Love and Understanding

Dance With Me

- EUNBI UNNIE! WHERE ARE YOU? Chaewon shouted on the other side of the line.

- Chaewon! I'm sorry, I got distracted here..

- I already saw that you are very distracted.. well, in love!! Anyway, I need to go, I'm at Minju's door... see you after your class?

- Yes, yes, I'll see you… good luck and see you later!

- See you, unnie!


- Who were you talking to, Chaewon unnie? Who will you “see later”? - said Minju, already waiting in front of the door, with an angry face.

- Eunbi unnie - replied the youngest - I had to tell her that I wasn’t going to have lunch with her today, because you called me at the last minute!

- Oh right... - Minju continued looking to her girlfriend with that face.

- Don’t tell me that you are jealous of Eunbi! , Minju, she was the one who “brought” us together ..

- Jealousy? No no, I just wanted to know... the frown is because you took too long, unnie! I thought you won’t going here...

- You're not serious, are you? Your home is on the other side of the city…. you told me very late that her parents wanted to meet me… the traffic was like a hell, I came as fast as I could!

- They decided that at the last minute ... they want to meet the "only friend I have"!

- But I'm not only your friend!

- It must be because I only talk about you here at home..

Chaewon could no longer hide the frustration of knowing that Minju was going to introduce her to her parents as a friend, not as what they really were - girlfriends. The youngest ended up realizing:

- Chaewon unnie? Why are you sad? Are you tired? Did something happen to you today? Come here, talk to me - she said, pulling the older girl into a tight hug.

When they were about to kiss, Minju heard her parents' voice calling to her and immediately left. “This is all very strange… there is something wrong here,” Chaewon thought, noticing her girlfriend's fearful expression.

- Minju, my daughter, don't just stand there! Bring your friend inside, otherwise the food will get cold - said Ms Kim, politely, but a little coldly - in Chaewon's opinion.

The two promptly answered the order, went up the stairs - it was a short flight - and entered. Chaewon was amazed at the beauty of Minju's home; although not as big as hers, it looked more cozy, more colorful. Soon, the good smell of the food stopped her from noticing the details of the decoration.

- Chaewon! Chaewon! Wake up, come and say hello to my parents - said Minju, nudging her girlfriend with her elbow.

- Han? O-oops, I'm sorry, I just smelled that wonderful smell and got distracted! Good afternoon, Mr and Ms Kim, my name is Chaewon and I am very happy to be here! Thank you very much for invite me!

- No problem, welcome - Ms Kim looked directly at Chaewon - you can sit down, we're late.

- Too late! - said Mr Kim, visibly irritated. - I'm late for work .. why did it take so long, miss? Didn't Minju warn you in time? I just wanted to have lunch with the girl my daughter lives talking about all day, to get to know who she is .. my daughter can't walk with “wrong people”, see? I want to be sure that you’re not one.

- DAD ... please ... don't start - Minju blushed with embarrassment.

- She did warn me... I was at school, and at that time the traffic is very heavy... forgive me for being late.

For a few minutes, the atmosphere was already a little heavy. Minju's father spared no words and lunch turned into an interrogaory. Chaewon had to answer practically all kind of questions, from where she lived, what she studied, when, how and why she became Minju’s friend…. “The typical overprotective father… what I don't do for my Minju, isn’t it?” While at the same time, the mother showed herself a kind person, always praising Chaewon, admiring the fact that she engaged in her studies and had high ambitions in life, almost thanking her on her knees for being friends with her daughter and schoolmate, whom she thought she needed ~ an incentive ~ to grow in life.

- Now I must go, miss - said Mr Kim, getting up and leaving the dining room. - But before I go, I want to know one last thing.

- Whatever you want, Mr Kim-  Chaewon replied promptly.

- I already saw that you are a great friend for my daughter. Please help her not to mess with certain companies out there... Minju needs to focus more on her life and studies.

- Minju is a very sensible girl, you don't have to worry about her like that... but anyway, I promise to take care of her!

Mr Kim thanked him and left, leaving the three women still at the dinner table, talking.



As soon as she heard the sound of the door closing, Ms Kim spoke in a straightforward way:

- Minju, I want to say: I know that you and your friend are together!

- Of course, mom! No wonder she's my friend, right? - Minju said, hitting her forehead with the palm of her hand.

- Y-yes, we are good and best friends, inseparable!

- You two understood me very well! ! Of course you are dating! You almost kissed my daughter in front of my house, Chaewon!

- Ms Kim, this isn’t what happened, I was just -

- Do you think you are managed to hide it? - Ms Kim interrupted Chaewon's words - You know what will happen if your father finds out, don't you? He already sent her older sister to the country because of that, do you want to be next?

- No, of course not - replied Minju, literally shaking.

- Do you have an older sister?? Chaewon asked, surprised. - You never told me that!

- Yes, I have.. Kim Sejeong... my father found out she dating another girl and got so angry that he threw her out of the house.. he wants us to marry with boys, not girls ..

Chaewon now understood why Minju was so frightened earlier, why she never wanted to talk about dating publicly, why she always introduced her as a friend… “Minju's father can hold hands with Eunbi's mother! What a closed minds”, She thought over and over.

- But I suspected it a long time ago - Ms Kim turned to Chaewon - my daughter just talked about you, over and over, about how she feels about you.. “oh Chaewon helped me get that choreography”, “Chaewon taught a new dance",  Chaewon is so good to me"... it wasn’t hard to see that my daughter was in love. That's why I convinced my husband to call you here. I wanted to see if you are everything she says.. and yes, my daughter deserves someone like you on her side!

- But mom, my dad will never let us be together ..

- I'll solve it with him, Minju, don’t worry! I'm going to hide it from him for now, and you can calm down. Just don't show it up too much, okay?

Chaewon was even more confused. How could a woman so understanding and kind as she became married with that rude man? But she was grateful. Finally, she really understood Minju, what she was going through, the reasons for her internal conflicts and was more than ready to love her and make her happy.

- Thank you so much, mom! I love you! - Minju threw herself into her mother's arms and hugged her tightly, while was earning a lot of kisses in her forehead.

Chaewon was ready to thank Ms Kim for her confidence when the phone rang. "Aish, that phone always rings at the wrong time." When she saw who was calling, she immediately answered:

- Hello, Eunbi unnie?

- Chaewon-ah.. I want to apologize to you! I know we agreed to see you later, but I'll be a little late...

- Why? What happened? By the time, your class should be over.

- Precisely... Chaeyeon wants to talk to me...

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CarolCarmo #1
Chapter 2: I wonder what happened to Chaeyeon... I patiently wait to read more. :) :)
Jjaeyeon0111 #2
Chapter 1: Nice story?