she needs." Sango replies greeting her.

"Of course, I will try my best." The owner replies.

"Thank you, do you have an arm's length of red silk ribbon and two charm bells with rings that I can put the ribbon through?" I ask her.

"Of course we do, here we are, an arm's length of silk ribbon, and here are some small metal rings that are cut so you can adjust the size. Last but not least, some bells." The owner says handing me everything into my open palms.

When the bells came out, I can hear the beautiful magical chimes that the bells made, they sound heavenly and light, although light but they were clear and loud enough to hear from a distance away if wrung with enough force. They are small, and they have cloth swirls woven around them to incase the bell. How beautiful, I wish that I can see it. I smile as I gently shake the bell, the sound filling my ears.

"Thank you." I say to the shopkeeper.

"No need." She replies with a kind tone.

I pay for the materials and Sango leads me back to the hut. Afternoon is over and dinner time is coming, I did my best to help out Sango as she prepares dinner. Surprisingly I actually helped her out more than I thought and I'm happy about that. Times goes by and then I hear the curtains lift, the cold winter air coming in slightly.

"We're back, and I got Inuyasha too." I hear Miroku's cheerful voice.

"I'm back." Inuyasha replies with a monotone.

"Welcome back." The two of us greets them.

"I'm also back!" I hear Shippo's voice shouting as he comes in.

"Welcome back Shippo." I say greeting him with a smile.

After dinner is prepared, we all sit down for dinner together. With the warm fireplace next to us, the coldness didn't even come close to bothering us. After dinner and having tea together, we clean up and decided to head to bed. Inuyasha guided me back to my hut like usual, my hand around his arm as my other holds onto the walking stick.

"How was your morning?" I ask him.

"It was alright, quiet but alright." He replies with a sigh.

"Did the quietness help in anyway?" I add.

"I suppose in a way, I took a nap and I managed to keep my mind clear for a while. So I suppose it helped." He says.

"Good, let's do something together tomorrow." I suggest.

"You sure sound determined? What if I don't want to?" Inuyasha asks me back with a teasing tone.

"Well if you don't want to then I guess I'll just have to push my surprise to another day." I say with a sigh.

"Surprise, what surprise?" Inuyasha asks with slight curiosity in his voice now.

Gotcha, he sounds just like a dog hearing the sound of a toy not far away that caught his attention. I can't help but smile.

"Since you're curious, I assume that you're up to do something tomorrow?" I ask him with a chuckle.

I hear him let out a low grumble.

"Fine. Ok, We're here." Inuyasha replies.

"Great, guess I'll see you tomorrow. Thanks for walking me back." I reply back to him letting go of his arm.

"Sure, the surprise better be worth it or I'm never talking to you again." Inuyasha grumbles.

"I'd like to believe that it will be worth it." I reply back with a smile.

I hear Inuyasha let out an exhale and then yawns.

"Well, we'll see tomorrow, get some rest." Inuyasha says.

"Night." I respond back with a nod.

I hear him walk away and wait till his footsteps completely fades into the night, I have to listen carefully because the open night covers his already faint footsteps. I turn around and step into my house, I change into my nightwear. I take out the wrapped up materials that I bought today from my kimono and place it on the table in the room, the gentle chimes of the bell echos through the room and stop. I then lay down into my futon. I close my eyes and thoughts go through my mind. I want to give something special to Inuyasha, or in this case, make something. I want to give him something so that he can slowly let go on the object that is binding him to the past and focus on something else that can keep his mind in the present and hopefully the future. I let out a deep exhale and I slowly start to empty my head, and over time, I doze off. When I come to, I assume it's morning. I sit up and I take a few seconds to regain my senses, I open my eyes slowly. I hope that I can see something, but I know it's a wish that won't be coming true for me. I sigh in disappointment, I get up and dress into my kimono. I go to the table and I place the bundle of materials back inside my kimono, I just loosely bundled them up and placed them inside my kimono. I take my walking stick and I open the front door, the cold air hits my skin like always. I can feel a faint presence nearby.

"Inuyasha?" I ask into the open.

"You're up, now let's go." His voice says cutting through the quiet nature.

"So pushy." I reply back sticking out my tongue.

"Well, I'm hungry so let's go." Inuyasha replies back with no seconds to waste.

I let out a grin and I take hold onto his arm after he nudged me like usual. The two of us walk to the big hut together with no words between us, it doesn't seem awkward because I'm use to it and besides, we're at the point where we don't really need to start a conversation if we don't need to.

"Morning!" Miroku, Sango, and Shippo's voice says greeting us after we enter inside.

"Good morning everyone!." I reply back.

"Good to see Inuyasha this morning and not out today." Miroku says.

"Well, we decided that we'll take today to go out and do something since he ran off by himself yesterday and abandoned his job as my "unofficial eyes".' I say turning my direction towards Inuyasha.

"What?" He replies back flatly.

"Well, it's good for Inuyasha to have his job back after a day or two." Sango says with a chuckle.

