Chapter 1

The Girl and the Monster (feat. BTS' RM and Jun Jung Kook)

*~*Chapter 1*~*

I rested my elbows on the counter of my parents’ restaurant as I flipped through the channels to find something decent to watch on TV.

As usual, the place was empty without a single customer. It amazed me how my parents managed to keep this place open. What dumbfounded me even more was how we were even going to pay my college tuition and Jae Hyuk’s private high school tuition this year. A staggering $35,000. To some, it may not seem like a lot, but to us, it was worth a whole year’s salary.

A lump formed in my throat. Sometimes I think maybe attending college was a bad idea. My parents barely made enough money to put us through high school, and they really needed me here at the restaurant to help out since Jae Hyuk was a little prick who refused to do anything useful. Now with me attending university this year, how would we even survive?

“There is a man who loves me,” the narration drifted from the TV as scenery flashed by. The girl’s voice was both sweet and melancholy at the same time. I immediately recognized it as the beginning of Heart of Stone. It was the number one hit movie from this year that propelled newbie actress, Park Yubi, into the starlight.

Yubi’s face appeared on the screen as she stared out the train window. Landscapes rolled past, one blurring into another. “But I can never love him,” her narration continued, “because I was born with a heart of stone.”

I couldn’t help but admire her as I glued my eyes onto the TV. She was beautiful: a natural beauty with a perfect oval face, porcelain skin, full pink lips, doll-like brown eyes, and a high, sharp nose. Her hair was pitch black, a stark contrast against her pale skin. She was the epitome of the Asian beauty.

I caught my reflection in the large wall-to-wall mirror under the TV. Tan skin; round face; flat, button nose; thin lips; small, almond eyes; and medium brown hair tied up into a messy bun. To top it off, I wore a stained t-shirt, gray sweats, and a black apron with the words ‘Kalbi Time’ in a bold orange font across the chest. And did I mention the grease stains? Lovely.

I turned my attention away from the TV and looked down at my phone. I chewed my bottom lip as I scrolled through the part-time job listings. If I got another part-time job elsewhere, I could continue to help my family out. That way they wouldn’t have to keep worrying about our tuition fees.

The bell over the door suddenly dinged. I plastered a smile across my face and looked up as a stocky, balding, middle-aged man with a large pot belly walked in through the doors.

“Hi! Welcome to Kalbi Time!” I greeted brightly as I set down my phone. “A table for how ma—” But before I could even finish my sentence, the man turned around and walked back out.

Typical. Whenever a customer comes in and sees the place empty, they just turn right around and leave. The way they see it: if a restaurant has no customers, the food is no good.

I sighed, picked up my phone, and went back to scrolling through the job listings.

Just then, the door swung open again.

“Hi!” I greeted brightly once again as I looked back up. My voice suddenly caught in my throat as the most beautiful specimen of a man walked in through the doors.

This guy was young, maybe in his early-20s. He was tall and lean with long locks of platinum blonde hair that framed his elegant, pale face. His lips were full and plump, and his eyes were warm and brown. He had ears that were slightly too big, giving him a bit dorky but oh-so-adorable look. He also had the perfect V-shaped face that so many idols lusted after. He was, in essence, what we called a “flower boy:” a guy so beautiful, even flowers envied his beauty.

The moment he made eye contact with me, he smiled. Not the fake smile you usually give strangers, but an actual full-on smile with his eyes sparkling brightly.

“H—how can I help you?” I stammered.

“Do you have space for about 40 people?” His voice was soft and bright, just like his facial features.

“4—40??” I wasn’t sure if our restaurant could host that many guests at once. It was just my parents and I working.

The older man returned, his eyes turning to me briefly. “You have space, right?” he asked gruffly.

“Y—yes,” I stammered. “Right this way.” With that, I grabbed a handful of menus and led the way to the back of the restaurant. 

As I walked them to their tables, I glanced over my shoulder. The gorgeous guy was slipping out of his shoes while the older guy motioned for the people outside to enter.

The bell over the door dinged endlessly as the guests piled in. The sound drew my mom from the kitchen. 

She stopped short by the kitchen door, wide-eyed, and shouted, “Kyungi, what’s going on?” across the restaurant at me.

“40 people!” I shouted back before turning my attention to the blonde guy. He had followed me to the back of the restaurant. 

“Is this seat okay?” I asked him as I stopped in front of a table.

“Perfect,” he said as he flashed me another heart-stopping smile.

My breath caught in my chest. I set the menus on the table and squeaked, “I’ll be over shortly to take your orders.” Then I dashed to my mom.

“40 people?” she squealed as I reached her. “Is this really happening? Can we really handle that many people at once?”

