Seeing Ghosts

Sentai AU - The Bonds of Time

Officers and medics scramble to the four cadets. Chorong is still cradling Hyerim in her arms. Medics frantically try to pry her away, only succeeding after multiple attempts. Bomi quickly grabs Chorong, struggling to keep her steady. Knowing nothing can console her, Bomi can only hold onto her, only hoping that eventually, she can calm down, even if it seems hopeless.

"What do we do now?" Hayoung asks quietly after a while.

"Yea... what can we do? They've escaped..."

After a long pause, someone speaks.

"We go after them."

"Are you serious, unnie?!" Bomi blurts.

"We have no choice! They've escaped and it's our job to stop them now."

"She's absolutely right," a voice says.


"Follow me! We have no time to waste!"

Just then, they feel the building rumble for several seconds, before suddenly stopping.

"SHOOT! They must've found a ship to time travel with! Quickly!"

"W-w-wait..." Namjoo stutters. "T-t-time travel?!"

They all scramble to the depths of the building. Then, they reach room SB129. "This is it," the Captain says. When the heavy metal doors open, they find a massive void in the center of the room.

"Oh no... they've stolen the mothership... only the Beta is left."

"Beta?" Hayoung asks. "Like a prototype?"

"It's a long story. Out of concern, we only built three ships. One of them, the Alpha, became lost in time. Thus, we installed tracking on the Beta as well as the eventual mothership. In fact, we installed tracking to allow the two to track each other. I'll show you."

On the Beta, the Captain pulls up a screen. "There. Looks like the year 2016. A tumultuous period in human history if memory serves me right."

"How do you know history from a millennium ago?" Bomi asks.

"You don't remember from history class?" Namjoo asks.

"Quiet!" Chorong snaps.

"Anyhow, I need all four of you to take the Beta and head to the year 2016 to stop Khan. As I warned you, Cadet Park, history may change as soon as one travels through time."

"And the case?" Hayoung asks.

"Your morphers are inside. A descendent of Detective Jung will be needed to unlock them for your use, so you will need to find one if you are to use them."

"So that means..." Bomi mutters.

"Yes. The four of you are Rangers. Anyhow, capture Khan at all costs. We need them alive."

"What about you, Captain?" Chorong asks.

"I need to stay here. We will develop a new ship for use in case as a Plan B, and will arrive in one year's time, relative to when you arrive."

"Understood, Captain. Namjoo, get to the controls! Set course for 2016!"

"Two more things, Cadet Park," the Captain says as she hands her another briefcase that she's been holding. "Firstly, this stores some of our top information. I'm entrusting you with it as some of it can help you capture Khan. Cadet Oh should be quite handy with it."

"Yes, Captain. What's the other?"

The Captain pauses for a moment. "Lastly, I'm promoting you to Detective. It will allow me to assign you this task which I'll file as a new case. You will now succeed Detective Jung. Best of luck."

Chorong, with her eyes watering ever so slightly, gives the Captain one last salute before the latter departs. "Understood, Captain."


As the cadets hop into their seats, Namjoo prepares to launch. "Ready?"

"Let's do it."

Namjoo hits the switch.

In an instant, their bodies feel like they're being pulled apart as they travel through time. They desperately try to hold on for dear life, but they feel themselves slowly give out...


Blackness. Then, a smell of smoke.

Where... am I? Chorong says in her head. Why is it black... when there's smoke? Oh no! Soon, her eyes open to find the Beta's interior filling with smoke. Then, she sees her fellow cadets still in their seats. "GUYS! WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE!" Frantically, she goes to Hayoung, Bomi, and then Namjoo. As she gets to Namjoo's seat, she sees fire in front of the windshield. "Namjoo! Namjoo! Quick! GET UP!"

"Unnie... wait. What's going on?!"

"The case! Where is it?" Hayoung screams. "Unnie?"

"I got it!" Bomi yells. "Let's get the heck out of here!"

The four cadets scramble outside, finding themselves high up in the mountains. Then, as they hobble several meters down, the Beta behind them explodes in a great, big bang.

"How... do we get back now?" Namjoo asks, face full of horror.

There's a long pause.

"The Captain will meet us here in one year's time," Chorong says. "Until then, we're on our own." She then opens the case. Inside lay the five morphers, four encircling one in the middle. The middle one being Hyerim's. Quickly, she grabs the four others and gives three of them to the others, along with a pair of sunglasses. "This gear is going to help us find Khan," she says as she dons her own pair of sunglasses. She then toggles the side of the frames. "Let's see where we are... Busan, April 19, 2016."

"Wow, we really made it! Now let's see where the mothership is!" Hayoung pipes.

"We won't know where it is. With the Beta gone, we can't track it anymore," Namjoo says.

"Then let's use these to track where they are," Chorong announces, pointing to her sunglasses. "Their information remains in the database even after their initial capture."

"I guess you'll be our leader, unnie," Bomi says.

"Wait... what about our morphers? Didn't the captain say we needed a descendant? What did she mean by that?"

"Someone with close enough DNA," Chorong says. "The morphers are locked by DNA. We need to unlock the Red one first before we can use our own. Just put them on your wrist for now."

"I see... well which colors are we?" Hayoung asks.

"There's only four other colors, and honestly it probably won't matter," Namjoo says.

"Alrighty then," Bomi says. "Lead the way, unnie!"