We sit down and have breakfast together, after breakfast Inuyasha helps me get my art supplies and the two of us head to the cliffside so that Inuyasha can have his quietness and I have my walk and a place for me to feel the quiet coolness while drawing. I sit below the tree while Inuyasha lounges in the branches.

"So what exactly is the surprise that you said yesterday?" Inuyasha asks me as I'm drawing.

"Be patient, a good boy should be patient so that they can earn the reward." I say with a grin.

Inuyasha doesn't reply back, but then I hear him groan.

"You did not just talk to me like I'm a dog. Ugh." He grumbles.

I lost it, I couldn't hold back my laughter. I cover my mouth as I laughed. It's been a while since I laughed like this, and it's all because of Inuyasha. I feel happy at this moment, and I don't know why. Inuyasha can sure brighten up an atmosphere unknowingly.

"Sorry, but just wait for a little bit, after we head back I'll give you the surprise." I reply back to him.

"Alright." Inuyasha replies back.

The two of us stay for another half an hour, and then I feel the coldness slowly getting to me. That's when I know it's time to go back, Inuyasha guides the two of us back to the village. My hand holding tightly to his arm as my other with the walking stick. He guides me to my hut as we wait for lunchtime.

"Come inside Inuyasha." I say to him as I open the door.

"What?" He asks me confused.

"Come inside, it's cold outside and besides it's going to take a while until you receive your surprise. So come on." I say gesturing him inside.

I hear him let out an exhale and feel him pass me and into the room, I close the door and I hear his kimono rustle and droplets of water splash onto my face.

"Did you just shake off the snow?" I ask him.

"Yea, it's in my genes to shake off water." He replies.

"Like a dog." I add with a grin.

"Can you not?" Inuyasha grumbles.

"Can't help it, you said it yourself and you do have dog genes. You shouldn't take it as an insult though, instead take it lightly and embrace it because it's part of you. I tell him with a honest smile.

I take off my outer outfit and I sit down at the table, I hear Inuyasha walk across the wooden floorboard and sit down beside me. I take out the wrapped bundle within my kimono, the gentle chimes of the bell fills the room.

"So that's what the sound came from." Inuyasha says.

"You knew?" I ask him.

"Well I didn't know what it was but I could hear it. It was quiet but I could hear it." He answers me.

Dog genes, I want to say it but I bit my tongue because I think I enough for now.

"Impressive, just give me a few minutes." I say to him.

I grab a pair of scissors on the table and I unravel the arm length of ribbon. I fold it up and cut off a long piece, leaving a few centimetres length left.

"Are you making something?" Inuyasha asks me slightly intrigued.

"Yes I am." I answer him with a smile.

"You can make things?" He asks me surprised.

"I can, my father taught me how to make things, simple things like jewelry. Since I don't have much with me right now I can only make something simple." I say to him.

"You can make things and draw, you sure know a lot." He says.

"It's not much, there are a lot of things that I can't do, but I suppose I'm satisfied with the things that I can." I answer him back.

I then return to making. I can hear Inuyasha's breathing next to me as I work. I twist the long length of the cut ribbon so that it becomes thinner and has more of a shape, I then use the pair of scissors to open up the small metal rings. I take one of the bells and I feel for the small knob at the top, it took a few seconds but I managed to get the ring through the hoop in the knob and then use the scissors to close the ring together around the knob. I then take the twisted ribbon and once again, took me a few seconds but I got the tip of the twisted thinned ribbon through the metal ring and I pull it through until it's equally through. I then hold it up, the bell chimes as it moves. I then turn to Inuyasha and hold it up for him.

"What is this?" He asks me confused.

"It's a necklace." I say to him.

"A necklace?" He repeats.

"I know it looks like a pretty low grade necklace but it's what I got." I say with a shrug.

"This, is the surprise?" He continues.

"Yes it is." I answer him back.

"And why are you giving me this?" He asks me slightly disappointed and confused.

"Because I want it to be a leash." I say with a chuckle.

"Ugh, stop. Seriously why are you giving me this?" He groans.

I inhale and lower my hands down, I lower my eyes slightly as well.

"Well since you go out a lot and I have no idea when you come back or if you're nearby, by giving this to you I can hear where you are due to the chimes of the bell. It's just a heads up for me." I tell him.

"So basically you are keeping me on a leash." He adds.

"If you think it that way then sure, but I don't want to look at it that way. You see there's another reason as to why I'm making this. Sango has told me about this necklace that you had around your neck for years, and when Kagome passed away she removed it from your neck. It was a necklace that was meant to keep you in check and controlled and then disciplined you physically when you caused mischief or being rude and such, although it controlled you but Sango told me that you asked for it once. Why would you ask for something that has hurt you?" I ask him.

There's a brief silence, the atmosphere feels dull suddenly but it's necessary for me to know if I want to help him move on and understand him more.