“We’ve got to try, Mom.”

“I’ll go warn your dad then,” she said before disappearing into the kitchen again.

I stepped back and watched from the counter as more guests piled in. Suddenly, towards the end of the crowd, a familiar girl stepped in.

She was tall; slim with flawless porcelain skin; bright pink, pouty lips; and long, wavy brunette hair that cascaded perfectly over her shoulders. Her hair was styled differently, but I recognized her nonetheless. It was none other than Park Yubi!

My mouth dropped open. Is this really happening?! Park Yubi?! THE Park Yubi, the top rising star in our country, is standing right here in the flesh?! 

Finally realizing that I probably looked like a stupid, star-strucked girl, I closed my mouth and gulped.

Yubi glanced briefly in my direction and nodded in greeting with a small smile. She knew I recognized her. I mean, who wouldn’t?

“Is that everyone?” my mom asked, exiting from the kitchen once more. The moment her eyes fell upon Yubi, she screamed. 

Everyone looked in her direction. A brief silence fell over the crowd, but when they realized it was just her being star-struck, they went back to their businesses.

“Kyungi, pinch me,” my mom muttered, grabbing my arm as soon as she reached me, “I must be dreaming.”

“Mom~” I whined under my breath, hoping Yubi hadn’t heard.

Yubi smiled and bowed deeply to her. “Hello,” she greeted. “Thank you for hosting us tonight.” 

My mom poked my arm. “Ask her to take a picture with us,” she whispered.

“Mom, ask her yourself! She’s standing right there!”

Yubi chuckled. “Sure, I’ll be happy to take a picture with you two,” she said, flashing a bright smile. Her smile took my breath away. She was even more beautiful when she smiled!

My mom squealed in delight and ran to the kitchen door, yelling for my dad to come out.

“What is it?!” he shouted back.

“Park Yubi is here! She said she’ll take a picture with us!”

“What? Park Yubi?!!”

Within moments, my dad emerged from the kitchen, hair disheveled, apron askew. “Oh, my,” he mumbled upon seeing her. 

She smiled and bowed to him. “Thank you for your hospitality tonight,” she said graciously.

“Oh, no, no; thank you for gracing us with your presence!” My dad turned his attention to me. “Hurry up and take the picture. Don’t keep Yubi waiting!”

“But I want to be in it too!” I protested.

Yubi chuckled. “My assistant can take the picture,” she said and gestured to the woman by her side.

I handed my phone to the assistant before dashing beside my parents and Yubi. My parents stood on one side of her while I stood on the other side..

After we took the photo, the older man from before approached. “The director is waiting for you.”

“Okay,” Yubi said. She bowed once more to us and then excused herself.

“Hurry up and take their orders!” my dad said before rushing into the kitchen, quickly followed by my mom.

I glanced down at the picture. Yubi looked absolutely stunning while I looked like a short, stubby gnome she had picked up from a lawn to take a photo with.

I shook my head, tsk-tsking to myself. Some people are born with good genes. Too bad I got the short end of the stick.

With a sigh, I tucked my phone into the front pocket of my apron and hurried over to the tables to take their orders.

After about 30 minutes, everyone received their orders of samgyupsal (thick-cut pork belly), doenjang jjigae (fermented soybean paste stew), rice, an array of side dishes, and beer and soju. After I set out all the dishes, I went back to my post at the counter.

Just wait until Jae Hyuk sees this picture! That’s what he gets for never helping out at the restaurant!

I smirked as I uploaded the picture to Facebook with the caption ‘guess who showed up to our restaurant tonight? absolutely gorgeous!’

Soon the smell of meat grilling and the sound of glasses clinking together filled the restaurant.

I went back to searching the help-wanted ads. Suddenly I felt like someone was watching me. I looked up and surveyed the restaurant. That’s when I spotted the blonde guy watching me. He was seated at the table with Yubi and who I assumed to be the director, who was seated at the head of the table.

The moment we made eye contact, the corner of his lips tugged into a small smile, and he nodded briefly in greeting.

My phone slipped out of my hand and clattered to the floor. I heard him laugh over the noise of the other guests chatting away, which prompted the director to ask him what was so funny.

“Nothing,” I heard him respond as I bent down to pick up my phone, my face burning hot.

“Waitress!” someone called.

“Yes!” I bolted upright.

The table next to the pretty boy waved at me. “Two more bottles of soju, please!”

“Right away!”

I jumped to my feet, grabbed two bottles of soju, and headed towards them. As I approached, I felt the blonde guy’s eyes glue onto me again. He was watching so intently, as if he was checking me out. I couldn’t help but feel self-conscious. My face grew hotter as I approached. I was suddenly very aware of how I looked in my scrubby, greasy clothes and messy bun. And probably how my short, chubby self looked like compared to Yubi’s beautiful, slender form.

