
EXO Fanfiction Recommendations
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The Water's Embrace, by Cellywelly:  Go have your spine lightly chilled. Genres:  Mermaid AU, Siren AU The ocean has always made her feel at ease. Where is Our Child, by Sugar-and-Salt:  Peak suburban gothic.  Takes place in full daylight, but you'll still have chills racing up your spine.  Queen of suspense. Genres:  Horror, Mystery, Soft Horror One day a family sent their son to check up on a relative, thinking nothing into it.
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Chapter 3: Darkness falls (vampire junmyeon) was too cute! thanks for the recs <3
Chapter 5: I realized that after looking over the Baekhyun list that Vampire Baek just might have a stake in your heart.
Chapter 10: Caught in the web was very good!
Chapter 5: Omggg there are so much fics!! And your description really makes me want to read it now. Hahah and ohmy god i love love love amorous design! Words cant describe how i felt towards that masterpiece! Totally wrecked me and i'm not kid you, i cant read that again without getting flashback from the first i read it. It JUST BEAUTIFUL. *chef kiss. I still remember, i finished it on the train on my way for work, and the first thing i did in the office i go into the corner and bawled my eyes out! Hahaha
Chapter 9: Went to Tumblr to read Half Love. It is awesome, great recommendation. Thank you
Chapter 9: Awww I just read the Jongin Catboy stories-- so freaking cute!!