The Pandemic Brought Us Together

Exo One-Shots 2020
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“What are you doing? Get the bigger cart, Soo.” Baekhyun grabs Eunsoo’s wrist before she could grab the grocery cart.

            “Baek, we are only getting enough food for 2 weeks. The quarantine isn’t supposed to last longer than that.” She gives him a questioning look.

            “Let’s be honest here, we both know how much I eat when I am bored.” He walks over to the bigger carts and pulls one free and walks into the store making sure Eunsoo is following behind. “Also, the news says 2 weeks for now, but we can’t be certain if something may happen between now and then to make it last longer.” She sighs at Baekhyun but doesn’t argue. While Eunsoo is grabbing all the ingredients for the list of dinners and foods they decided to make while trapped in their apartment he would occasionally tell her to double what she is getting for certain foods so they could have it twice.

            “Baekhyun some of this food won’t last that long.” She reminds him, but he just gives her a cocky smile.

            “We can freeze it and thaw it as we need it, babo.” Baekhyun walks past her and down one of the snack isles. “I will get us plenty of snacks. If we split up and I get the snacks and you get the meals, we will get done faster.” Eunsoo shakes her head as she continues to get ingredients. She knew she could trust Baekhyun to know what snacks to get her since they had been best friends for 4 years, she just worried about how much he would get for her. The boy always tended to get as much for her as he would get for himself forgetting that her appetite was no where close to as big as his.

            Not even 5 minutes later Baekhyun is back with his arms full of tons of snacks. "I am going to have to make multiple trips.”

            “We don’t need a whole store worth of snacks, Byun Baekhyun.” Eunsoo protests. As he dumps the snacks into the cart.

            “This is not enough for even 1 week for me.” He turns around and jogs back towards the snacks. He is lucky he works out every day or he would be really fat, Eunsoo thinks to herself. After another half hour of shopping they come together near the cash registers. Baekhyun throws the last of the snacks into the cart ready to check out.

            “Your paying for this trip.” Eunsoo says as she looks at the almost overflowing cart. Baekhyun looks at her like she is crazy.

            “We agreed to go halfsies this time.” He whines with the cutest pout Eunsoo has ever seen on his lips.

            “I didn’t expect you to want to buy the whole store when we agreed to that.” She starts putting on food on the conveyer to be scanned while Baekhyun goes to the other end and starts putting their shopping in another cart to be able to take to their car.

            “How about this I will pay for the trip, but you at least pay me back a third of it.” He argues. “It’s only fair since you will be eating the food too.” He pouts again. Baekhyun knows Eunsoo can’t stand when he pouts at her.

            “Fine.” She sighs. They slowly finish and pay for their groceries. Eunsoo helps load the bags into the car then takes the cart back into the store. Once home Baekhyun carries the groceries inside while Eunsoo puts them away. This has been the way they have always dealt with the groceries since they moved in together about 2 years ago. Baekhyun had told Eunsoo that he didn’t want her getting hurt trying to carry the heavy bags up the 2 flights of stairs, but she had refused to be useless. So, they agreed that she would put the groceries away while he brought the in. When everything is put away and organized to her liking, she joins Baekhyun on the couch. “What do we do now?” she looks at him. He smiles back at her then wraps an arm around her shoulders.

            “We enjoy at least 2 weeks alone, just the two of us.” Baekhyun chirps before turning back to the movie he had . From anyone on the outside it would seem like Eunsoo and Baekhyun were just your average couple, but surprisingly they were just friends who lived together. If Eunsoo had her way they would be more than just friends. Unfortunately, she is scared to tell him the truth about her feelings because she is scared he will leave her. Too many people have left Eunsoo throughout her life, and the last thing she wants it to lose the most important friend she has ever had. She honestly worries that being stuck in their apartment for 2 full weeks all day, every day with him that her feelings might end up being revealed anyways. Taking precautions, she plans to keep some distance from him in hopes he won’t notice.

            Eunsoo scoots away from Baekhyun pushing his hand off her in the process. He turns and gives her a confused look. “What’s wrong?”