Is he really checking me out?

I glanced in his direction to make sure. He flashed me a pearly white smile as our eyes met once more. My knees suddenly grew weak, and my foot caught on the back leg of someone’s chair. 

Before I could even register what was happening, I had landed flat on my face. A loud BAM! followed by the sound of shattering glass split through the air as I hit the floor, smashing the two bottles of soju beside me. A round of gasps ran through the restaurant, followed by dead silence as everyone looked over in my direction.

“Oh my god, are you okay?” the man whose chair I tripped on asked.

My face burned with embarrassment as I clawed the ground. Whyyyy???? Why does this always happen to me?!! Why now?!!

He helped me to my feet. I muttered a thank you before mumbling, “I’ll clean this up,” and scurried away. Soju soaked into my clothes as I ran into the kitchen. 

My parents both looked up at me as I entered.

“What happened?” my mom shrieked as I entered.

“I tripped and fell; can you get Table 15 two more bottles of soju?”

“Yes, but are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” I muttered. I grabbed the broom and dust bin and hurried back outside. A couple of people were throwing napkins on top of the spilled soju. I thanked them and told them I got it. 

Once I cleaned it up, I hurried back to my post at the counter. I couldn’t believe I had fallen in front of Yubi and the cute guy! I’m such an idiot!

I turned my back to them, hoping that none of them could see my face turning red, and pretended to go back to scrolling through the help-wanted ads.

“Are you okay?” a soft, soothing voice fell over me.

I looked up and almost fell out of my seat. It was the cute blonde guy. I immediately bolted to my feet. “Yes, I’m fine!” I exclaimed, my ears burning hot.

“Your clothes are soaked,” he said, handing me a handkerchief.

“It’s okay; they’re just work clothes,” I said, shaking my hand in front of me to decline the handkerchief.

He smiled. “Just take it; you can give it back to me later,” he said with a wink.

My heart raced. Is he flirting with me? 

“I—I don’t even know how I can find you,” I mumbled.

His smile widened into a grin. “Jung Kook. Jun Jung Kook.” He held out his other hand. “It’s very nice to meet you.”

I looked down at his hand. Do I dare shake it? What if he could feel my hand trembling?

“I—I’m Lee Kyungi,” I said and decided to take his hand. Oh my gosh! His hand feels so soft! My heart skipped a beat. It’s so sad; my hand probably feels like sandpaper to him!

“Kyung-ee?” he repeated.

“Yeah, it’s actually Kyung Hee, but my family calls me Kyungi instead.”

“Kyungi.” He smiled again. “I like it. It’s cute.”

I blushed.

He pushed the handkerchief into my hand. “Give it back to me next time, okay?”


He reached into his wallet and handed me a business card. “Call me when you’re ready.”

Is this really happening? Is this gorgeous guy really giving me his number? 

As I accepted the business card, I read his name aloud. “Jun Jung Kook.”

He grinned. “I’ll be waiting for your call.”

I looked at him in surprise. Is he seriously hitting on me?

He suddenly cleared his throat and stood up straight. “Now can you tell me where the bathroom is? People might start getting suspicious about me talking for so long with you up here,” he said, nodding gently towards the group.

“Ah, you need this key,” I said, grabbing the bathroom key from under the counter. It was attached to a large, stuffed Pikachu toy. “Go out the front door and up the stairs to your left. The bathroom will be on the second floor. And please don’t forget to bring the key back.”

“Got it,” he said with a wink before disappearing out the door.

I looked back down at the business card in my hand. That was strange. Why would someone as handsome as him give me his business card? My eyes trailed to his handkerchief, which I clutched in my other hand. Even stranger yet: why would someone who hangs out with Park Yubi be interested in someone like me? What’s going on here?

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RParkSJ #1
Chapter 18: I love Hyungyi 😍 she’s so compassionate. She’s RM’s healer. And RM was galvanised to get out to buy pads! 😂
RParkSJ #2
Chapter 12: Why do I think that Yubi is not all sweetness and light?
RParkSJ #3
Chapter 11: Kyungi has a wonderful sense of humour! Jungkook is so cheeky. So I wonder who his secret love is?
RParkSJ #4
Chapter 3: How scary 😳 i wouldn’t want to work for a hostile, putrid smelling person in a fenced in house. RM what happened?
RParkSJ #5
Chapter 1: Ohh.. how promising. Thank you for making Kyung Hee “reachable”, and not out of this world :)
Chapter 10: I love it and I think Yubi maybe RM fiancé?