The four head off towards the city before going their separate ways, each scourging through Busan's various districts. People mountain, people sea. EVERYWHERE.

"There's so many people..." Hayoung says through her morpher in a secluded corner.

"Yea, well keep your eyes peeled," Bomi says.

"Wait! I think I see someone!" Namjoo says.

"Where?!" Chorong snaps.

"Haeundae. I think it's Jennie."

"Keep tailing her! We'll meet you there!"


Chorong makes haste to Haeundae. Finally. A lead. Maybe now we can make some progress on capturing those thugs.

Soon, she finds Namjoo waiting at the edge of a beach. "I saw her somewhere here, unnie."

"Great work, Namjoo."

"Say... have you gotten any weird looks? I just realized we're still wearing our bland uniforms."

"No. Why are you worrying about that?"

"I'm not worrying! It's just something I noticed, that's all."

"Well stay focused, Namjoo. I know you care deeply about your looks, but please try to stay on task."

"Sorry, unnie..."

"Unnie!" It's Bomi, with Hayoung panting behind.

"So, Namjoo, Jennie is here?"

"Yea, somewhere here."

"Let's split up along the beach and see if we can find her," Chorong announces.

They all search across the beach. There's a good amount of people that are out on the beach that they don't need to concern themselves with. Yet these strangers are all looking at them.

"It's a good thing it isn't too warm out. I would have melted!" Hayoung says.

"Yea, well our outfits definitely seem out of place," Namjoo says uncomfortably.

On the other side, Chorong comes across a tent on the edge. She then sees Jennie walk inside. "There she is! Bomi! Hayoung! Namjoo, get over here quick!" she says through her morpher. As Chorong walks forward, she's all of a sudden tackled to the ground.

"Gotcha now, you scrub!"

"Well, well, well. Nice work, Jonghoon. It looks like we've caught the cadet. I'm surprised you managed to survive." It's Jung Joonyoung, one of the freed leaders of Khan. Soon, Jennie emerges from the tent, smirking at the sight. "It's a pity y'all never suspected me. You could have avoided all of this. And even so, your girlfrie-" Jennie then notices the ring on Chorong's finger. "...fiancé might still be alive!"


"Quiet, you insolent scum!" Jonghoon scolds.

"Oh, we're going to have fun with you," Jung Joonyoung says with an oily voice. "Along with your pathetic friends!" he yells.

"You won't get the- GAH!"

"Pathetic disgrace!" Jung Joonyoung says.

Then, a chair comes flying at his head. "Ugh!"

Before anyone could react, an umbrella hits Jonghoon as everyone tries to react to the sudden chaos. Chorong finds herself free and quickly begins to beat on Jonghoon.

"Come on, Jennie!" Jung Joonyoung says as he gets his bearings. "Let's get back to the boss."

"What about Jonghoon-oppa?"

"He can handle himself, now let's go!"

Chorong attempts to handle Jonghoon, but his genetic superhuman abilities give him the upper hand. As he's about to land a deathly blow, a mysterious figure kicks him away.

"Who would... ergh! it doesn't matter!" Jonghoon yells as he throws a smoke bomb at their feet.


When the smoke clears, Jonghoon is gone. Chorong struggles to get to her feet.

"Need a hand?" a voice says.

"Yea... thanks."

"I did them pretty good, didn't I?"

Wait... that voice... Chorong says in her head as she slowly gets up.

"I'm Eunji, by the way. You alright?"

Soon, Chorong is staring face to face with the mysterious person. She can't even believe it. With her heart racing, her hands naturally find their way to her face, the image she sees in front of her blurring quickly.

"What's the matter? You look like you've just seen a ghost!"


Just then, Bomi, Namjoo, and Hayoung arrive.

"Unnie!" Namjoo calls.

"Hey, unnie..." Bomi says. "Are you-" she then turns around to see the person next to her and promptly gasps.

"Wait... wow!" Hayoung exclaims.

"Unbelievable..." Namjoo mutters.

"What?" Eunji says. "What's going on?"

"She looks exactly like her!" Bomi says as her hands impulsively touch Eunji's cheeks.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..." Eunji says with a chuckle as she lowers Bomi's hands. "Her?"

"O-oh! I- it's nothing!" Chorong says. "Err... th-thank you very much f-for helping me!"

"Oh, well alright. If you need any help, just find me here," Eunji says as she hands them a card. "See ya!"

They all stare in disbelief as Eunji heads off to parts unknown.


Will Eunji be the one to unlock the morphers? What did Jung Joonyoung mean by "survive"? What will Kwon Jiyong make of the news? Find out next chapter!


A/N: So yea... I figured that I'd kind of play with Eunji's birthname and current name for this adaptation. And yes, for those that know of how Time Force went, I'm curious as to who you think corresponds to who with regards to Khan.

I hope y'all have enjoyed another chapter!

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read_fanfic #1
Chapter 18: Can’t wait for eunrong hehehe
read_fanfic #2
Chapter 17: Thanks for the updates!
Ydvvfjkch #3
Dear son naeun wishing you very happy birthday!!!
1241 streak #4
Chapter 6: Thanks for update ^^
yooondeer #5
Chapter 5: yay Eunrong tagging !! ^^
1241 streak #6
Chapter 4: Super great and I'm in for EunRong!!! ^0^ <3
yooondeer #7
Chapter 4: interesting fic. Eunrong ?