            “Nothing I am just feeling a little hot is all” She shrugs her shoulders. It was hard for her to move away from him when all she wanted to do was lean into his side and cuddle like they usually do. After the movie was over, she decides it was probably best for her to retreat to her room. “I am going to bed early.”

            “Whhhyyy?” Baekhyun whines. “I want to hang out more.”

            “I am just really tired, Baek. We can hang out tomorrow okay?” Eunsoo refuses to look at his face because she knows if he is pouting, she won’t be able to actually leave. She gets up from the couch and starts to walk back towards her room.

            “Are you sure you are okay, Soo.” Baekhyun grabs her hand to stop her. Eunsoo doesn’t look back at him. “You want me to come with you till you fall asleep. You are worrying me.”

            She pushes his hand off hers, “I really am just tired Baekhyun. I will be fine on my own.” She walks into her room and closes the door before Baekhyun can protest any further. He walks over to her door and puts his ear to it. Baekhyun always worries about Eunsoo. When he first met her, she was scared to trust anyone. A lot had happened when she was younger that made her have some issues, anxiety and depression were the main ones. He knows that being in public crowded areas can sometimes affect her. When he doesn’t hear anything through the door, he places his forehead against it bringing his hand up to rest on it. Please just let me in Eunsoo. I want to help. Baekhyun thinks to himself.

            Days go by and Eunsoo continues trying to keep her distance from Baekhyun. He is starting to worry that he did something wrong cause the only time she really talks to him is when she is yelling at him. Today is no different, “BYUN BAEKHYUN!” she screams.

            He comes running into the kitchen ready to kick because he thinks she sounds panicked, “What, what’s wrong?” he looks around.

            “I told you 3 hours ago to do the dishes and take the trash out. Why are they still both not done?” Eunsoo growls. Baekhyun calms down when he sees there is no threat.

            “That’s what you are screaming about?” Baekhyun sighs. “I was worried someone got in and was attacking you or something.”

            “This is serious Baekhyun. It’s no time for jokes.” She starts gripping the dirty plate in her hands tighter.

            “I am being serious, Eunsoo. I was legit worried for your safety. What is wrong with you right now?” he takes a step towards her.

            “What’s wrong with me?! What’s wrong? Everyday I have asked you to help around the apartment and you don’t. Baekhyun I still have to work. Even though normally I am the one to do more around this place since I work from home anyway, it would be nice for some help occasionally.” Eunsoo takes a step back matching the one he took forward and it doesn’t go unnoticed by him.

            “I was going to do it, Eunsoo. I just got a little distracted.” He notices her hands are starting to shake. “Calm down it is okay. I will do it all right now. Just breath.”

            “I am just angry because you have been putting off chores all week and…” Eunsoo can’t think. She has been having such a hard week so far. Her bosses have been putting a lot of pressure on her to write more blog posts since the quarantine is going on to ‘help those stuck at home have something to look forward to’. Usually she would normally use her time with Baekhyun to calm down her stress and anxiety since he always knew how to help her relax and forget her problems. Though since she has been trying to put some space between herself and him, she has been struggling to keep her thoughts straight, which in the end makes it harder to write blog posts and in turn causes her more stress.

            “Eunsoo tell me what is wrong? It’s not just the chores. You have been avoiding me all week. If I did something wrong just tell me. But I can’t fix a problem if I don’t know what the problem is to begin with.” Baekhyun keeps taking slow steps towards her and with each step he takes towards her she takes one back.

            Eventually she is backed into a corner. “There is nothing wrong Baekhyun. I have just been busy with work. That’s it. That’s all.” Eunsoo’s hands are shaking more now that she is backed into a corner and her grip on the plate gets even stronger.

            “You kn

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Hey Guys I know I have been bad at keeping with my own schedule. Been having a time of it bc I stuck in the middle of a depressive episode. I will definitely be typing and post Chanyeol and Chen's OS in the next 2 weeks and hopefully I will be able to get Baekhyun's up on time as well.


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Nicole121314 #1
Chapter 4: So adorable Kyungsoo and Hana hehe...
BubuBaek_Na94 #2
Chapter 7: Awwww! Adorable!!!