Chapter 7

The Girl and the Monster (feat. BTS' RM and Jun Jung Kook)

*~*Chapter 7*~*


I scrubbed the tub. After Jung Kook ran out, I went after him, but he had already driven away, leaving me alone in the house with RM. I didn’t know what else to do, so I just started cleaning. RM was still locked in his room. What he’s doing in there, I have no idea.

I the water. The faucet gurgled and spat before a spray of water came out. I grabbed the detachable shower head and rinsed out the tub.

There! Now all there’s left to clean is the piano room. I’ll leave RM’s room for him to clean by himself.

I grabbed a handful of garbage bags, a box of Swiffer dusters, and a broom and dustpan before heading for the piano room.

I started picking up the wallpaper and shards of broken frame and glass, carefully stuffing them into the garbage bag. 

“What do you think you’re doing?” RM’s voice suddenly split through the air. 

I whirled around. When did he leave his room?

RM glowered at me from the doorway. “Who told you to come in here?!” he demanded, advancing towards me. His rancid B.O. filled the air. My stomach heaved as he drew closer.

I fell back a step. “J—Jung Kook wanted me to clean,” I replied.

“Don’t you dare touch a thing in this room!!” he roared, snatching the garbage bag from me. “Who the do you think you are to come into my house like this?!” 

“I—I’m sorry,” I stammered as I backed away. “I—I’m supposed to take care of you and—” I bumped into the piano, falling against the keys. Low notes rang out, vibrating throughout the room.

RM’s eyes grew wide, anger instantly lighting up inside them. “GET OUT!!” he screamed, flinging the garbage bag to the ground. 

“I’m so sorry,” I gushed, jumping to my feet and trying to catch my balance.

“Get out! Get OUT! GET OUT!!!!!!” he roared. The glass on the windows rattled.

Panic spiked through my veins. I wanted nothing more than to leave. I dashed towards the door. As I passed him, I held my breath, careful to not touch him. His bloodshot eyes shot through me. 

I stumbled into the hallway. My legs wobbled as I dashed towards the stairs. My heart pounded with fear. I grabbed the railing and started down the steps. In my haste, I missed a step and fell with a scream. I tumbled down the remaining steps and finally rolled to a stop at the bottom of the staircase. My body ached with pain. My shoulder and knees throbbed. There was a slight ringing in my ears.

I pulled into a sitting position. A whimper escaped my throat. Tears stung my eyes.

Suddenly, a slow, sad melody drifted out the piano room and echoed down the hall. It floated down to me at the bottom of the steps.

I pulled to my feet. This song was different from the one he had played earlier. This one sang of heartbreak and longing for his lost love. But this time, it held an optimistic note, as if saying he was waiting for her to return to him.

I looked up the stairs. How long has RM been hurting? How long has he been waiting? And who is this girl who left him, broken and scarred? 

Before I knew it, I found myself going back up the stairs, clutching the railing for support. When I finally reached the top, I inched my way to the piano room, using the wall to support me. I finally reached the room. I leaned against the door and peeked inside. RM sat by the piano. His eyes were closed as he played.

He looks so calm now…

Then I saw the tears. They slipped out one by one, each one cascading down his face and disappearing into his mustache. His hands started to tremble, and the notes began meshing together. He lowered his head and rocked gently to the rhythm of the notes.

The reason why he doesn’t want me in the room: is it because it will erase her memories in here?

I watched as more tears slipped down his face. He continued to play, but the music no longer flowed together. It was just a mess of notes now. A sob suddenly escaped his throat. In that instant, he fell forward and sobbed, his shoulders heaving up and down with each cry. 

I wanted to go to him, to hold him, to tell him that everything was going to be all right, but because I was afraid of him, because I was scared he was going to yell at me again, I turned away and hobbled back down the stairs.


I wrapped my arms around myself as I sat outside the house in the dark. The moon floated high in the sky. Crickets chirped all around. Leaves rustled in the breeze.

For some reason, seeing RM cry pained me. I couldn’t help but wonder who his fiancée was and why she had broken up with him just two days before their wedding.

Was there another man? Could she not commit herself to a lifelong relationship?

But I felt all those were wrong assumptions. There had been so much love in that room; I could’ve sworn I felt it. But then again, it was only my imagination. How could I have seen into RM’s memories? It’s clearly impossible...isn’t it?

I sighed and leaned forward, wrapping my arms around my knees. Maybe the music just got the best of me.

Suddenly I heard a car engine. Bright headlights washed over me. I pulled to my feet. A black BMW slowed to a stop in front of the house. The driver’s door opened, and Jung Kook stepped out.

“Jung Kook!” I cried. I hobbled off the porch.

“Kyungi!” He dashed to the gate separating us. “What happened? Are you hurt?” he asked, reaching through the gate for me.

I smiled as his hands clasped around mine. I shook my head. “I’m fine.”

“What happened? Why are you limping?”

“I’m fine,” I repeated, meeting his eyes. “Honestly.”

“I’m so sorry,” he started. “I got so mad at RM that I took off without you. I even forgot that I had brought you here! I came back as soon as I remembered! Why didn’t you call me?” he asked, looking at me with his soft, brown eyes.

My heart melted as he gazed into my eyes. “I…” My throat grew parched. I tried to gulp, but I couldn’t. “I—I thought I should clean,” I said at last.

He let out an exasperated laugh. “Kyungi,” he said, shaking his head, smiling in amusement. He ran a hand through my hair.

My heart melted into his hand. “I’m fine, really,” I said with a grin. “You’re here now, and that’s all that matters.”

He smiled. “Come on; let’s get you out of here. Can you unlock the gate?” he asked, pointing to a white button to the right of where I was standing. 

I nodded and pressed it. A short buzz rang out, and the gate unlocked.