"I don't know, I suppose I was just use to having it around my neck. I thought that by wearing it again, it would allow me to feel that Kagome is still here, and that I'm with her because that's all I have that is a symbolic object between us." Inuyasha says slightly distressed.

Guess Sango was right, he wanted to feel that she's still here and that his place is right next to her.

"You want to know where you belong and something to help you hold on to the past, but Inuyasha, I want to tell you that, you belong everywhere in this world, not just next to Kagome. I'm sure that Kagome doesn't want to see you like this still lingering onto the past. Sango told me that she removed the necklace from your neck because she wants you to be free, she wants you to move on." I say to him softly.

"I know, but it's difficult. At this point I sometimes wonder where I actually belong, eventually, Miroku and Sango are leaving as well. Shippo is going to leave here and live his life with his own kind, I'll be alone then." He says.

I feel my chest ache for him again, he sounds lost and slightly afraid. I want to comfort him and hold him, it feels overwhelming. I want to tell him that I'll be here for him.

"That will be years away, don't think too far ahead, and don't think too much of the past either. What's important is now, the present. I'm giving you this necklace because I want to let you know that there's someone who wants to know when you're nearby, It's also for you to know that someone cares about where you are. I'm giving you this necklace also as a token of my appreciation for someone who has looked after me in the past month almost. In this month, you have become someone who I enjoy talking to and someone who I can depend on and trust to lead me to wherever I need to go as my eyes. If you decide to accept this, I don't want you to look at this as something that would burden you or chain you in anyway, it's just a gift from me to you to let you know that you are someone I enjoy being around. You have a place Inuyasha, it's wherever you go, but I also hope that you'll know that this place is your home, and your family are here. You don't need to think about your purpose and place, you're here and now and that's all that matters." I say to him softly.

Inuyasha doesn't say anything I can hear him breathing in a rhythmic pace.

"Go ahead and put it on." He finally says.

I open my eyes in surprise slightly, so he's accepting it?

"You're accepting it?" I ask him.

"It's going to look stupid, but you made it with intentions and it's a gift for me...so I'll accept it." He says clearing his throat.

I smile and nod, I then raise my hands up and I lean closer to Inuyasha. I can feel his presence up close, his warmth radiating off of his body. I can feel his breathing next to my cheek as I move my hands behind his neck, his long hair brushing against my skin tickles. The bell rings gently from the movement, I can hear light whooshes above, and faint flapping. I think he's twitching his ears due to the bell. I find my other fingers behind his neck and I tie the ribbon together behind his neck and finally into a knot. Inuyasha's breathing feels so calm and relax next to me, it's warm and soothing. It sends light goosebumps through my body due to the proximity, I feel my heart thumping. I then back up and smile.

"I don't know how it looks but hopefully it isn't too bad." I say.

I hear the bell chime and echos through the room, he must of flicked it to create a sound that loud. The bell only releases faint chimes with light movements such as walking but it can be loud if you flick it or hit it intentionally.

"I suppose it's alright. If I wear this you need to wear one too so I won't be the only one." Inuyasha says with a huff.

"Alright, if it will make you feel better." I say with a chuckle.

Luckily I bought another bell, I use the scissors and open up the metal ring and close it around the knob on the bell and then put the ribbon through the ring. I then hold it out, I then realized how short the ribbon is, it won't go around my neck.

"I don't think it's long enough for my neck." I say frowning.

"Looks like it, but at least it should go around your wrist, here." Inuyasha says taking the charm from my hand.

He then uses his other hand to take mine, I feel his big warm hand around mine and his long finger nails gliding along my skin. How soothing. He flips my hand over and slide my kimono sleeve up slightly. He then ties the ribbon around my wrist and ties a knot, the bell rings gently from the movements. I can't help but focus on his fingers touching my skin as he moves, it's warm where his grip his. I feel my heart beating fast. Why am I feeling this way? I know that I wanted to help him that I made this gift, but why do I feel this way when he placed the bracelet on my wrist? I begin to think about things, why do I want to help him so much? Why do I want to hear him laugh? And why does my heart ache for him when he's sad? So many thoughts are going through my mind that I feel lost in emptiness, why do I smile when I tease Inuyasha and why do I want to talk to him? Since when did he became someone special to me? Why do I wish to see him smile, and why do I feel happy when I'm with him? His warmth is so evident whenever he's nearby since that day that he carried me on his back, then we he leaves, the cold winter air dawns on me. Why does it seem like everything revolves around him? Why is my heart pounding just from his slight touch on my skin? I furrow my brows as I'm lost in the endless questions in my head.

"Done, say it doesn't look half bad." Inuyasha's voice says in a light tone.

Inuyasha's voice, it cuts through my thoughts like a knife bringing back my senses. I then feel him flick the bell on my wrist and the heavenly sound of the chime echos through the room, I lift my eyes slightly. Although I can't see, but after hearing that bell chime and Inuyasha's voice bringing me back to reality, everything all of a sudden becomes so clear and full of colors. 


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