School project

Balancing act

Over the next few days, Jin had been working on a project for school. He got paired up with a girl from class for the project and she was coming to his house soon to work on it together. Jin woke up and started cleaning the house and making food for them before she got there. The others were at work or in class. Namjoon woke up groggily and snuck up behind Jin, wrapping his arms arms his waist and resting his chin on his shoulder. He placed a gentle kiss on his neck. Jin smiled.

"Good morning." Namjoon mumbled.

"Hi sweetheart." Jin answered.

"I have company coming today. A classmate and I are working on a project together."

"Oh really?" Namjoon mumbled, sleepily.

Jin nodded.

"She will probably be here late just so you know..if you come home late."

Namjoon nodded.

"I close so I'll be there late. I should get ready now." He said, squeezing Jin playfully before leaving to get ready.

Jin finished cleaning and sat on the couch. Namjoon came out freshly showered and dressed for work. Jin smiled, blushing. Namjoon smirked back at him.

"What's with you?" He asked.

Jin chuckled, looking away. 

"N-nothing." He said.

Namjoon shook his head, smiling.

"I'll see you later tonight, my love." He stated with a kiss to Jin's forehead.

Jin smiled, nodding happily.

"Don't work too hard, baby." He called before hearing the door shut. 

He sighed happily.

"God I'm so lucky. How did I wind up with someone so attractive?" He said out loud to no one specifically

A few hours passed and his class mate showed up. She seemed dominant in wanting to do everything for the project. Whenever Jin would try to offer to help or add something to the project, she would brush him off. He rolled his eyes, getting annoyed.

"You know, it's supposed to be a partner project..."

"No. You'll just mess it up." She answered coldly.

He narrowed his eyes. 

"If you're not going to let me do anything then why are you even here?" He questioned. 

"So that I had somewhere else to go. I didn't want to stay home."  

He nodded. 

"Uh...excuse me a second.." he said quietly, going to his room.

He shut the door behind him quickly calling Namjoon.


"Babe...can you come home? She's not letting me help with anything. I need an excuse for her to leave."

Namjoon chuckled softly.

"I'm sorry honey, I can't just leave. But hmm...tell her your parents are calling or something and you want to be left alone?" 

After they ended the call, Jin back to her working vigorously on the project.

"You need to leave." He said, firmly.

She laughed.

"But we aren't done yet." 

"I'll work on go's getting late." 

"'ll mess it-"

"How do you know? You haven't let me do one thing since we were assigned to work together." 

She rolled her eyes.

"Fine. But send me pictures every time you add something so I know you won't screw up." 

She left without any more fuss. Jin sat down reading over everything she'd done so far. He sighed trying to match his work to hers. Hours passed and he was passed out at the table. Namjoon carefully opened the door, noticing Jin. He smiled, shaking him gently.

"Jin? Baby? Wake up." 

Jin's eyes fluttered open.

"Hmm? What time is it?" He whispered.

"1 am." Namjoon answered, looking at his watch.

"You're home late." Jin said.

"I told you I would, come on. Let's go to bed." He said, calmly.

"B-but...I still have the project to work on" he said with a big yawn.

Namjoon shook his head.

"No. Work on it tomorrow. You have time." 

Jin tiredly followed Namjoon to his bedroom, Namjoon leading him by holding his hand. Namjoon made Jin change into pajamas at least before crawling into bed. Jin crawled up to Namjoon, flopping in Namjoon's warm embrace. 

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LissaChocs #1
Chapter 7: lol so cute