As I stepped out, Jung Kook’s eyes shifted to RM’s bedroom window. I looked over my shoulder and saw the curtains fluttering.

Had RM been watching this whole time?

“Come on; let’s go,” Jung Kook said and pulled me away. He helped me into his car.

As he leaned in to buckle me in, his platinum blonde hair brushed against my face. I blushed and pushed myself as far back against the seat as I could. My heart thudded in my chest. I was afraid he could hear it since we were so close.

“There!” he said as he clicked my seatbelt into place. He looked at me and smiled.

My mind raced, and my face grew hotter. I had never seen him so close up before. My face probably looks like a cherry tomato right now! Jung Kook looked even better up close, and his skin was flawless and baby soft. I had to fight back every ounce of me to keep from touching his face in awe.

He backed out of the passenger seat, and my heartbeat slowed back down. I watched as he rounded the car.

“Let’s get you home, shall we?” he asked as he climbed into the driver’s seat.

I nodded, unwilling to trust my voice.


“There you are, Kyungi!” my mother exclaimed as soon as I stepped foot into the restaurant.

“Where have you been?” my father demanded. “It’s almost 10! You were supposed to be back at 9!”

“You’re in trouble now~” Jae Hyuk sang from the back of the restaurant. I glared at him. He stuck his tongue out at me in response.

My parents suddenly grew hushed as Jung Kook entered. He bowed to each of them in turn. “I’m sorry I kept Kyungi longer than expected,” he apologized.

“Y—you were together?” my mother stammered, gripping my father’s arm for support.

“Yes, there was more work than expected, so it took longer than we had planned.”

My father glared at him. “Well, next time, have the decency to call ahead.”

“Yes, sir; I’m sorry,” Jung Kook said with another deep bow.

Dad cleared his throat at Jung Kook’s politeness. In a calmer voice, he asked, “She’s not causing any problems, is she?”

“No, she’s doing a great job keeping house. In fact, she’ll start cooking for him soon.”

“Cooking?” Jae Hyuk shrieked from the back and burst into a fit of laughter. “She can’t cook to save her life!”

“Shut up, Jae Hyuk!” I snapped.

“Yes, don’t be fooled, darling,” my mother said gently to Jung Kook. “She may work here, but she has no idea how to cook.”

Oh, God… I could feel my ears burning hot.

Jung Kook only smiled. “I trust her.” He paused. “Actually, that’s the reason why I’m here.”

I looked at him in surprise. Oh, no! Please don’t ask them now!

“I would like Kyungi to go live with him.”

I covered my face with my hands. Jae Hyuk started snickering.

“Jae Hyuk, go to the kitchen now!” my father demanded.

“Awww, man. Just when things got interesting,” he whined. But he didn’t argue any further and left.

My father looked back at Jung Kook. “I can’t have her living with a man she’s not married to!”

“Honey,” my mother piped in, “it makes sense to have Kyungi live with his friend since he has a heart condition; it’s important to have someone around him 24/7 just in case any complications arise.”

“Yes, exactly!” Jung Kook exclaimed. “And if Kyungi goes live with him, I’ll pay off her and Jae Hyuk’s tuition fees in exchange for her services. It will only require Kyungi to live with my friend for six months. After that, she can leave as she pleases.”

My mother grabbed my father’s arm. “A—all $35,000?” she asked.

Jung Kook nodded. “Yes, all $35,000.”

“B—but what about Kyungi?” my mother asked. “How will she pay for food and clothing?”

“Don’t worry; I will cover all of that for her.”

I looked at Jung Kook in surprise. When the heck did he decide all of this?

“What about us? What if she wants to visit us?”

“She can do anything as she pleases,” Jung Kook said. “If she wants to stay here a few nights, she can as long as my friend is still being taken care of.”

My mother nodded, apparently satisfied with his answer.

My father looked at me. He didn’t look pleased with it. “What if we want to visit her?”

Jung Kook thought a bit before replying, “You’re more than welcome to do that, but only after my friend’s condition improves.”

“Kyungi, what do you think about all of this?” my father asked me.

“I…” I looked at my parents and saw the bags under their eyes. I thought of how hard they struggled to just to raise enough money to pay for the first installment of our tuition fees. And here I am, with Jung Kook offering to pay off the whole bill in exchange for me to take care of RM for six months.

I looked first at my mom then my dad. I don’t want them to suffer anymore. I don’t want them to stress about money anymore. I want to be a good daughter and give them the life that they had worked so hard to provide for my brother and I.

Three pairs of eyes stared at me, awaiting my answer.

I gulped. My throat grew dry. “I—I think it’s a good idea,” I said at last.

A grin split across Jung Kook’s face. My mother cried and threw her arms around me.

“I can’t believe it!” she cried. “It’s like you’re getting married!”

“Mom~” I whined.

But for some reason, it really did feel that way. I’ll be cooking and cleaning for RM, just like how a housewife would.

My stomach twisted into a knot. I wonder how RM will take that idea.

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RParkSJ #1
Chapter 18: I love Hyungyi 😍 she’s so compassionate. She’s RM’s healer. And RM was galvanised to get out to buy pads! 😂
RParkSJ #2
Chapter 12: Why do I think that Yubi is not all sweetness and light?
RParkSJ #3
Chapter 11: Kyungi has a wonderful sense of humour! Jungkook is so cheeky. So I wonder who his secret love is?
RParkSJ #4
Chapter 3: How scary 😳 i wouldn’t want to work for a hostile, putrid smelling person in a fenced in house. RM what happened?
RParkSJ #5
Chapter 1: Ohh.. how promising. Thank you for making Kyung Hee “reachable”, and not out of this world :)
Chapter 10: I love it and I think Yubi maybe RM fiancé?